radie has promised to bring me and kasih for holiday....and he made it!! yeayyy... keje hubby pon dah kurang sikit, so we think this is the right time for us to rest without preassure..hehe... yerlah radie slalu blk midnight..kadang tak blk.. bestnyerrrrr...bab2 surveying ni just give it to me... i know what to do, where to find.. huahahah..
setelah mentelaah hotel2 and resort2 yg ada, we decided to go to Port Dickson.. the nearest.. sbb our main point is to rest, so tak nak lerrr spend time berejam2 driving..lagi letih kang... so, setelah view sana sini through internet, i decided to choose corus paradise resort port dickson.. mcm best jerrrk?! dlm gambo lerrr.. teruja lah niee.. hehe.. dlm internet kata rm160nett.. so filla pon gatal2 call, asking bout the rate.. dia kata actually rm158nett pernight for weekdays only.. pastu filla kata, if i'm a gov servant?? she said, if you bring your ID card, we'll give you rm110nett pernight (weekdays)... wahhhhhh.. i'm so damn excited bout it!!.. murah tuu!! kat internet kalo weekends rm250nett pernight... pastu receptionist tu kata i can get rm150nett for weekend!!! aper lagi, call ler my hubby radie, dia kata... apa lagi.. kita booking 2 nite.. hahahhh.. we planned to stay just 1 nite sebeno nyer.. yerlah mls nk membazir.. byk lagi benda yg boleh buat dgn duit tu.. tp dah rezeki, grab jer lah... masa tu gak rasa bersyukur sgt that i'm a gov. servant.. dulu x suker,,, now suker plak!!..heheheh...
so to friends yg will attend the gathering on 9th, sms me ok?? mai ler tu... inform me ok.. InsyaAllah will attend Aisy's kenduri gak kat Shah Alam on the Saturday tu.. but the prob now is Mimie.. dah bersalin ker masa tu yerk?? hari tu mai bersalin filla attend a course at langkawi, now mimie, filla kat PD lak... iskkkkkkk..heheheh.. x pe.. nanti leh adjust..
nak pegi PD jugak la..ada voucher
hotel tak pakai lagi nihhhh
wah bestnyer pegi cuti2 malaysia..!
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