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Wednesday, March 02, 2011

Hong Kong

*sticky post for 7 days*

salam sayang buat semua ;)

nak mintak tolong tetiba panggil semorang sayang..hihihi...

ni haaa.. nak mintak tolong korang yang kaki bejalan nie, sapa penah pegi Hong Kong? boleh tak tolong fillanie? InsyaAllah end of May nie akan kesana ;) (family trip)

mintak tolong sikitttttttt jer... tolong jawabkan soalan-soalan yang bermain dibenak saya nie boley? bukan takleh search kat internet ni hah.. tapi i kan manjerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.. mestilah nak orang tolong jugak! bukan apa, tips dan info-info ni nanti leh jugak digunapakai oleh orang-orang lain yang nak ke sana.. tul tak? so marilah kita berbuat kebajikan.. ngeh ngeh ngeh..

ready ngan soalan? korang boleh pilih nak jawab memana yang korang rasa boleh jawab yer?

1. aku cadang nak duduk kat Kowloon.. sebab orang kata Muslim Restaurant banyak kat sana... is it ok?

2. kalau ok, hotel apa yang korang suggest? aku dah ada few hotels in mind.. tapi lom book lagi... kalau boleh nak hotel yang reasonable rate dia, hotel yang dari airport senang nak reach the hotel, MRT yang jalan kaki 5 minit dah sampei... pastu dari hotel tu nak ke Disneyland naik apa? how much it costs?

3. mana ok, beli ticket disneyland online ke atau beli kat kaunter Disneyland saja? adakah harga online ngan harga beli kat kaunter sana sama? aku google tengok harga tiket online ialah HKD350 adult (RM137.70) dan HKD250 for kids (RM98.37) ... dan kalau beli online, tiket tu valid for 6 months.. so camno? online or kaunter?

4. kalau gi HK, nak naik ke ferry? kalau naik, nak gi mana? or mana tempat-tempat yang ferry tu bawak? jauh ke? best ke? ke takyah? ke buang masa? ke camana?

5. shopping kompleks apa yang best gilos dan wajib pergi untuk habiskan wang ringgit?

6. MRT ticket... nak beli online ke? ada Travel Pass yang dinamakan OCTOPUS CARD.. mcm package lah.. ko bayar untuk 3days unlimited travel, 1 airport express single journey (RM82.10) pastu kene tambah (RM19.70 refundable)... tapi rugi plak kalau tak guna sangat kan? ke lagi ok bila nak pegi mana-mana then beli kat kaunter jer???

7. HALAL FOOD RESTAURANT - ok... ni sangatlah aku perlukan... kalau boleh kat area Kowloon tu lah.. sebab maybe kami stay kat Kowloon.. nak yang HALAL DAN MURAH.. kalau boleh bagi nama restaurant tu aku appreciate sesangat... halal food kat tempat-tempat lain pon boleh jer kalau nak bagitau.. mak takde infos lah bab halal food nie..

8. nie aku lists kan tempat-tempat yang boleh dilawati.. tapi tolong bagi suggestion tempat mana yang rasa-rasanya TAK PAYAH PERGI sebab tak best pon? dan mana tempat yang WAJIB PERGI?

- Admiralty, Wan Chai (segala designer boutique disini)
-Causeway Bay - sports goods, household items, designer and street fashion, electronics and street markets, restaurants, pubs, karaoke bars, nightclubs
-World Trade Centre
-Times Square
-the Caroline Centre
-the Lee Gardens
-Fashion Island
-Lee Theatre Plaza
-Lee Garden Road & Jardine's Crescent (less expensive popular brand clothing)

has plenty of fantastic shopping malls such as Alexandra House, The Landmark, The Galleria, Prince's Building designer clothing shops and exclusive brand stores .. also a great area to shop for cameras, antiques, books, curios and furniture...

kat central ni jugak ada banyak popular streets.. (malas aku nak type) tapi Lyndhurst Terrace ni ok ke nak gi? jual paintings, ancient maps, prints, linens and silks, antique/craft stores and beauty salons.. (bebaloi ke pegi?) murah ke mahal? kalau mahal lupakan sajer T__T

-Li Yuen Streets East and Li Yuen Streets West (stalls selling cheap casual clothing, leatherwear, watches, costume jewellery, luggage, shoes..) ok ke pegi sini???

-Stanley Market (open from 9am to 7pm daily) ok ke????

-Western Market

-Mong Kok (banyak giler lah plak streets kat sini.. pening aku) LADIES MARKET (open air bazaar) kat sini jugak!!!

-Yau Ma Tei (next to Mong Kok) - inexpensive clothing, jewellery and the famous Temple Street Night Market open from 4pm to midnight everyday)

-Tsim Sha Tsui (more than 700 shops under one roof)

-Hong Kong Museum of Art (perlu ke nak gi museum dia? best yeh?)

-Factory Outlets (along Grandville Road)

ELEMENTS (new shopping mall built in 2007/08) Hong Kong's tallest building...

hoiii pening siot... apa banyak sangat nih? ni kalau pegi 12 bulan pon tak abis jalan nieh? kitorang pegi 4d3n jer.. 1 day akan dispend kat Disneyland.. so selebihnya kat HK, Kowloon, dan kawasan sekitar...

kepada sesiapa yang pernah menjejakkan kaki ke Hongkong.. bolehlah bagi tips dan info.. apa-apa tips pon haku berbangga dan berbesar hati kalau korang dapat bantu...

tq sesayangku semua!!!

EMAIL US AT framekasih@yahoo.com


  1. adeh.banyaknya soalan.tak mampu saya nak jawab semua.tp bab makan tu penting kan....saya leh jawabkan...kat tsim sha tsui ada mknan halal...btl22 dpn stesen MRT.disneyland nya tiket saya beli kat kaunter MTR.tak beli online pun...mmg standard rate 350 HKD.saya tak buat pun octopus tu
    err utk detail click sini.


    harap dapat membantu ;)

  2. Anonymous4:13 PM

    should go to madame tussauds
    rugi kalau tak pegi.

    kalau nak naik ferry pergilah macau sekali kihkih :)

    and susah nak makan sgt.even ada halal food pun mcm tak lalu.bawak je megi sekotak :)

  3. xpernah pg lagi :(

    tp cube cube la kak fila tanye kak di.


    aik!rasa cm x mmbantu jek. mnyemak ada.hik.

  4. Anonymous4:43 PM

    bestnya nak jwb soklan filla nie...sbb sy last year pg sn...xtau nak jwb yg mn 1...hihi...
    better buy jer tiket kat sana...sm jer...pastu beli octopus card..mmg bgs...sbb kat sn byk train...pg mn2 pun nak kena naik train...mcm nak pg disneyland naik train kat tsim sha shui...xingat dh bp harga dia...nti bile nak blk boleh refund kad octopus tue...jap g smbg lg...malas nak type....hihihi

  5. banyaknye..nanti kongsi la jawapan dgn kami semua..

  6. Anonymous4:56 PM

    kak gojes..

    akak try gi page akak ni..

    kat tepi kanan blog tu, ade link2 die gi HK..


  7. Hi Filla,
    i pegi HK dec last year. Tp i pegi dgn tour, so byk tmpt2 shopping kitorang x gi. Mostly tour guide tuh bwk tmpt perlancongan diorg jek. But do put a visit to victoria peak in your list. Night view of HK dr sana cantik sgt. I agree dgn komen yg lain, makanan halal adalah susah. Ermm, i ada few entry psl my HK trip. Tengok2 la if bole membantu. Happy holiday!

  8. Ada tips siket.

    Nanti sampai-sampai je airport, beli terus tourist pass for mtr sorang satu. Tourist pass tu valid utk 24jam, unlimited naik mtr ke mana-mana destinasi. Dlm setiap tourist pass tue ada bnyk voucher seperti 30% discount utk Disneyland, discount utk ocean park and banyak tempat2 lain. Dalam torist pass tu jugak ada voucher shoping HKD50, and banyak lagi. Memang berbaloi2!

    Then beli jugak octopus card. Senang sebab boleh guna utk naek bus, mtr, ferry. Bus atau mtr dari airport direct ke Bandar pun boleh guna octopus card. Before balik, balance dalam octopus card boleh redeem. So, jangan risau.

    Yg paling penting, ambil maps dekat airport. Hong kong ni kecil saje. Kadang2 dari satu station mtr ke satu station boleh jalan kaki saje. Maps dieorang sangatlah lengkap. Die akan bagitahu kalau nk pergi satu tempat tue naek mtr turun kt mana, then keluar exit mana, lepas tue naik bus ape. Perfect! Senang sgt jalan dgn map dieorang.

    1. Tak sure sbb tak stay kat Kowloon. Stay dekat Hung Hom hari tue.

    2. Dari hotel nak pergi Disneyland naik mtr senang. Station mtr dekat Disneyland sangat cantik!

    3. Beli kat kaunter senang. Kalau beli tourist pass, dapat discount. Berbaloi2!

    4. Try naek ferry seronok jugak. Kalau pergi ke pulau hong kong, naik ferry lagi murah dari mtr. Station ferry dekat dgn avenue of stars. Kalau ke pulau hong kong tu banyak shoping best2 mcm time square, sogo. The peak, repulse bay(area rumah Jackie chan) dan mcm2 lagi. Jadi, better try je naik ferry.

    5. Shopping terlampau banyak! Butik2 memang bersepah2. Tapi org pergi sana mmg gila nak shopping sampai nak masuk Gucci, burberry, LV semua tue kadang2 kena beratur. Shopping pun banyak yang mostly barang mcm kasut, baju lagi murah dari kt m’sia. Brand yg susah nk cari kt m’sia mcm onitsuka tiger, bnyk kt sana. =)
    Shopping dekat street pun bnyk. Ladies market, temple street. Dekat street ni sesuai utk beli souvenior mcm t-shirt, keychain, alas meja sbb harga murah. Tp dekat street ni mesti kena tawar! Kalau tak confirm menyesal. Barang yg die letak harga hkd120 boleh dapat sampai hkd40.

    6. Airport express tu mahal. Pergi hotel naek bus lagi bagus. Dlm rm34.00 je pergi Bandar and biasanya akan berhenti dekat hotel2. Kalau beli pass unlimited 3days tue kalau nk berjalan tak berhenti2. Rugi sangat. Tp better beli yg unlimited 1day saje dlm tue bnyk voucher2, so pilih satu hari utk naik mtr ke setiap tempat. Kalau jalan hari2 lain nak beli dekat kaunter agak leceh. Better beli octopus card biasa. Yg boleh top up kt mana2. Octopus card ni boleh guna dekat mtr, bus, ferry, beli barang kat 7eleven pun boleh. Ada balance boleh redeem dekat airport masa nak balik. Jadi beli satu pass unlimited for 24hours and pilih satu hari utk guna + satu octopus card yg biasa.

    7. Restoran halal dekat Tsim Sha Tsui banyak sangat. Tapi hotel kt situ tak berapa okie. Jadi better duk tempat lain dtg makan situ sbb nak gerak dari satu tempat ke satu tempat senang saje. Lagi satu ade canteen islam dekat masjid ammar dekat Wan Chai. Wan Chai nie dekat area pulau hong kong. Kt situ ade nasi semua tp paling famous ialah dim sum halal. Masa kami pergi terserempak dgn hafiz hashim and player2 badminton lain yg makan kt situ jugak.

    8. Wajib pergi – tsim sha tsui, the peak-medame tussauds, mongkok, Disneyland and ocean park kalau ade masa extra if not HK Disneyland je, avenue of stars – symphony of light,
    tak payah pun tak pe – museum yg boring, lantau island and ngong ping yg ade tokong2.

  9. aduh aduh kak..bari balik indon, dah nak pegi hong kong..disneyland lak tu..bestnyer!!!!!!!

  10. teman x pnh pg HK..tp Macau dh pg..dokek jo la..sebelah2 gitu..yg teman bole share is bab makan for sure susah..pendek kata kalo pg negara cha ya nun alif ni mmg susah la nk dpt mknan halal..kalo dpt yg halal, antara lalu ke x lalu je nk mkn..my in law pnh pg HK and dia pun ckp cenggitu..pyh nk dpt mknan halal..so teman sajes bawak la serunding ke, mkanan dlm tin ke..roti ke..jgn x tau, kt obersea kdng roti putih pun x halal ye..sila baca ingredient kalo nk bli pape yg namanya "makanan"..hrp membantu..

  11. Anonymous8:32 PM

    akak, sy silent reader blog akak..terpggl lk nk kasi comment..bley tgk kt blog ni www.asnijaasmui.blogspot.com. makcik sy ni ade bg few tips related ngn akak nyer post

  12. hye kakak...saye tak pernah pegi..
    tapi 11 12 n 13 ni ade MATTA FAIR kat PWTC
    kot2 ade info2 yg membantu hehehe...

    kite enjooooyyyy!!!

  13. wahh tahun berjalan sedunia ya..ape2 nanti hapdet mcm p bandung tu..

  14. wow! bestnyaaa!!!! takde tips nak kasik..tapi jgn lupe amik gambo bebanyakkkk! hehe.

  15. eka: tsim sha tsui? ok noted!! ok, akan bli tiket disneyland kat sana jer..tqvm eka!!

    anonymous: madame tussauds, ok noted, must go must go must go!! maggi sekotak? noted! tq!!

    izatieunos: ha tau Di pegi..nak kene korek balik previous post dia ;)

    anonymous:ok ok, good infos! tq yang..

    diana AR: haha..ni haa semua jawapan.. sila baca!

    anonymous: haku nampak tulisan 'gojes' jer.. camna nie? muahahah.. ok ok.. will checitout very soon.. tq..

    yaya: victoria peak waktu malam!! ok noted!! tq yaya..

  16. atiqaturn: yaAllah... tq tq tq.. seronok betul baca info2 tiqa bagi nih... haku siap duduk depan Pak Radie semalam, siap bacakan dia komen-komen ni semua.. nak harap dia yang buat research kelaut lah.. will print this out utk ref.. sgt beguna ni..tq for your effort tiqa..meh nak *muah* sket! hehehe...

  17. jmr: muahaha... indon tu dokek nawwww... kita gi merayap jauh sket ;)

    najwa: tulah tu bab food nie.. haduh menangis lah perot mak nie.. sian dier! haha

    anon: oh tq tq!!!! ;)

    cik sophia kirai: wah bestnye gi matta fair.. mak tak nah gi pown!! huhu...

  18. supermommapots: hehe..bejalan gi disneylan ni sebab pikir Acih je kot..gipoan cousin dia Dhya pon ada.. bagi dia happy sikit...ok no prob..nanti mak buat liputan ok? hehe...

    shinnaz:gambar? uihhhh tu WAJIB!haha

  19. Anonymous9:11 AM

    1st time reply, selalu I silent reader je :)

    Kebetulan we're going to HK next month (21-25 March)I jwb random je la ni.

    So ni yg I boleh jwb.

    1. We'll be staying at The Mira, Nathan Road Kowloon. Mkn halal bnyk area situ, yg famous Islam Food & ada few lg pakistan (kebab, nasi beriani etc)

    2. MTR sgt efficient katanye, u should get that octopus card. Balik nanti boleh refund mana yg x habis pakai.

    3. Stanley Market kena naik taxi / bus. Tp ramai tourist suka naik bas due to the pemandangan yg indah katanye.

    4. Disneyland passes i beli package dgn hotel, for 3D2N kat disneyland hotel i got 2 day passes (byr sehari je the next day free)for HKD5100 mcm tu x silap.

    5. Jgn lupa naik star ferry (area kowloon) murah & best

    6.http://www.discoverhongkong.com/eng/ situ ada bnyk useful info

    7. oh end of may tu summer, so jgn lupa bwk baju yg sesuai.


  20. wah cik filla, baytaknyer soklan...
    nnti i pinjam jwpn dorong yer!!!!! hehehhee..... end of Nov nak ke sana juge...

  21. Hi Filla,
    I dah penah pi HK but for business meeting lah but we stay in Tsim sha tsui area ok je walau pon halal food byk hotel we stay at ramada je which ok jugak if tok bermlm sjh area tuh suasana mlm mmg happening but bising hehehe... as for the transportation sana murah and very convenice just got the card...as for shopping mmg best but mostly pon boleh je dpt kat KL siteseeing mmg harus pergi lah... if got time night market yg kat temple street tuh tak pi pon x pe coz to me x best sgt biasa je what i can say petaling street kita lagik best hehehe... but ladies market mmg kena pi best sgt.... lastly disneyland mmg kena pi best u beli semua kat situ je murah tak mahal pon that was my short trip but x best sgt coz pi tok keje kan...

    me and family going to HK soon as for now our dated is on 29 Apr till 2 may insyaallah tak de apa2 hal if not hv to change end may...

    at first i pon though nak posting kat blog as for pendpt since u dah posting leh gaks dpt some info for our next trip gaks... thanks in adv for sharing the info yeah...

  22. Anonymous4:05 PM

    byk nyer soalan... kak zai pnh gi hong kong thn lps tapi KL ke shenzen then baru gi hong kong.. tapi balik hari jerr.. tak stay pun kat sana... pengangkutan sumer guna MTR... sng sgt.. coz kat sana signboard ada tulis dlm english..
    ke disneyland naik tren jer sng... tapi akn tukar2 tren la.. ikut jer route MTR tu.. rindu nyer kat tren disneyland yg comel sgt.. tak perlu beli online tiket disneylad... kalau weekdays.. org tak ramai pn...

    next week kak zai akn g shenzen again n masuk hong kong jg hehe utk kali ke 2... shopping sgt best... bw la duit byk2...

    -kak zai-

  23. ehh aku baru je bersembang sembang ngan family nak gi hong kong. tapi ntah yer tahun bila baru nak gi. benciii tawww..
    bawakkkk lahhh aku sekali...bawa lah daku bersamamuuuuu

  24. jujue:bawak kau? boleh..tapi ko bawak stroller siap2.. leh aku tolak jer.. senang sikit!

  25. Check out blog i ni..


    I pergi HK last year..

  26. Anonymous3:38 PM

    hai filla vouge...!!!

    ai pegi last 2 years
    stay kat Metropark hotel @ kowloon

    very strategik...menapak je gi ladies market...n mall2 dekat situ!!!

    dun wori stesem MRT pun dekat...
    senang gi Disneyland..

    so far mkn kami bwk megi n serunding jer
    mkn ngan roti.....

    hepi olidae k....hehhee next month ai lak nk gi bandung!!!!

  27. beb, aku ada buat entry pasl aku gi HK 2 tahun lps. kalau rajin sila archive bulan may 2009.

  28. nliana:thnx babe!

    anonymous: ok slama ke bandung!

    greenapple: D, tulah letih haku godek carik entry ko gi HK tu.. rupanya may 2009..tq tq..

  29. hi..i baru g HK Nov last year.bnyk btol soklan..ssh nk jwb.tp kalo g 4D3N mmg susah sket nk cover sume tmpt.

    smp2 HK,mcm sume org advise..kena bli octopus card and amik map.map dia mmg super lengkap.for sure x akan sesat la.octopus card sgt2 perlu sbb g mana2 plg senang naik MRT n machine utk reload pun bnyk.

    Disneyland aituh i bli tiket walk-in je.rs nye sama je kot..unless kalo g time peak season.

    On Food:
    ebenezeer is kebab/briyani/curry and mcm fastfood outlet..couple of branches in HK (can google them up)

    for chinese dimsum/food u have to go to hk island side to masjid wan chai . but they only serve dimsum morning till abt 2pm..

    If u decide to check out the outlet shopping (citygate outlet > pun boleh google), there is a halal food there..ask around for where the food court is (tak salah i sama level dgn esprit) and over there ada indian stall serve nasi, tandoori, etc etc..that one halal..
    restaurant halal bnyk..google link bwh nih..then nnt nk g,refer direct from map.


    even though ramai yg kate handbag branded kt sana bnyk murah2..tp no..no..i rasa same je..hehehe.

    mmg bagus kalo dpt hotel di kowloon..kalo blh biar btol2 kt tgh2 kowloon.i aituh stay kt kowloon tp atas sket.and most hotel akan tros attached atau dekat2 ngan MTR.dun worry!

    cuma kalo bwk kids,kena prepare stroller atau alat nk dokong bb tuh.sbb kena bnyk b'jln nnt..letih kalo nk kendong budak je nnt.

    wajib g disneyland,peak victoria,pic yg kt atas tuh,madam tussaud,for souvenir shopping, kat airport (just b4 check in) ada banyak discounted Disneyland stuff kalau tak sempat beli
    - Stanley Market
    - Mongkok Ladies market
    - Citygate Factory outlet.Ada coach, burberry, etc.

    hope this will help u a lot..:)
    enjoy ur holiday..HK mmg best!

  30. me myself i: tq tq for the infos.. esp yang halal food restaurant tu.. tapi mcm tak sempat nak carik/pegi kot..sbb nanti one whole day kat disney (ada halal food? boleh ke makan fish and chips ke kat dlm disney tu?) pastu the next day tu mebi nak gi ocean park (ada halal food dlm tu?) sebab tak leh bawak outside food kan? kalau nak curik2 masuk bag pon.. takat2 roti boleh lah..huhu..matilah kelaparan.. oh ye, pasal citygate lastday ktoarang akan pegi kot.. tq u tlg bgtau halal food kat citygate!!!! *sukeeeee sgt*

  31. welcome.i'm more than happy to help.

    btw,dekat disneyland tuh pun ptut nye xleh bwk food luar sbb dia akan cek beg kite.tp aituh tgk ada je org dr India bwk bekal bagak.myb u leh bwk roti..kalo x lapor gile wooo.tp i aituh 2 kali rembat popcorn ngan jus jela kt dlm tuh.lenlain xberani nk mkn.

    i x masuk ocean park pun aituh..sbb ada review kate xbest sgt and xsmpt (ada rugi time sket sbb ada kes t'lajak naik bas.kalo naik bas senang sket nk confuse tmpt mane nk turun..so pls be careful).lgpun i g b'2 ngan asben je.tp kalo ada anak2 kecik mcm u,sesuai la nk g.

  32. kat HK InsyaAllah akan stay kat Kowloon, hotel betul2 depan Jordan MTR tu.. so dari situ leh walk to Temple Street kan? anoybody tau halal food restaurant area tu tak?

  33. filla,

    semalam nampak kak filla kat Alamanda, teruja nak tegor tapi takut tgk pak radi (kehkehkeh) jgn bgtau die hahahah...such happy family..semoga bahagia selamanye... ok saya lari topic byeeeee

  34. There is only one thing better than shopping in Hong Kong, and that's eating. From small noodle joints to upscale French restaurant, you will locate all sorts of restaurant, eating hall and snack stall on earth in Hong Kong. Here I found small amount of Hong-Kong-styled snacks online (yummiexpress.freetzi.com). This is definitely a good choice before I have $ for another trip.

  35. su hashim:haha..malu nyer ai....>_<"

  36. salam....

    hi..new here....leh x bg idea nk tido mane sbnrnye yg paling berbaloi n bujet nie....kowloon ke tsim sha tsui ??...n tempat2 yg nak sgt pegi disneyland gan ocean park....help help help...plsss

  37. hiiii
    tumpang tny,nk cari hotel area ane ek yg sng nk cari makan n transportation mudah...tempat wajib pegi disneyland n ocean park...pls pls pls help me...newbies here...haha

  38. hi fizi: ocean park and disneyland tu satu kawasan je.. tapi jauh dari town (kowloon or tsim sha tsui).. so u boleh google hotel yang dekat area disneyland and ocean park kalau nak stay sana.. kalau kat tsim sha tsui or kowloon itu kat town.. boleh naik mrt je antara dua tempat tu dekat... dari town ke disneyland bih kurang 1/2 jam.
