About Me

Monday, February 27, 2006

happy weekend

this weekend, again we slept at putrajaya.. and as usual hate it because it's hot!! n it's difficult for me to shleepplah!!! uwaaa.. sowii kashih.. no money to put an aircond for you.. wait till we got enough money ok?? alah ngada2.. zaman mama n papa dulu2 jgn harap nak aircond.. idup pon!! on saturday we went to Midvalley.. baby guess sale!! up to 60%.. and mama was there to buy some clothes for me.. while mama belek2, papa n me jln2,, pastu mama asyik jerit jer panggil.. orang pompuan kalo shopping mmg gitu ker?.. feel so tired, mama bought floating ducks for me.. heheh.. come, have a look at me and my ducksss... kashih mandi dlm besin jer.. hehe.. lagi beshh,, so wide.. so free..so big..

now is the time for us to go to subang parade before i can visit my atuk n nenek Shah Alam..this is my new 'car'... love to bite since i had 2 batang gigi.. huahah.. so itchy u know... sometimes my mama help me by letting me to bite her finger..sometimes mama gives small towel for me to bite.. hehe,, tp besh.. sbb kalo kashih muntah, x yah susahkan mama, kasih leh lap sendiri!! citer pasal this new car, love it, sbb dlm stroller boring...


*wif my papa.. the best papa in da world*

*in good mood*

*silap arr.. baju baru ni beli tekecik plak!!*

*bought new cap also..hmmm..why? u dont like flash ker kashih?*

*yo!!yo!! mcm jantan plak?*


  1. bagus betul la kaseh nih ..mandi duk diam jer...so sopan la kasih nih ..if my boy ..ngan mommy dia pun turut lencun sama..tak nak duduk langsung . Pastuh mula la menonggeng nonggeng nak capai air ..ngan rubber duckie dia.

  2. boy mmg lasak kot? hehe..kasih ni pon tak menang tangan nak handle dia..tp bab mandi mmg fav dia lah..hehe

  3. comelnya kasih... apa lah mama ni beli baju kasih terkecik pulak kan?? agaknya mama beli utk adik kasih kot...hehehhe :P

  4. hoho..ila nanti beli bj baby, jgn beli new born.. baju basahan yg murah2 takperlah, tp kalo beli bj utk jln2, kalo baby baru 2mths, beli yg 6mth.. nanti rugi!! hehe, ckp org jer,,sendiri dah baper kali asyk tebeli kecik jer,,x pasan kasih tu besar!! hehe

  5. heheeh, aku tgk kasih dah cam baby boy jek...eheh tapi kecik2 ni xpe blasah jek pakai ape2,hip hop ek kacih ni...anyway makin emmbamm kacih...

  6. cutenye kasih..bile aku pun nak dpt kekasih hati ni..???
