Malas ya ampun tul nak buat entry final x-rel nie..but if not to share with all pon.. i think it's a must for me to keep it as a sweet like choc memories..huahaha.. sweet ker?..auwww.. leh tahan lah sweetnyer.. kalah choc..
so here i am writing my experience so that at least acih can read this and know how glabah mama dier to win this game.. cayang acih (iklan plak kejap)

(gambar baru lepas main paintball)
1st task @ jungle war paintball
how to start ah? coz dah basi dah citer nie.. malam before final usual i asked anny to sleep at my biar aura tu tebal sikit..hehehe..poyos gilos.. the next day.. after not-so-good sleep that nite.. we took ERL and went to KL Central.. but this time the race didnt start at KL Central.. we've been asked to gather at LRT alamak mana ah? kat2 wangsa maju sana tu.. so we reached there on time.. and the other 2 teams are there already waiting for 'redah a.k.a. powerpuff girls' wakakakak...
after waiting for the organizer to take us to a 'secret place'..the organizer came.. aku mcm nak temuntah..tatau naper biler panik/takut/nervous..mmg automatically mcm nak muntah..prot pon grrrrrr..bunyik mcm2..huahah.. pastu we were taken to this place.. look like kampung sikit.. ingat nak pi mana... rupanyer main paintball di dalam jungle.. amik ko!! pdn muker aku.. 'JUNGLE WAR' nama dier..gerun jek kan bunyi nyer... lagi ler sakit perot aku.. sikit lagi nak muntah!! .. just imagine me wearing all the safety jacket, full face helmet, ngn gun..huahah..mcm pejuang islam gitew..huahah.. ngn berselut..lumpur bagai.. ku redah jua.. us have to fight with the organizer.. and they shoot us from the top of the tree.. menggigil2 aku.. and i didn't move from my place..that was not as what i've planned with my team-mate anny.. amik ko..kene jerit ler aku.. anny dok jerit...'FILLAAAA... FILLAAA...NAIKKK..NAIKK..'..hehe..aku?? i stayed at my place.. and only shoot from there..huahaha..mak takottt.. so dipendekkan citer.. anny was the bravest girl on earth betoi arr.. she jumped like a stuntwoman sambil ditembak berdas2 kat kepala... jumped to take the small flag.. and our team was the 2nd team after a few second the other team took it.. malu aku sbb tak contribute to win.. x perlah..nasib anny kuat.. heheh..
so the result from it is we can be 2nd team yg amik LRT utk complete 2nd task plak.. what i can say... it's tough man!.. adoi..sakit wooo kene tembak!!!
2nd task @ ERL Putrajayanaik jer LRT tu terus pegi KL Central nak catchup ERL to putrajaya plak.. (balik umah pon best..dah alang2 kat putrajaya kan?).. tp yg tak best.. kami x sempat..all the teams were waiting for the same train.. x perlah.. then sampai jer tiga2 teams kat ERL.. the organizer were there waiting for us.. and we have to close our eyes.. (dorang ikat ngn kain) we are blind lahhh.. tehegeh2 jalan dorang pimpin.. pastu dier brief.. we have to choose who want to take the padlock..and who want to take the key..very very small key.. i volunteered to take the padlock..(dlm hati tu ingat biler beso..x der lah aku kene raba lama2 dalam balang yg tah ada binatang2 aper tu).. hehehe..mmg fun giler.. belom masuk lagi tangan dlm balang tu... i shouted sekuat2 hati begegarlah aku rasa station ERL tu..huahhaha.. pastu dengar orang gelak2 kan aku..syaitonn tul dorang nieh.. and for your guys info.. berpuluh2 katak dalam itu balang ok!! heheh.. kalo x tutup mata..i dont think so i can do it.. anny plak sambil tutup mata kene raba dlm balang yg full of worm.. fiwiitt..lagi best..busuk nak mati... busuuuuuuuukkk amat... and she was the first person to find the small aper tau?... itu bukan kunci dia...hampeh!! tension coz one team has found their key.. Alhamdulilah.. x lama pastu..anny found it.. so kami got the 3rd task.. sempat la lari gi toilet to wash our hand yg dah mcm bau aper tah.. sempat gak jeling kat balang tu..makkkkk geliiiiiii nak mati tgk menatang tuh.. yang bestnyer kami sempat catchup lagi team yg first dpt key tu.. hueheheheh.. last team pon sempat join kami naik train ke KL..
3rd task@ fitness first KLCCsampai jer KL Central.. we ran to buy ticket to KLCC.. sampai jer fitnessfirst... we were introduced to one of the trainer..hensem gilos..hihiiii..(tp mcm gay plak).. he explained all the tasks that we've to complete.. all together dalam 7 tasks.. amik ko... first tasks kene lari kat treadmill for 10 minutes.. with a speed yg dorang bagi..laju kene belari..dah lah tgh penat.. terus panjat and fast jog.. menitik2 peluh basah kuyup.. we cannot stop because if we stop..we've to do it again from zero minute.. anny dok membebel sambil belari nak ajak borak.. aper ke jadah nak borak?? aku suh dia diam..cozz i cannot concentrate..(the truth is aku takot pancit!!)..after we finished the task turun dari treadmill tu aku dah terhurung hayang...huahah..sampai kene pegang.. pening ok.. pastu we went to one big room.. ada 6 tasks yang each of the task kene angkat besi.. mostly lah.. yg task lebih2 tu kene pumping 20 kali.. angkat besi 30 kali.. just imagine..6 tasks... nak tekeluar tulang-temulang nieh.. masa buat x leh stop..biler stop u've to repeat.. masa nie walaupon i'm so proud that we can work together as a team.. bkn senang..we support each other.. masa aku tgh pumping..dah menggigil2..anny siap baring tiarap sebelah aku.. support aku gila2.. 'filla, ko boleh filla..sikit jer sikit jer lagi..jgn stop'.. mcm tu jugak aku support anny.. (ish sebak plak..hhuhu).. we keep reminding ourself jgn rasa lemah just because we are women...and our fighter are men.. paling menguji tahap ketahanan fizikal masa nie.. dekat sini lah jugak.. we left the 2 teams.. we were the 1st team to finish all the crazy tasks..

(muker tension kene habiskan 1kg cake..-gambo ihsan dari team lain)
4th task @ KL Komutertak kira cemana penat nak tecabut kaki..we ran and just focus to win this game.. from KLCC we have to go back to KL Central and take komuter to go to KL station..what really shocked us is.. the two teams were eating (eating task) their 'meal'.. hello???!! how come they can reached there first?.. at kl komuter we have to finish 1kg birthday cake yg ntah aper brand..kalo SR nyer kek ok lah jugak... for us it's orange cake..yg manis tahap dewa... 2 teams lagi choc cake.. 1 kg...gilo ker aper?.. tp buat muker derk..sumbat jugak.. masa makan nie..i really2 nak muntah..nak tekeluar isi perot nak habiskan.. tp we managed to finish our lovely cake tu..(sumpah aku x sentuh kek dah lepas tu).. we were the last team yg habis makan.. so sad so depressed masa nie..sbb penat lelah kami tekejar2 masa 3rd task is not worth it..
5th task @ balai bomba Hang Tuah..after we finished our 4th task.. we took komuter and went back to KL Central.. this game really a game that u've to really follow the rules.. when the task is held at kl komuter..then u've to go there by komuter.. no walking no running.. no lrt no star.. we were not satisfied with the 2 teams..and asked our team director while waiting for train.. our team director wrote something in his note book..
sampai jer kat monorail hang tuah.. we have to run.. jauh sey.. to balai bomba tu.. masa ni..really nak muntah..sbb kenyang+loya.. anny left me.. and i tried to run as fast as i can.. sampai jer bomba..rupa2nyer situ lah finishing utk final x-rel nie.. nampak lah segala umat kat situ..hehhe radie pon ada kat situ.. sampai sana dah mmg dpt rasa kami kalah.. sbb sampai lambat.. terus pakai baju bomba tu.. dgn helmet beso gedabak tu.. panas nak mati berat gilos baju tu.. kat sini we have to shoot ada 2 kon kaler merah tu.. shoot ngan air.. tp kene lah kami pasang dulu pili bomba tu.. ya ampun... nak patah riuk dah tulang..penat..mcm nak menangis dah kepenatan.. masa kami tgh buat task nie.. kami dengar team 'lipan bara' was shouting that they won.. hancur lebur sungguh hatiku masa nie.. tp from the beginning dah ckp ngn anny.. whatever the result is.. we must do our best.. we must complete the task as perfect as we can.. nothing to regret coz we've tried our best.. it's not easy to be at this be in the final.. dari awal we are the only girls team.. so to be in the final is enough to make us feel so proud..

habis jer task tu.. kami terus nk gi kat TAMAT tu.. tp break jap..pakai kasut sambil pelok anny kami dah tau kami kalah.. cakap sesama sendiri.. takpe.. kita dah buat habis baik.. x de rezeki kita nak menang.. kita kene buat muka happy.. ok!! lepas jer azan.. Host Awal panggil kami datang mengadap.. dgn muker yg redho akan ketewasan kami di tangan jantan2 itew.. kami pon pegi lah.. sekali Awal boleh plak announce 'anda tidak dikenakan sebarang penalti.. ini bermakna anda JUARA x-rel musim ini'..aku ngn anny blur..sumpah blur gile... lost kejap.. then anny terus hug aku..sambil hug kami menangis2 tak hengat.. malu gak..sbb nangis2 mcm poyo.. tp that is real.. tak fake langsung.. segala usaha penat lelah kami berbalas.. i go to the gym almost everyday.. jogging.. turun naik tangga sampai 13 tingkat..berpisah ngn kasih..gamble je suh my MIL jaga dalam 1 - 2 months gak lah.. so kalau kalah..rasa sedih sangat.. masa tengah type ni pon tetiba plak rasa sedih.. (sbb hadiah x dpt lagi pon yer gak!! huahahha).. rupanyer the 2 teams yang ingatkan dah menang tu kena pelanti 15 minutes for not following the rules..dorang tak naik train yg sepatutnyer masa nak gi task kat KL Komuter..
2007 is the year for me to remember.. so many sweet and sour memories.. to my team-mate anny..thank you very much for being here with me.. we've went through so many things together.. u know me well.. so do i.. hope this relationships stay forever!! i lap u arrrr....