Wednesday, December 09, 2009


*soalan tambahan... i dapat no telepon Laguna Resort nie.. (09-6307888) tp call-call tak jawab plak... Laguna tutup ke?? takkan dia tutup sampai end of February?? so cemana nak buat arrangement ngn pihak resort tu kalau nak gi early March???? sbb check2... email dorang pon takde??? i ingat nak mintak quotation... HELPPPP!!! (kalau boleh i nak direct ngn resort terus..tanak agent2 nie)

*ok dah dapat jawapan!!! saper2 nak pegi Laguna leh la call:-
Kuala Lumpur Office : 03-21411188
Kuala Terengganu Office: 09-6313322

tapi memang lom ada new package for 2010, sile call early January 2010 utk buat arrangement... mmg diorang leh arrangekan dari airport ke resort terus + makan semua... coz i think amik package lagi senang, dorang akan charge perhead!! ok dada!!!!! thanks to all yang bagi info..really appreciate it.. sangat membantu!!

InsyaAllah kami (9 adults 2 kids) akan ke Laguna Resort, Redang sempena family trip 2010.... tp sebelum pegi tu.. byk ler plak info-info yang nak mintak kat u all sumer... hehehe...

ada tak sesaper pernah gi sini?? my friend Anny dah pegi bulan July makcik tu pelupa sket... so i need info... kalau naik AirAsia kami nak turun kat Airport Tengganu.. so ada shuttle bus kan? tp mana ok?? arrange sendiri ke nak mintak hotel yang arrange kan dari airport sampai ke jetty Merang tu? dah ler ada boat schedule bagai.. kang telepas plak semua tu?..

kalau tak keberatan..leh la share info kat fillanie... maybe ktorang akan pergi end February (kalau bukak ler Laguna tu).. atau early March.. is it ok utk preggy woman to go? naik boat lompat-lompat?? masa tu InsyaAllah dah 5-6 bulan it ok?? kang aku teberanak plak dlm boat... eiiii ngeriiii....

buat masa ni check kat internet tak de lagi package utk 2010... last package aritu utk bulan 10, 2009 jer... dah called jugak..dorang kata another 2 weeks baru ada kot package tuk next year...pastu dpt info kata the best hotel pon Berjaya dengan Laguna ni jer...

scenery infront the resort.... (anny ckp ikan lawa-lawa kat tepi-tepi pantai jer).. swimming poolDeluxe Garden Room (spacious)Lobby Island Bar


Well, what can I say? This place is great.We flew from Kuala Lumpur to Kuala Terrenganu with Air Asia. There was a shuttle bus that took us to the jetty for the boat trip to the island.Upon arrival, we had a welcome cocktail while our luggage was taken care of. Because everyone arrives at the same time, the check-in was very busy. However, as our baby daughter was very tired, we asked if we could skip the queue. The staff were discreet and very accommodating - another staff member was drafted in to help us immediately.The hotel's main building has a lobby bar, reception, a la carte restaurant (didn't eat there). Upstairs is the main buffet restaurant. Good food with good selection that changes every day.There is a beach front bar and a few meters away is the More More Tea shop that is a mini-supermarket and souvenir shop. Tip: buy your cans of soft drink here: there are much cheaper than the bars. There's a separate building for recreation activities. You have to get a lifejacket here for the free snorkelling trips. Tip: take the snorkelling trip in the morning to the marine park. Here you can see a kazillion fish of all shapes, colours and sizes. It's on an island and is suitable for all ages and swimming abilities. The afternoon trip is in the open sea.You can snorkel directly in front of the hotel and see some nice fish. However, if you walk left from the hotel just around the headland, there is fantastic snorkelling. I saw squid, cuttle fish, lots of colourful fish whose name I don't know, sea cucumbers, eels, and more.The rooms are very spacious and clean. We had a garden view room and it was definitely quieter than the other areas, yet just one row back from the beach.On the beach and at the swimming pool, there are sun loungers. You can hire free towels and cushions by the pool.The staff are extremely friendly and will do anything for you.If you want to relax in an amazing atmosphere, come here!

Wahhhh tak sabarnye.. tetiba rasa teruja nak gi skarang jugak!!!



Anonymous said...

Best best sgt best.. Sy dah pegi, n stay kat Laguna. Tp sy rs better u amik package lg senang.Nanti dorang arrangekan sume. transport,snorkeling,boat sume.

Tp bab yg peknan tu x bape nk sure. Risau gak kan naik boat ni.Plak tu kalo jenis mabuk laut ni.Lembik gak nanti.Kalo peknan leh snorkeling ke? Rugi r kalo x snorkeling.

*Jgn lupe bwk sunblock.Ade harapan nk garing@rentung kat sane nanti.Huhuhu

Anonymous said...

memang best kat sini...air bukan warna biru...hijau beb...masa aku pegi dulu, bot belum sampai jeti aku dah terjun laut...geram sgt tengok air laut tuh...

nak snorkling tak payah pegi taman laut pun ok...kat tepi2 tu jer boleh jumpa babyshark comel2...cik sesotong pun ada 2,3 group duk melintas tepi tu...tanya beach boy diaorg boleh tunjuk tempat tu...

klu nak budjet lg duduk jer kat redang bay resort...dia punya tokey Madam Tang very2 friendly...

klu ngan Madam Tang tak payah risau takut terlepas bot,klu terlepas dia boleh adjust naik bot lain...semua dia atur..beach boy dia pun sume handsome2 bangat...tapi kulit kena bakar la hahaha..

mimi said...

Kak Filla,

Kalau nak senang mintak hotel laguna tu arrange kan sekali dengan bot gi sana..Biasa naik di jeti Syahbandar..
I penah arrange tuk my boss..untuk boat skali ngam penginapan then byk lagi la kemudahan gi melawat2 pulau lain kat skitar tu for 5 days..RM2k++..hehehe

Siti Fatimah said...

bestnyer.... we all pon plan nak pi sana gak after i bersalin hihihi... my friend kata dok laguna best walaupon mahal cikit dr yg lain tue... transport better u ask hotel to arrange kan senang.... kita pon tak letih..i pon br balik dr langkawi skrg dah leceh nak naik flight nak kena declare yg kita di pregnant than isi form semua br boleh naik mcm2 lah...pdhal br 4months plus then i naik boat pi magrove trip nasib baik we all charted boat tue so org tue leh bwk slow dia tahu kita pregnant so tak de terasa sgt kan... kalau u nak naik boat you mesti dpt kan advise dr tukang bwk boat tue tanya dia mcm2 biasa ker dia bwk pregnant lady ker tak... this is for our confidents lah kan... i mula2 tue takut gak but hr tue but every things ok....

Chooyaya! said...

aku tak pernah sampai kat sini filla, tp kalau nak murah elok ambik package. nanti dorang akan arrange skali untuk aktiviti yg boleh buat kat sana.

ko kalo pretnen 6 bln blh naik kapalterbang, tp kalo 7 month tak boleh tau? pastu kena dapatkan surah pengesahan dr doktor tentang pregnancy ko tu or if not takot stuck kt airport.

dorang tak kasik naik pasal takot terberanak. okeh? tu penting tu. kang elok dr pergi vacation, ko nganga jerk kt airport.

Anonymous said...

kak filla...amik la package dia.Actually pulau akan start buka smula early march (ni ikut pengalaman diving kt sana la)..bout boat xpe risau,bknnya speed klu ada yg jnis mmg mabuk laut,prepare ubt mabuk.perjlanan about 45minit from jeti merang.Laguna redang menyediakan shuttle bus utk ke jetty.just inform dorg je...lain2 bisa diaturkan..Lastly bout ur pregnancy, rsnya xde mslh klu akak in god condition coz my wife bos..pregnant 7mths pn stil lps fly 2 Wales,United kingdom.

Anonymous said...

akak,ada additinal info lg...for lodging, better laguna resort.Klu akak amik berjaya, too bored at night.Lgpn klu kt laguna, children blh swimming dkt pantai...kt berjaya, sy xgalakkan.Arus agak kuat.Laguna agak terlindung (pulau redang btul2 ngadap laut china selatan..Amik la kesempatan utk snorkeling di kwsn pulau lima (very2 nice compared 2 tmn laut)..

ieza said...

hi...saya dah penah gi redang tapi tak stay kat laguna...stay kat resort lain ..ntah apa namanyer..tak ingat ..hehhehehe.tapi redang mmg best...sure tak nyesal punyer....

jgn lupa standby sweet atau asam..untuk naik boat..lebih2 u tgh pregnant ek...apapun..take care & enjoy yr trip....

happy2gether said...

Filla, best nyer ni salah satu destinasi pelancongan yg aku idamkan..ehhe aritu HM aku pi tioman kan? kwn aku pi aku nengok redang lgk best kot sbb ada turtle..eheh aku suker...emm nanti ko pi ko ley turunkan ilmu2 kat aku plak...ehhe nak pi la nanti...

Filla said...

to all: tq tq.. good infos... tak sabar dah nak gi.. kalau ada info lagi jom lah share!!!!

nliana said...

hi. i dah pergi resort ni 2 thn lepas. Syok! pantai lawa giler! hujung tahun memang tutup sebab musim tenkujung.
I naik flight air asia dr kl ke k.terengganu. terus ambil package dgn resort cover shuttle, boat, snorkelling, makan. bf, lunch and dinner memang sedap! berbaloi-baloi..
pantai sgt jernih. snorkelling tepi-tepian je. dah nampak ikan n batu karang yang warna-warni. be carefull naik boat utk snorkelling tu. melambung2... agak jauh jugak dari resort ke tempat snorkelling. tapi dalam boat yang besar.
Enjoy! tapi balik pantai kulit hitam and rambut keras.. hihi. buruk kejap!

Whoohuu! said...

Yang... Pulau tu tutup sampai awal March ler... I dah tanyo sbb nak plan next year maybe April or March tu la. Laguna, amik pakej la berbaloi.. tak gi snorkeling tpt lain pun tak per depan Laguna tu sendiri dah cantikssss... Ambik ko berdouble2 's' maknanyer best ler.. i pernah gi b4 kawin. Berbaloi k. tgk laut dari resort cam tgk calender... pastu ader aditional pencuci mata ngehehe (minah salleh lari separuh bogel terkedek2 tepi laut)Awww.. tak kelip mata haku.


kak filla, nanti check inbox akufillanie. kina sent kat sana..banyak sgt nk type kat sini ;)

cikayin said...

utk org peknen sgt bahaya naik boat p snorkeling tu...siyes melambung tak careful ok :)

Anonymous said...


sy pernah g pulau redang bt not laguna...we choose mutiara beach resort..chalet die btol2 dpn pntai about 50 meter je..bgn pgi buke tingkap leh nmpk sunrise..cntik sgt!! muiara beach resort ni antoher side dari laguna..xrmai org la n xde swingpool bagai...its like private place la...

i suggest g sne after ur birth k...

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