heyyooo.. this is me again wif my wan and my fwen 'bek bek'.. we were on our way to 'kenduri tahlil' at semenyih.. i luv to b in the car.. i can see trees moving.. buildings moving.. hehehe..i can sleep very well in car..that's why my atuk n wan alwiz bring me jln2 mkn angin..heheh..
sleeping beauty ke ni?..hehe, kepala dah botak lak tu..
duduk ngan wan lagi beshhh,, cehhh?!
my first jeans.. heheh.. really appreciate ppl who designed jeans for babies..hehe.. tq tq..
uhh uhh.. i wanna play with them mama..help help..
this is my mama.. she's alwiz like that.. alwiz wanna be 'over xposed'.. one day i'll grab ur earings.. u watch out mama..hihihh..
at my favourite place.. playground at putrajaya..yahoooooooo...
view from our balcony.. tp dah buruk, sebab byk kuarters yg naik lagi.. blocking the view.. BOSAN... kasih was sleeping, so this is the only time for us to take photos, to chit chatting.. :)
it's been a long2 time we didnt take photo togetha2.. pa, if u read this blog, i want u 2 know that i'm so thankful that i've u.. that u belong to me.. eventhough u're not the bestest guy on earth, tp for me, okaylah tu.. heheh.. u know that im not a jiwang2 kapak type kan, but sometimes u've to tell ur love ones what u feel n how u feel right? i love u.. yuckss. hehe.. betul lahh.. cayang awak!! dah, pasni nak dgr, tunggu next year lak.. huhu..
Nampak mama filla still vogue, dah loose weight kot..nampak slim jeks...kasih pun comel with jeans, cam baby boy laks..eheh...
comelnya kasih... wah filla maintain gitu badan... kena mintak tips ni...
hehe,, tipah tetipu sebenarnya.. byk spare tire tp cover2 sikit..hehe,, wattodo? tepaksa ler berkorban,, selulit, pecah lemak sana sini..heheh..
tuh la pasal bila dah beranak nih kat badan pun ada corak batik jawa kat peyut peha punggong semer ..yg tegang pun tak setegang dulu hik hik hik
no wonder banyak org tak nak beranak kan ..nak jaga badan punyer pasal rugi jer . dia org tak tahu best ada anak nih ..
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