ye inilah pemandangan rumah baru saya... umah saya betul-betul sebelah ngn show unit tu... nampak kayu-kayan depan umah tu.. projek adalah sedang berjalan dengan giatnye..hehe.. citer mcm aku monitor jek kan? padahal tiap kali gi jenguk2 umah nie.. aku konpom tgh membuta dlm kereta... Pak Radie jer yang turun gi snap2.... mak bukak mata sket jer.. tgk.... pastu sambung tido... tak larat siotttt... rasa mcm dlm mimpi jer tgk umah tu.. sedar tak sedar jer...
yeay.. bumbung pon dah naik dah...
ni pintu depan ngn pintu sliding...
ni kawasan dapur/belakang..
alahaiii comel jek umah kan? yerlaaa.. tak mampu nak beli umah beso2.. jadik ler umah kecik molek ni pon.... 
tengah naik tiles dapur.....
tengok ler camne.. InsyaAllah umah ni siap 2010 awal tahun.. takde lah aku nak pindah awal tawun.. tp tawun dpn lah gak kot kalo dah siap... heheh.... syukur Alhamdulilah dah ada umah sendiri walaupon kecik dan comel!!!!!....
aku suka umah ko tu..mesti umah ni dah terjual ni..ada kosong lg tak..aku minat la...hehehe
xlame ag kaseh dok umah bawu la ea?
hai salam kenalan..jom lpk n follow blog sy,hehehe!!
nmpk comey je umah tu..untung sis mude² lg da de umah sndiri..
kasih dapat adik baru.. rumah baru.. ;)
So, yg second lot tu umah ko la hek. takpe takpe. aku lalu situ hari2. aku buleh tulong pantaukan. hak hak... sesambil pantau projek tu, singgah la kat umah aku. dokek yo... sect. 7 Lestari Putra, k! dah siap je umah tu nanti aku make sure aku org pertama yg serbu umah tu! hahaha tak malu toi... - Ira MOT
ko buat acara makan2 nanti..pastikan plan 3 bulan awal yer. semoga aku dapat menghadirkan diriiiii. auuuww...bab makannn jer taknak lepas walaupon kena harungi tol & duit minyak pegi balik!!!
slow2la..manatau 5 thn akan dtg ko dpt rumah bungalow plak...
mimy hamid: skang ada baru launch lagik.. sama, tp size umah lagi beso and of course harga lagi beso...hehe.. sile2 persiapan lps kawen ;)
chentamaya: auww InsyaAllah..
hazlina: salam.. :) free saya pegi ye..
alya: tq.. hehe
nursakinah: auww..bestnye baruu..
ira MOT: haha..waaa nak upah ko jadik spy tgk progress leh? hahah.. waa..lom pindah aku dah dpt jiran!!
jujue: ko tak datang, haku semelih leher ko!!!
mannira: yer mudah-mudahan masin mulut ko mannira... kot2 aku menang peraduan gores dan menang tu.. hahaha...
cantik...okla tu..alhamdulillah... kecik besar rumah... tu belakang kira...
hi... nanti berjiran la kite yer... I pun beli umah kat situ... memang comel jer umah kiter tu kan..
mesti tak sabar nak masuk rumah i dulu :D
akum, im u silent reader, ape nma developernyer.ade web x kak
tak kisah la kecik ke basor, nak beli still guna duit, tol tak?
Cantiknya, especially design luar rumah tu!
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Fila, sy pun beli umah kat situ. Lot 26...jauh sket kat belakang. Dah siap cat dah. Yang fila beli ni kawasan mix ek? Sebab rasenye kawasan lot sy tu sume melayu.
Walaupun kecik tapi sangatttt suke umah ni. Cantik sgt! Tak sabar nak tunggu siap.
xpe comel pn..umah sendiri kn...x sabo2 nk tunggu deco-deco umah ni..harus ler meletop..umah skrang pn i suke gak deco tu..auwwww
to all: tq.. tak sabo nak pindah..
chloe: a'ah mix.. yg sumer melayu tu dah abis..
anon: developer dia paragon mastery rasanye lah..
doa kan aku pulak weh!!!
tu sopping kompleks kat depan tu naik naik tuh...eeii nak jem dah kawasan sk tu.
pagi2 sakit jiwe la jgk. seb bek aku masok keje kol 11 ha ha
Just 4 ya guys info: PARAGON 129 baru bukak utk jualan, saiz besar sket: 20' x 70' (PARAGON 202: 18' x 65') - Ira MOT
Suka tgk umah filla.... nmpk modern. kt area mana ni ek? anyway, take care.
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1. Stay away from all fried nutrients for the week
2. Drink In an 8oz glass of Citrus paradisi with breakfast every day. (this speeds up your metabolism)
3. Eat Up average portions (stop taking when you are full)
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5. Aviod your habbit of eating after 9 P.M.. Calories do not burn, when you eat so late.
6. Proper sleep is necessary everyday.. Not getting enough sleep causes been proven to be a leading element to the body storing excess fat.
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Guide: how to convert and burn MPEG file to VOB with this MPEG to VOB converter
You may ever be annoyed by these questions: How to convert MPEG file to DVD? How to burn MPEG file to DVD? And how to convert MPEG to DVD format? ImTOO newly released this fast and easy to use MPEG to VOB converter ImTOO MPEG to DVD Converter(, ) to help you easily finish all the tasks quickly. Get the free download trial of this professional MPEG to VOB converter to burn MPEG to DVD and experience a different multimedia life it presents to you. And folloew me step by step to uncover the mysterious mask of converting MPEG file to DVD format.
I. Introduction of this MPEG to DVD burner:
Best MPEG to VOB converter for converting MPEG file to DVD helps burn MPEG to DVD, convert MPEG to DVD format, showing how to burn MPEG file to DVD.
Compare with other MPEG to VOB converters, ImTOO MPEG to DVD Converter(, ) has the additional features as follows: This MPEG to VOB converter can convert MPEG file (MPEG1, MPEG2 and MP4) to DVD and burn it to DVD disc (playable on home DVD player); This MPEG to VOB converter allows you to specify NTSC or PAL, adjust 4:3 or 16:9 video aspect and burn DVD disc, DVD folder or ISO files; It is so easy to use that only a few clicks are enough; It offers super fast speed to convert MPEG file to DVD beyond your imagination - It supports multithreading and batch conversion, thus provides >200% converting speed to users; It supports adjustable multiple Bit Rate and Frame Rate, you can get best quality video with TV screen; It supports device types include DVD-R, DVD+R, DVD-RW and DVD+RW; It provides so many brilliant DVD menus for DVD authoring; High-quality and fastest converting engine inside; Encoders and decoders are built-in.
II. How to convert MPEG to DVD:
Step 1: Click the Add Button or Open File menu to load the MPEG file
and you will find that your MPEG file with some information will display on the interface
Step 2: Choose the Resize option according to your persoanl preference
Generally speaking, if you want to use this DVD to watch movies, I recommand you to choose Pan&Scan to get the best visual effect. But this may take more time to convert this MPEG file. Anyway, I'd like to do that.
Step 3: Set more options in the Setting menu, just click the Setting menu on the top menu
You can just leave the Menu Setting as the default. But in Video Setting , you should be careful, PAL format is used in Western European countries and NTCS is in US, Asian countries and American Continent. Another imprtant option is the Video Aspect. 4:3 is used in Normal TV and 16:9 is in HDTV, therefore, be careful to set this options. Meanwhile you can change your Output Directory if you don't like the default one.
Step 4: Choose a DVD Menu for your DVD production:
Final Step: Just click the Red Button in the bottom and wait......
What a powerful and attractive MPEG to DVD burner and MPEG to VOB converter! This software is capable of burning MPEG to DVD and converting MPEG to VOB, and finishing all your tasks with the fastest speed possible and the best quality available. No one will ask how to burn MPEG file to DVD anymore once they try this MPEG to VOB converter. We highly recommend this program because we think it will make your multimedia life a lot easier and more enjoyable. Just free download and enjoy it right now!
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