About Me

Thursday, February 23, 2006

-tagged by mai-

Four Jobs I've Had:
*right after i finished my SPM, worked as ass. clerk at MIDF (hehe, dpt boyfriend.. pastu trs tinggalkan boyfriend lama yg poyo sikit tu).. jahatnyerrr...
*promoter at TANGS Star Hills (during uitm semester break)... great experience.. main kejo2 ngan my fwen 'shah botak'.. pastu kene panggil ngan supervisor sebab dlm sejam asyik ilang jer 5 minit.. heheh
*after finished my studies, gi 8-10 interviews?? pastu dpt ler satu ni as secretary to MD.. (Jutakira Sdn. Bhd) ever heard?? alaa yg buat kartun kat tv1 kot?.. keje seminggu pastu kene buang!!! siooll jer boss dia yg bodo tu.. boss pompuan kan menggelabah?.. dahlah office kat shop lot burukk.. pastu computer x de!! whatta f**k computer pon x de? pastu suh aku duduk bgn bukakkan grill kalo ada org nak kua masuk.. kwn ngan akak indon cleaner tu jer aku.. hehe.. baik apply as a security.. huahahh.. aku pon x hingin.. pastu boss tu tak puas ati ngan keje aku yg bukakkan grill tu, sbb aku hentak2 kot??!! belajo penat2 suh aku bukak grill.. giler aper?? pastu she called me n gave my salary for a week kat situ.. "u're still young so u better find another job.. we dont need u here".. boley gitu?? aku pon amik gaji aku, tp coins aku tolak tepi (hehe konon ler) pastu aku bgn.. 'thank u very very much puan, and i banged the door'.. trs ajak member2 situ belanja minum petang.. ala.. gaji seminggu berapa sgt.. (eh aku ni dah bercerita niee...pnjang plak)!!
*as a secretary at Lebarina Jaya Sdn. Bhd. kat glenmarie.. lama gak, almost 6-7 months.. great experience, great friends there, i was so free.. sbb lps keje, trs gi Shah Alam, gi dating ngan Pa.. hehe..

Four Movies I Can Watch Over and Over:
*white chicks.. tgk kat laptop ngan hubby.. kul 3 pagi.. gelak sampai nangis2,, tp x leh bising, nanti org bangun.. (heheh)
*Mr. English.. mmg bodo giler mr. bean tu.. sakit ati tull..
*Buli.. kelaka gak.. tgk muka AC rasa nak baling ngan batu masa nyanyi lagu Ramlah Ram..
*Ghost.. Demi moore.. sedih giler.. *sob sob*

Four Places I Have Been On Vacation:
*Tioman Island.. unforgettable moment with ayue n all d guys.. konon2 singaporean ler..
*Singapore.. with mai, ayue and siti.. haha..me n mai got no cash!! sian sgt.. nsb ada ayue ngan siti..tp pegi gak..hehe
*Karambunai Sabah.. honeymoon wif hubby.. only 2 malay couples there.. lain sumer mat salleh.. yey.. so privacy.. 1st nite dinner kat restaurant..mahal giloss.. 2nd nite, we decided to cook maggie..heheh.. sedap abis 3 bungkus..heheh, pastu sambung check-in kat TangDynasty kat KK.. bilik lain fully booked, tinggal kat suite jer .. so amik jer, siap ada jacuzzi, tp rupanya beminyak2.. blk tu kene gatal2...siannnnn...
*Cameron Highlands.. vacation with radie's friends.. tak kawin lagi,, pastu ada budak kene sampuk nampak hantu... mcm2 hal!!!

Four Television Shows I Loved to Watch:
*CSI... tp kengkadang dorang ni poyo.. dorang jerlah yg terror..
*LOST... ok lerr..
*When Animals Attack.... penah tgk tak?? best.. seramm..
*Fear Factor.. pon ok ler..

Four Places I Have Lived:
*Kota Kinabalu.. born there..till form 1..
*Ampang.. till now..
*sec. 2 Shah Alam.. so ganas masa dok sini.. x jadi org.. Astaghfirullahalazim..
*Mahligai kondo.. so close to each other.. mai,mimie,ayue,dot,nurul,meen,,,,etc..

Four of My Favourite Dishes:
*everybody knows.. hehe.. *asam pedas* lagi pedas lagi best
*kueyteow sup, meehoon sup, apa2 sup lahh...
*western food/fast food/bigfooot hahah
*masak lemak cili padi.. pheww.. sodap!!

FourWebsites I Visit Daily:
*my blog n others

Four Places I Would Rather Be Right Now:
*HongKong-ayue said very very cheap.. auww cant stand lah.. nak beli all those immitation stuff, gred A ler.. nampak cam real..
*Bali-tp hubby kata takut kene bomb.. hehe
*my house at putrajaya..
*on bed with kasih next to me

Four Bloggers I am Tagging
*nobody.. nak link pon tak tau..huk huk..


  1. alamaks...kesian mama fila ni, aritu aku dah copykan blognyer code2 tu....emm takpe bsk aku antor lagi k? cepat filla dah siapkan assignment yg mai bagik...nanti ko tag la zaimi, dia tu baru buat blog...

  2. Alahai...nampaknye bukan hangpa sorang yang kena dengan pompuan sakit jiwa tu...dah ramai dah yang kena..yang bercerai berai lakibini pun dah banyak..pendek kata dia punya reputasion pemusnah tu dah memang terkenal dah kat lembah kelang ni..dia tu memang the ultimate mangkuk ayun!!!!!
