cant wait to go to cherating this friday.. it's been along time we havent go for holiday. so this is the right time to spend time with family.. and of course with kasih with us now, it will bring so so much happiness to us.. wanna take her for a walk at the beach(mcm dah blh jln pon!).. nak main kat swimming pool(pa should we bring the rubber duck?)..bag dah penuhlah.. byk giler brng..barang si kenit jer dah penuh!! there'll be bout 20 families kot.. x kisah ler.. it's called 'BBG Reunion'.. budak2 gerai sec.2 Shah Alam ler nie.. x kisahler, what's more important is i can rest&relax with kasih n ma beloved hubby.. :)... and we're so lucky because there are only 2 families who are entitled to stay in the connecting room.. kak tini and us got the room!! hahah we got it.. padan muker dorang, sumer jelesss.. kak tini is the one who is incharge on booking rooms and using her corporate rates in maxis.. so all d kids in one room and parents leh lepakinggg kat another room..i'll be on leave tomorrow (friday) and monday.. ll be back tuesday.. and ll upload many many more pics.. can ask them to snap our photos this time... leh amik gambo 3 org!! if not, mama+kasih, papa+kasih, kasih alone!! bosannn.. ok guyss.. tata... happy holiday!!! yahoooooo....
wah bestnya kasih nak gi jln2... dah beli swimming suit lum?? swimming suit utk kasih le baru comel, mama tak yah le... enjoy your holiday!! bestnya gi jln2..waaaaaa dah lama tak jln2..
a ah la filla, best kan dpt pi holiday? nanti kita pi thn akan dtg bwk anak2 masing2 kita panggil geng2 budak sri mahligai yg lama2 buat reunion kita2 plaks...musti best ngan kasih, syasya, aisy, dhia....twins chidot n jay...termasukla senior nina n damia'...eheheh...
hehe,, memang excited giler nak gi nie.. rendam kasih dlm swimming pool pakai pampers jer leh tak?!! hehe..x de budget dh nk bli swimming suit dia..mai, reunion best yek? mkn2,, bbq.. kejo2 anak..hehe..well, can think bout that.. wat ler paperwork dulu..heheh..
ko tau jekla, bab2 pi vacation n paperwork org yg paling berkelayakan ialah Mimi & Ayu, semangat ooo kalo dorang yg organize...ehhe...nanti dorang dah besalin kita bincang2...:)
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