went shopping with radie and kasih yesterday.. took leave and went to klcc..actually we planned to buy something for mama, my FIL and my SIL.. (belated birthday presents)..but we end up buying kasih's jacket...huhuuu..again!!!..but radie yg beria2 sgt.. heheh.. i like it too!!! and this is the last stock (for 12Y lahh) yg lain beso sikit... come have a look and what will u rate??

kasih with her new guess jacket...mcm back to 60's plak..
do u thinks it's weird to see baby girl wearing this??
i dont care, coz my mom wears it too!!! hihihiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii...
wah..mentang2 dah dpt gaji..hehhee..well u want my opinion right for me the jacket itself is nice n look expensive but as a mother of two it kindna membazir..coz anak kita nih cpt membesar unless you're planning for a second one..hehe
Filla..wah habis mama&papa dier mengayakan Kasih.Tapi kasih pakai apa pun comei. Habis aa memborong ekk....Oklaa selamat bershopping sempena sale nie....hihhihihi
what do i think?eheheh emm mmg comel sgt kasih cam ala2 bos, tapi nak pi maner ek jacket camni ek...emmm time sejuk2 ok kots?ehehhe...anyway cam 'executip' la kacih tu....mmuahs....
alamak comelnyer kak kasih......aisy nak camtu gak...macammaner ni abislah aisy...mama aisy dah takder duit nak shopping...!!!
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