About Me

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

video clip papa & mama

Video Sharing at DropShots.com
this is my first try of installing the dropshots.. dont know if i'm doing it correctly or not?? why only black screen appeared?? ayyooo salah ker?.. it's ok.. give me a chance to prove that i'm talented on doing this kind of job.. hehe.. but the prob is, my video is 5 minutes video.. not enough lah,, dropshots ni only can show 2 minutes video.. that means.. half of it jerlah.. (itupon kalo jadik!!) kalo nak yg 5 minutes, we've to become a 'star'.. and gotta pay (forgot how much) permonth.. kita ni free2 leh lahh.. sat nak publish.. bismilahirrohmanirrohimm...


  1. wah caya lah... dah terrer nampak..nak juga video cenggitu... tapi apsal lambat sgt ek, asyik tersangkut sangkut jek... nape takde gambar kasih?? apa apa pun...thumbs up..

  2. masalah tul nie.. nak link tak pandai2 lagi.. mai dah ajar pun tak dpt lagi..hehe,, dtg lembap tu lembap gak!! ila amik jer lah dropshots tu.. pastu d/l jer.. tp sangkut2 kan? bowing jer.. kasih nyer coming soon.. :)

  3. semer para blogger dah jadi pro ..hahhaha cam best jer kena blajar jugak lepas nih .

  4. larr idop lagi rupenye nick aku ni hahaha.........giler gempak laaa vclip...background music siap! mmg best lagu tuhhhhh.........*claps*

    mmg btol kate si die " bersyukur dgn cinta yg ade di dpn mate" mnyk hikmah nyee...tengok la skang ...kekekeke

    nanti kite cite...kalau tak paham orait! tungguuuuu lunch time!

    roger n out!!!!!!!!
