i was so excited yesterday.. i found a good nursery for kasih at parcel E..located near alamanda..heheh.. tp rasanya nursery tu is under kementerian air dan tenaga komunikasi kot?.. mcm ni citer dia sebenarnya... 2 weeks ago, me dah call nursery yg nak hantar kasih.. (kat dlm parcel D gak).. org nursery tu kata ok, pengasuh baru dah masuk, so x de prob langsunglah.. so confirm lah nak masukkan kasih.. pastu my office mate Jeeja dpt kuarters, so dia pon nak try tanya kalo ada lagi kosong kat tempat yg filla nak anto kasih tu.. i asked her to call nursery tu.. sekali org yg promised nak amik kasih tu kata nursery tu penuh.. it's ok lah kalo penuh, jeeja is just asking.. if the answer is no, no lah... sekali dia blh kata filla pun x dpt.. aku nyer hangin satu badan!!!! dah lah nak move putrajaya in 1 week time.. siooott jer.. i grabbed the phone from my friend jeeja, and asked her why i didnt get, dia pon kata penuh, dia kata sorry sgt.. heran kan?????.. aku cool down, kata x pelah... sbb in my office nie, ada sorang ni kecoh giler.. dia anto anak dia kat nursery.. dah 2 anak dia.. yg last tu baya2 kasih.. dia ada prob ngan sumer org.. masalah mental/menipu/gossip/mcm bagus.. semua dialah yg terror.. pastu baru2 nie dia ada prob ngan jeeja tu.. aku pon tekena lah tempiasnyer sama.... dia plak baik giler ngan org nursery tu.. so biler dipikir2 balik mcm x sedap ati nak anto kasih kat nursery tu.. yelah hati org kita tak tau.. ini bukan main2.. kita nak anto anak tuuu.. buatnyer dia citer apa2 yg tak tentu pasal kat pengasuh2 tu, habis anak aku!!!! budak ni plak kalo org tak tau prangai dia, sumer org leh pecaya apa dia ckp.. tp org2 kat opis dah msk ngan prangai pompuan niee... di pendekkan citer... lps dah nursery tu kata x dpt, smlm filla gi survey nursery kat parcel E.. went there with my friend jeeja.
mmg puas hati giler tgk nursery dia.. very professional.. sistematic..compared with nursery yg filla x dpt tu.. tuhan tu kaya, stiap sesuatu tu mesti ada sebab... Alhamdulilah.. i want the best for kasih, and i dont mind to pay more.. rm200 every month kat nursery ni, registration fee rm30, takaful insurance rm10 a year.. so mula2 kene byr rm240.. pastu monthly rm200.. ok what???.. boss dia nama kak shima.. duduk subang jaya.. her english is very good.. tu yg suka tu, at least dia can communicate in english with anak2 kiter.. hihiiii.. pastu dia ni knowledgable jugak.. educated.. dia citer dia dulu work with americans.. so she knows very well how the people treat their children.. dia nak latih anak supaya be independent mcm anak omputih.. jgn lembik, sikit2 nangis.. hehehe.. pasatu dia siap told us, diorang akan prepare porridge.. kalo fish, only tenggiri!! wahhh bulat ler kasih mkn ikan mahal..hihi.. dia tak nak ikan lain, tkt budak allergy..pastu selang seli, potato, chicken, vege.. dia suka lebih kan protein kata dia.. i didnt expect that much actually, tp biler dah dia sendiri yg ckp mcm tu.. kita apa lagi.. suker gile lahh.. pastu dia kata dia ni outspoken,, so apa2 direct je.. very professional kan?? dia siap tuliskan what to bring.. bottle, how many pampers a day, mcm2lah dia citer.. filla pon ckp ler kasih tu petpet sensitif.. dia kata ok, she'll take note.. wahhh sukernya kiterrrr.. tp x tau ler.. jgn suka2 sgt, takut biler kita dah expect more, nanti x jadi gitu, jadi lain plak... tp dia mmg suka budak,, bila borak2 ngan filla n jeeja, dia asyik tunjuk and panggil2 budak2 baya kasih tu.. dia siap bagi nick names kat budak2 tu.. ada yg nama 'sumo',, hehe,, ada yg nama 'abg cik'.. cute kan??.. i'm very2 satisfied..Alhamdulilah ada hikmah nyer x dpt kat sini.. monday ni nak hantar kasih.. to Ila, kalo nak cari nursery, kita kene survey2 byk2 sikit.. pilih yg the best.. bkn takat dia jaga jer, tp tempat yg our baby can learn.. filla pon x tau nie.. sbb ckp jer, lom anto lagi.. x pe.. will update aper citer kat nursery tu nanti..hehehehe...
Thursday, June 29, 2006
Tuesday, June 27, 2006
my new mini skirt!!!
last weekend, went out with radie and kasih.. bought new jeans and skirt at mothercare subang parade.. the skirt and the jeans are too large for kasih, but u know me... heheh..takper...boley jer...hehe..lama sikit blh pakai,, jgn membazir!!!.. she's growing up so fast.. she learns so many things this week.. amazing..good job girl...u go girl!!! KASIH!! KASIH!!KASIH!!.. eh eh?!.. mcm lumba lari plak?..
23 june - kasih jatuh from her stroller kat umah.. padan muker...lasak sgt.. begolek mcm nangka busuk..aper lagi uwaaaaaaaaaaaaa.. heheh.. good as a lesson for her.. tak sampai 1/2
jam dia terantuk kat coffee table plak..uwaaaaaa.. nangis lagiiii.. (not to forget, thank you to aunty natra for being my baby sitter from morning till noon.. hihi.. )
24 june - kasih leh turun naik tilam tebal tu... tilam vono gitu...heheh.. what is so kelakar is, bila dia nak turun dari tilam, dia jenguk dulu,, pastu dia pikir bahaya turun kepala
dulu, pastu dia pusing.. dia reverse,, dia turun kaki dulu!!! huahahh.. mama ngan papa
gelak gila2.. nak panjat pon pandai dah.. lekkk jer dia panjat..she can stand up on her
own now.. tp temengah2 gitu.. gi kat riba, pastu apa yg ada semua dia tarik, janji dia
leh stand up..
25 june - kasih can wave... sebut jer 'byeeeee' dia mesti bye... tp the way she 'bye bye' tu.. lain
mcm sikit.. mcm suruh org blah jerrr... 'blah blah blah'... kuakakakka..
26 june - kasih tak yak yak dari smlm.. dah 2 hari.. me dah risau.. bagi dia minum sunkist, pastu ptg sikit bagi gripe water..kul 8.30 mlm the whole family gi pizza ngan wan, atuk and
busu..pastu muka kasih merah.. pastu nangis sekuat ati,, dia meneran.. alaaa ciannya..
meleleh2 air mata dia.. me and wan bawak gi toilet tgk dah kua!!!! patut ler nangis..
mcm tu ghoper nyer..heheh...Alhamdulilah.. lega dah perot dia..

23 june - kasih jatuh from her stroller kat umah.. padan muker...lasak sgt.. begolek mcm nangka busuk..aper lagi uwaaaaaaaaaaaaa.. heheh.. good as a lesson for her.. tak sampai 1/2
jam dia terantuk kat coffee table plak..uwaaaaaa.. nangis lagiiii.. (not to forget, thank you to aunty natra for being my baby sitter from morning till noon.. hihi.. )
24 june - kasih leh turun naik tilam tebal tu... tilam vono gitu...heheh.. what is so kelakar is, bila dia nak turun dari tilam, dia jenguk dulu,, pastu dia pikir bahaya turun kepala
dulu, pastu dia pusing.. dia reverse,, dia turun kaki dulu!!! huahahh.. mama ngan papa
gelak gila2.. nak panjat pon pandai dah.. lekkk jer dia panjat..she can stand up on her
own now.. tp temengah2 gitu.. gi kat riba, pastu apa yg ada semua dia tarik, janji dia
leh stand up..
25 june - kasih can wave... sebut jer 'byeeeee' dia mesti bye... tp the way she 'bye bye' tu.. lain
mcm sikit.. mcm suruh org blah jerrr... 'blah blah blah'... kuakakakka..
26 june - kasih tak yak yak dari smlm.. dah 2 hari.. me dah risau.. bagi dia minum sunkist, pastu ptg sikit bagi gripe water..kul 8.30 mlm the whole family gi pizza ngan wan, atuk and
busu..pastu muka kasih merah.. pastu nangis sekuat ati,, dia meneran.. alaaa ciannya..
meleleh2 air mata dia.. me and wan bawak gi toilet tgk dah kua!!!! patut ler nangis..
mcm tu ghoper nyer..heheh...Alhamdulilah.. lega dah perot dia..

-pose2 sexy kasih-
My Baby
same as ila and moon..i want him to take good care of my kasih.. kalo dah jodoh hubby ngan org lain wattodo.. redha jerlah..but I do believed kasih sayang mama baru nanti takkan sama..anak kita ngan anak dia.. uwaaa..siannyer anak kiter…same with moon, akan ku jadi PHSM… hehehe..hopefully radie’ll alwiz remind kasih how much I love her..
My Car
I’ll give my cute car to radie..(I know he’ll sell the car!!)..hahah..but it depends on him and I give him a power to do whatever he wants..
My House
Rumah he has to give it to our daughter kasih aleeya (if I only have one children lah) kalo ada anak ramai, hubby can sell the house and put the money in each of our children’s saving account… but he has to make sure the children use the money for good..
For the furniture hubby can take it as his asset.. hehhe lagipun mmg byk pakai duit hubby pon!!.. huahahah..
My Insurance / Saving
I don’t have insurance..kelakarnyerrr..but I’m thinking to get it.. my ASB account I’ll give it all to my children.. sorry pa….i don’t want u to use my money for your new wife and your children with her…cant even think bout that!!!.. and I want my children to use the money for their education.. (mcm byk jer?!..heheh)..
I don’t collect jewellerylah.. now I realised I don’t have much jewellery coz I don’t like wearing them.. I only wear my engagement ring, and a necklace given by hubby on our wedding day.. my jewellery should be kept till hubby feel I’ts the time to give my children.. if kasih is the only children I had, then give it to kasih..wear it or keep it as a rememberance…
Baju nikah/Rings
I don’t have any coz I rent them… only baju tunang…so tak yah ler simpan.. wat semak jerrrr…nak selit sikit nieee.. the platinum ring that I gave u on our wedding.. please wear it all the time.. leh ker?? Even if you remarry.. coz our rings are very special to me.. ada hubby’s name on my ring and ada my name on his ring.. Baju +etcbaju2 n all my stuff suka ati ler aper nak dibuat… kang buruk lak baju tu, so sedekah jerlah,, kalo kasih nak amik ler, kalo tak donate jer kat org2 susah..
To hubby, pls don’t place my photo in the store ok?!!!.. mana lah tau kot2 takut wife baru jealous… tu mmg nak kene lah tu... simpanlah elok2 utk kenang2an… and utk anak kita gak.. cewaaahhh.. dah pandai nak jiwang2 lak…huhuuu...
Im Tagging
Sheila, ayue, mama mia, saper2 lah.. org lain dah moon tag dulu dah!!!
same as ila and moon..i want him to take good care of my kasih.. kalo dah jodoh hubby ngan org lain wattodo.. redha jerlah..but I do believed kasih sayang mama baru nanti takkan sama..anak kita ngan anak dia.. uwaaa..siannyer anak kiter…same with moon, akan ku jadi PHSM… hehehe..hopefully radie’ll alwiz remind kasih how much I love her..
My Car
I’ll give my cute car to radie..(I know he’ll sell the car!!)..hahah..but it depends on him and I give him a power to do whatever he wants..
My House
Rumah he has to give it to our daughter kasih aleeya (if I only have one children lah) kalo ada anak ramai, hubby can sell the house and put the money in each of our children’s saving account… but he has to make sure the children use the money for good..
For the furniture hubby can take it as his asset.. hehhe lagipun mmg byk pakai duit hubby pon!!.. huahahah..
My Insurance / Saving
I don’t have insurance..kelakarnyerrr..but I’m thinking to get it.. my ASB account I’ll give it all to my children.. sorry pa….i don’t want u to use my money for your new wife and your children with her…cant even think bout that!!!.. and I want my children to use the money for their education.. (mcm byk jer?!..heheh)..
I don’t collect jewellerylah.. now I realised I don’t have much jewellery coz I don’t like wearing them.. I only wear my engagement ring, and a necklace given by hubby on our wedding day.. my jewellery should be kept till hubby feel I’ts the time to give my children.. if kasih is the only children I had, then give it to kasih..wear it or keep it as a rememberance…
Baju nikah/Rings
I don’t have any coz I rent them… only baju tunang…so tak yah ler simpan.. wat semak jerrrr…nak selit sikit nieee.. the platinum ring that I gave u on our wedding.. please wear it all the time.. leh ker?? Even if you remarry.. coz our rings are very special to me.. ada hubby’s name on my ring and ada my name on his ring.. Baju +etcbaju2 n all my stuff suka ati ler aper nak dibuat… kang buruk lak baju tu, so sedekah jerlah,, kalo kasih nak amik ler, kalo tak donate jer kat org2 susah..
To hubby, pls don’t place my photo in the store ok?!!!.. mana lah tau kot2 takut wife baru jealous… tu mmg nak kene lah tu... simpanlah elok2 utk kenang2an… and utk anak kita gak.. cewaaahhh.. dah pandai nak jiwang2 lak…huhuuu...
Im Tagging
Sheila, ayue, mama mia, saper2 lah.. org lain dah moon tag dulu dah!!!
Tuesday, June 20, 2006
will move to putrajaya July...
tak tau aper nak citer..tp nak citer psl nak pindah betul2 maybe july nie kot.. InsyaAllah kalo tak der apa2 masalah.. sbb dah booking nursery utk kasih.. huhuuu..cedihnyerrr... and one more thing, try to live with my own family...try to be more independant..try to decide on our own.. kasih plak tgh demam, selsema and batuk..sian dier..last nite she couldnt sleep..idung tesumbat kot.. nangis jer... what scared me is kasih will easily get nappy rash... :(... fungal kot?? she'll keep crying when i change her diapers.. sian nye.. merah menyala2.. kita yg org tua ni pon blh jerit kalo melecet kene air..inikan plak dia... i'm so worry to send her to the nursery..i dont think they'll change the diapers as regular as i do.. ramai tu anak2 org lain... adusssss.. fening lagi mama nieeee....
haaa.. time nk mkn ubat jer dia lariiii...hehee..cian kasih..
me attending a wedding in shah alam
Tuesday, June 13, 2006
so many things to share..what a buzy weekend we had... :)..or :( .. i dont know..hehe.. saturday we went to putrajaya from ampang.. borrowed stairs from my friend.. paid Wan, jeeja's hubby to do all the wiring which i've no idea how to do it.. plus my hubby is not in that line actually!! heheh.. change the fan already...hehe.. finally we made it.. but the ceiling fans are gifts from hubby's friend as 'upah' for finishing his '3D animation' works.. we dont like the design and the colour (oopss sorry.. dont read my blog pls!!)..hehe..neway.. tq.. org dah bagi, byk lak cekadak.. so citernyer gini... dah siap pasang2, tukar2 apa yg patut,... while jeeja's hubby hang the dining lamp..jeng..jeng..jeng.. tetiba the dining lamp jatuh n hancur berkecai... huhukk.. am so damn tegezuttt..but buat2 cool..tp we comfort him.. cian tgk muka dia yg pucat n bersalah tu.. i said it's not our rezeki .. nak wat camno.. but so sayanglahhh.. love that lamp very very very much!!!.. if we bought it at ikea, it would b no prob at all.. we can just find another one.. tp ini beli kat kedai lampu yg bodo2 jer.. takut that is d only stock yg depa ada.. tp kutabahkan hati,, yesterday, after work, ajak my mom and angkut kasih, gi ler kat shop tu.. what a surprise!!! yesss.. ada!!!.. aper lagi, trs ambik.. i asked that uncle to pack for me, yg display pon display lah.. coz last stock.. hehehe... nanti bebila leh pasang.. yahoooooo... to Wan, pls dont feel guilty coz it's really your fault!!!!! hahahaha..x delah..
ok..pastu sunday morning.. mandikan kasih.. susu,, tido... then siap2 to attend a wedding at shah alam.. didnt watch AF.. boring dah AF nie.. pastu lepak2 ptg gi visit monkeys at sec 9.. hehe.. bestnyer manja jer monkey nie.... hehehe.. at 7 pm went to papa's office to print the drawing.. dlm kete kasih pengsan!!!.. berdengkur gitu....
ok..pastu sunday morning.. mandikan kasih.. susu,, tido... then siap2 to attend a wedding at shah alam.. didnt watch AF.. boring dah AF nie.. pastu lepak2 ptg gi visit monkeys at sec 9.. hehe.. bestnyer manja jer monkey nie.... hehehe.. at 7 pm went to papa's office to print the drawing.. dlm kete kasih pengsan!!!.. berdengkur gitu....
kasih main buai kat umah wan ampang..
yeayyyy goleo
Wednesday, June 07, 2006
my embammmm..
this is my kasih latest pic.. mcm dipam2 plak skrg nie... bukan senang nak dpt gambo yg nampak gigi dia 4 batang... so dgn bangganyer... mempersembahkan... kasih aleeya ngan 4 batang giginyerrr... hihikkk.. dah tak der bau baby dah.. dah masham dah budak ni...
alamak... kasih kene belit ker??? ada orang nak masuk minang ker??
dah 2 orang kata kasih handsome.. aper nie????!!! 'im a girl ok??!'
Monday, June 05, 2006
kasih in nursery..
uwaaa... this morning i sent kasih to the nursery near my office.. miss her miss her.. i dont know if they can take care of my kasih like i do.. kasih cing camne? kasih yak2 nanti dorang tukar diapers lambat ke cepat??kasih lapar? kasih nak susu? dorang tau ke bile nak bagi?? ..aiyooo!!! should i think this way or opposite?? alamak.. i cant do my work, just think of kasih, kasih n kasih..td kat nursery pon when i left her and shut the door, dia dah start crying...makkk.. rasa mcm nak nangis jugak.. yes i look strong but i'm not!!! rasa mcm nak amik dia balik.. nak amik cuti nak dok umah nak jaga kasih... but i've no choice.. kasih x leh tido kalo bising2.. tadi ada budak nangis2.. alaaaaa... cemana nie??? help me help mee....
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