About Me

Thursday, March 19, 2009

My Teenage Life...

kepada yg mengetag aku tu kan... aku ni malas sket tag2 ni... dah ler aku kene susun balik yg terabur tuh... so i do it filla style lah yer..hahahha.. x kosa aku nak kira percent2 tuh.. (sebenarnya tak reti..pastu bodoh sombong..tak moh belaja)... MALAS!! tp ada gak hati nak menjawab tag2 nie... (ini crita aku time kat sekolah ngn kat uitm.. campur2 jer yer) (lama dah aku simpan gambar aku yug cun nie nak buh kat blog..tp mcm x sampai hati nak letak..heheheh... ini utk tag ting tong dari jujue lopez.. tp mcm malas plak.. tp harinie aku dah bersedia nak letak jugak..siler hadap gambar ni dgn hati yg tenang)

1. Gotten detention.

2. Gotten ur phone taken away in class

aku x der phone dulu...

3. Gotten suspended.

4. Gotten caught chewing gum.
chewing gum x der... aku dulu makan nasik lemak okeh..letak nasik lemak dalam laci pastu mata tgk dpn tgk cikgu.. biler cikgu x nampak kunyah arr..pastu kantoi...(prefect mkn nasik lemak time blaja???).. comel kan?

5. Gotten caught cheating on a test.
tak penah kantoi... sbb mak sgt berskill.. tak penah tak menoyol kot????? asek toyoooollll jer...

6. Arrived late to class more than 6 times.
bukan more than 6 times... everytime!!!

7. Didn’t do homework over 6 times.
masa sekolah... sepanjang tahun tu..aku x der buku latihan maths pon... pecaya????? biler ada homework..dorang pass up buku aku tak.. lek jer???

8. Turned at least 3 projects in late.
ni perkara biasa okeh... biar lambat asal hantar..kadang tak hantar langsung..heheheh

9. Missed school cause you felt like it.
oh nii takder.. aku gi sekolah ok jer..sbb aku prefect..mana leh ponteng...

10. Laughed so loud you got kicked out of class.
ketawa takder... tido selalu!!!!

11. Got your mom/dad etc. to get you out of school.

12. Texted people during class
tak de tepon

13. Passed notes.
haaa yg ni sgt selalu.... siap gambo idung kembang cikgu lagik!!

14. Threw stuff across the room.

15. Laughed at the teacher.
tak der... kuang hajaq ler kan..

16.Pulled down the fire alarm. sprayed the fire extinguisher for no reason though

giler aper??

17. Went on Myspace , Facebook , Xanga , etc. on the computer at school

18. Took pictures during school hours.

19. Called someone during school hours.

20. Listened to an iPod , CD , etc... during class.

21. Threw something at the teacher but didn't hit her

22. Went outside the classroom without permission.

23. Broke the dress code.
Ha ni kes kat uitm dulu.. course aku tak leh pakai jeans.. tp one day tu aku slamber beruk jer pakai... sbb kelas tu 1jam jer utk hari tu.. lg pon lecturer tu jenis yg mcm ok sket jer kan... skali tu... dia ckp 'fadilla pls leave the class now' (sbb aku pakai jeans lah kan).. aku leh buat2 konpius nak kuar ker tak.. siap tanyer kawan sebelah plak lagi.. lecturer tu main2 ke betul2.. bodoh tul... last2 kuar jerlah kan.. (best gak.. x yah blajo)..hahah...

24. Failed a class test.
mmg asik failed jer.. biler lulus mcm pelik plak..hahahha

25. Ate food during class.
biasalah nie... kalo x mkn tu yg x biasa...

26. Gotten a call from school.

27. Couldn’t go on a field trip cause you behaved badly.

28. Didn’t take your stuff to school.

29. Gotten a detention and didn't go.

30. Stuck up your middle finger at a teacher when they were not looking.

31. Cursed during class loud enough so the teacher could hear.

32. Faked your parents signature
uih takot... bab report card tu kalo kaler merah.. mmg mak aku koyak jer report card... hahah.. puas ler carik selotape nak tape kan balik yg rabak2 tu... mak aku sgt garang okeh.. mana aku brani..
33. Slept in class...
selalu sgt...

34. Cursed at a teacher to their face.

35. Copied homework
ini lagik lah selalu.....


  1. hahahahah.....serupa jer bekas2 pelajo ARGS nie...ku sangka kan prefect tu perfect ....samo gak ...........hahahahahaah

  2. ya ampunnnn pompuannn...

    apa yg telah terjadi kepada tag yang aku tag ko nih hahh?? carca marba betulll... hahahahahhahahaha

    takper..meh aku kira utk ko mehh.. aku kan suka kira.. hahahahha

    13 x 3 = 39% oklah tuh

    takderlah jahat! hahahahahha nakal gitu2an jer... hahahahhahaha

  3. yerr... aku mmg baik time sekolah... tp time kat uitm jadik syaiton kejap...hehehe

  4. dlm byk2 tu satu ada lebih kurang aku...makan nasi lemak time kelas...keh keh keh....sama lah kita filla....pengawas tp cam mawas....hik hik hik

    cikgu mengajar kat depan...cikgu nulis kat papan itam sekali sudu nasi lemak ke mulut....bila cikgu toleh, buat2 concentrate padahal mulut cover nasi lemak ha ha ha...

  5. jahattt ko jahattt...

  6. eh fara ke tag? bukan aku ke yg tag? memanalahhh... tapi sib baik fara dah tolong kira. bagus btol lerrr ada akauntan kat sini hehe... 39% jerk? mcm tak cayer jer plak... apakah aku yg menduduki ranking paling tinggi skrg? huhuhu...

    apa2 pun nasihat aku, jangan bagi anak2 korang ikut perangai aku masa kat skolah, nanti korang sendiri yg sakit jiwa... *wink*
