About Me

Friday, February 27, 2009

Avillion Port Dickson...

tomorrow is the day... for 3 friends to spend their time together, share laughter, share stories, share everything including food of course!! haha... so i'm the one who is responsible to prepare sandwich maybe? (jimat duit yer kengkawan).. no white bread sbb takot gemok.. so wholemeal bread eh? yer sgt byk cekadak... why me.. oh.. coz natra said it's a mother's job.. ok fine!!! u're right cik ata.... aper2 sajer.... janji jimat..huahahaha..
Natra u'll bring the card supaya kita ada aktiviti berjudi menguji minda, don't forget to bring ur 2 piece bikini ala2 BCL... huahahhahah (aku nak snap curik2)..hihi... bis anny? oh u'll be the one who'll pick us up... to cey to cey!.. oh yer ko tgk swimming pool tu anny 10 lap boleh ker ko wat dgn slamber nyer... aku cabar ko yer...siler buat...
this is a message for Pak Radie:-

Pa, thank you for understanding me eventhough u've been forced to do so..huahhahahahakkkk.. don't worry, it's just 1 nite stay, i'll be back sunday no worries!really need time to be with friends.. oldfriends..bestfriends..bestbuddies.. (u should understand a woman's feeling).. hihihihkk.. lelaki sgt lain okeh.. ni pompuansss... i need rest sometimes... plssssss... jgn luper bawak acih gi Tumbletots okeh..huahuahuahau...


  1. skali skala nk lupa daratan ase bujang ape salahnya kan...best ooooo..tp still aa anak dlm kepala gak kan..enjoy!!!

  2. pak radie memang understand...best jugak kan sekali sekala g vacation w/o kids & huby...back to single for awhile...coollll babes!!!

  3. chills babes...dpt enjoy ngn kenkawan tinggalkan anak ngn laki skali skala kan..hehehe

  4. wah bestnyer gi vacation ngan kengkawan......berjalan jek keje ko kan....best ah...have a good time....and drive safely...dont drink and drive...

  5. bestnye g bercuti..anyway suka baca blog akak ni..singgah la blog saya..

  6. skali skala apa salah nya ...korang nih wat bachelor party utk anny ka ...

    kowang jangan pulak upah penari bogels yg berbadan sasa ahahhahahahha

  7. best giler... aku nak sgt gi cuti2 camni... huhuhu... kalau laki aku kasi, mak aku plakssssss hadoiii!!!~ tension idup! *grrr*

  8. bestnyerrr...... sesekali.. apa salahnyer kann..... bagus tul pak radie nieh lah... memahami..

    aku rasa laki aku mmg kasik.. tapi.. aku je la kot... tak bleh tido takder ketiak laki... ahhahahha... kejis kan aku..
