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Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Keys to a lasting marriage.....

In love? It's not enough to keep a marriage, study finds

SYDNEY (Reuters Life!) – Living happily ever after needn't only be for fairy tales. Australian researchers have identified what it takes to keep a couple together, and it's a lot more than just being in love.

A couple's age, previous relationships and even whether they smoke or not are factors that influence whether their marriage is going to last, according to a study by researchers from the Australian National University.

The study, entitled "What's Love Got to Do With It," tracked nearly 2,500 couples -- married or living together -- from 2001 to 2007 to identify factors associated with those who remained together compared with those who divorced or separated.

It found that a husband who is nine or more years older than his wife is twice as likely to get divorced, as are husbands who get married before they turn 25.

Children also influence the longevity of a marriage or relationship, with one-fifth of couples who have kids before marriage -- either from a previous relationship or in the same relationship -- having separated compared to just nine percent of couples without children born before marriage.

Women who want children much more than their partners are also more likely to get a divorce.
A couple's parents also have a role to play in their own relationship, with the study showing some 16 percent of men and women whose parents ever separated or divorced experienced marital separation themselves compared to 10 percent for those whose parents did not separate.
Also, partners who are on their second or third marriage are 90 percent more likely to separate than spouses who are both in their first marriage.

Not surprisingly, money also plays a role, with up to 16 percent of respondents who indicated they were poor or where the husband -- not the wife -- was unemployed saying they had separated, compared with only nine percent of couples with healthy finances.
And couples where one partner, and not the other, smokes are also more likely to have a relationship that ends in failure.

Factors found to not significantly affect separation risk included the number and age of children born to a married couple, the wife's employment status and the number of years the couple had been employed.

The study was jointly written by Dr Rebecca Kippen and Professor Bruce Chapman from The Australian National University, and Dr Peng Yu from the Department of Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs.

*** huuuiihhhh malasnyer nak update blog... tp betol orang kata 'sharing is caring'.. so.. i read this article kat yahoo.... and copy paste here.... in case u all telepas pandang..

owh,,, i should add another point here... hehehe... GIVE AND TAKE.... i think this is the most important key that they forgot to highlight.... everybody is not perfect kan? so kene consider lah.. kalo kurang kat sini.. ko tgk plak kelebihan partner ko tang lain tu... jgn ko tgk yg buruuuukkk jer.. kalo ko rasa partner ko dulu terok.. kaki merewang.. malam tak penah dok melekat kat umah.. tp lepas kawin dia mmg totally change kan or at least try to improve.. asek jaga anak..memasak.. bekerja lagi... u should realise lah the changes.. bukan take for granted jer.... sbb ko tak boleh pikir yg once ko dah kawin.. the wife is totally yours.. u've the power on them.. oh tidakkk.. yg the wife plak.. agak2 lah.. dah kawin kene lah bagi 100% attention kat anak... kat keje2 umah.. so lelaki jgn lah berfikiran "arhhh dah kawin... duduk umah diam2.. jaga je anak.... takyah nak keluar2 hu haa sana sini"..... tak baik okeh!!! tp tgk ler plak wife ko tu dulu cemana? ko kawin dgn dia.. org tua ke pilihkan? ko jumpa kat celah2 kampung ker.. yg tgk muker ko time tu pon asik tetunduk malusss jer... huahahahha... kalo mcm tu.. tetiba lepas kawin dia nak gi huha.. mmg ko boh penampo jeklah kan.. so partner kene berfikir... pasangan ko still ada family, ada kawan2.... ada sedara-mara... even partner ko membesar pon dengan keluarga dan kawan2 rapat dia sebelum dia kenal ko dan buat decision utk kawin dgn ko... kan kan???ko tgk ada tak wife ko sacrifice hu-ha-life dia.. so sekali2 aku rasa para laki nie.. ko bagi jek kelonggaran... jgn bekira sgt... barulah hidup happy..ceria...tolak ansur... dan tak der dendam... kenapa biler dah kawin kene letak EGO tu atas pala??? eh, hellooo.. i'm not talking about myself okeh.. dont get me wrong.... aku byk sgt dengar cerita2 lelaki mengongkong bini ni tau.. lom lagi bini mengongkong laki... mcm2 okeh... eh laki mak baikkk.... kalo tak mana korang dpt tgk entry mak panjat kusi karaoke nyanyi lagu rock ngn kawan2 pompuan makkk... (saiko saiko saikoooooo....kipasssssssssss) heheheheh...

tu sajer... tekak haus plak... assalamualaikum...

EMAIL US AT framekasih@yahoo.com


  1. oihhh hahahhaa...aku pg pg tadi dah baca. kiranya aku baca kali ke-2 kat blog ko.

    apsal kita baca?????

  2. i pon letak artikel ni dlm blog i... sama2 la.. ahaks,,

  3. aku pun baca gak artikel ni kat yahoo. ada gak terpikir nak wat entry, skali tgk2 ko dah wat plak... hehehe

  4. Anonymous5:05 PM

    Aku suka artikel ni, sebab komen ko kat bawah tu la. aku setuju. selalunya pompuan mmg bnyk kena sacrifice (sacrifice.. just a simple word.... wah, nyanyi plak nak ujan lebat nih...) kena dok umah jaga anak sedangkan laki buleh gi kuar balik lewat2 ngan kengkawan. padahal masa muda2 dulu masa bercinta kuar sesama sampai 4-5 pg tapi dah kawin kuar ngan kengkawan je. po cito?
