memula ingatkan nak belaja papa ngan kasih kat Pizza hut... tp crowded giler... and have to wait for 1/2 an hour... so we changed our mind.. so gi lah mkn kat Mc D jerrrkk.. jimat duit mama..huhuuuu.. look at my healthy sweety kasih... heheh.. kasih mmg suka gi jln2 kat alamanda.. tp last few weeks kasih asyik demam.. so kasih x leh kua umah!!!.. heheheh.. sowiii yer?
semalam gi shopping ngan my office mates pastu jumpa ayue at subang parade... went shopping.. i dont mind buying clothes for my kasih..especially this carnival sale..i'm going crazyyy..hahah..x per receipt simpan..nanti leh claim ngan papa dia..huhuuukkk..sardis we must shopping smartly.. tul tak yue?? hehe.. i grabbed the 40% less items instead of yang 30% discount...i bought 1 long sleeve shirt from guess, 5 cute t-shirts from mothercare, 5 pairs socks at mothercare, 1 cute pink dress (w.o.cartoons), 2 shirts and 2 pants at (woc)... for only rm200.... ok tak??? am i a smart shopper???? well i guess yeahhh...
semalam gi shopping ngan my office mates pastu jumpa ayue at subang parade... went shopping.. i dont mind buying clothes for my kasih..especially this carnival sale..i'm going crazyyy..hahah..x per receipt simpan..nanti leh claim ngan papa dia..huhuuukkk..sardis we must shopping smartly.. tul tak yue?? hehe.. i grabbed the 40% less items instead of yang 30% discount...i bought 1 long sleeve shirt from guess, 5 cute t-shirts from mothercare, 5 pairs socks at mothercare, 1 cute pink dress (w.o.cartoons), 2 shirts and 2 pants at (woc)... for only rm200.... ok tak??? am i a smart shopper???? well i guess yeahhh...

ala ala sopan nyerrr
who's kasih aleeya??? "MEEEEEE"
nak aper nie?...
gamba kasih yg 1st tu ala-ala kene interview jek aku tgk..tangan plak mcm tgh nyanyi nasyid..hehehe
wahh...bestnya bershooping.Filla..g laa megasale mother care kat ampang tak ingat. N sopan sakan smlm......
wow...u're a good spender allrite filla..ehhee...pandai budget...beli brg kat guess?mothercare...eeee bestnyer masa ayu bwk dulu mai tgk mahal betul, jeans rm80...tapi kalo sale mmg worth it ek?zaimi mmg suruh tunggu sale, ni kena pi tgk ni, momscare ngan mother care beza kedai kan filla? setau aku yg kat alamanda nyer mothercare x bukak lagik, momscare dah ada aaa...tak kisah aaa yg penting murah...yup i'm going crazy too...simpan stok rayer... mai dah juper org nak terima tempahan baju kurung aku carikkan ....hehehe bestnyer...
Wah memang terrer la Filla ....kalau beli time sale memang best . Kalau tak sale RM 200 dpt berapa helai sgt la...memang pembeli yg bagus la nih . Kalau ada info sale kat mana mana jgn lupa inform kat kita org hehehhehe
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