kat tempat main2

in her room
kat green wall tu tempat depa tgk tv.. ha... kat carpet merah ni tempat kasih and friends main..byk tu mainan dlm bakul..that's why everytime mama dtg nak amik kasih, dia buat dont know kat mama diaaaa..huhuuuu..so, to whoever yg plan nak send their babies u better do alot of surveys... choose the best nursery.. mmg x de nursery yg boley jaga anak kita as good as kita jaga.. but at least!!.. i found out that this nursery mmg bersih jerkkk selalu.. very creative.. and pengasuh dia kemas n lawa jer... hehehe.. walo pun anakku selalu selsema, demam n mcm2 lagilah.. nak wat camno.. dah bercampur camtu ler jadiknyer... tp bersyukur jugak.. think it positively lah.. biar dia be an independent girl... muachhh kasih...