About Me

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Tagged by Ila...

I've been tagged by Ila mama Syahmie.

1. Do u think u are HOT?
Ermm... hehe.. i'm not just HOT but i'm HOT & SPICY.. (gi carik baldi nk muntah)

2. upload a fav pic of u 3. why do u like this picture?
coz the pic tells u no lies..auwww..caring and loving momma in da house yoo!

4. when was the last time u ate pizza?
Ermm.. a month ago if im not mistaken.. ate at Bangi..

5. the last song u listen to
On my way back to office.. (lunch time)..i saved this entry and only published this morning..i listened to Samsons.. 'mungkin... aku x bisa memiliki dirimu seumur hidupku..bla bla blaaa..'.. what is the title ah?

6. What are u doing right now besides this?
Chatting session with Fara a.k.a. Far Far Away....(yesterday)

7. What name u prefer besides yours?
Ntah.. x der pon..

8. People to tag.... (ila abis friends aku ko kebas..)
1. Mimie
2. Mai Okinokiyo
3. Azie
4. Cik Puan Muda
5. Jujue

9. Who is no. 1?
my oldfriend who used to stay with me during studies..my partner in crime dolu2..heheh..

10. No. 3 is my friend from TM.. a friend to Mai, Ila, Moon.. how to tell ah? Ok ok.. she's my friend whom I know from FP world.. she has two daughters yg sangat2 comel..

11. say something about no. 5
Jujue.. she's crazy.. I dont know from which world she's from... but definitely she's crazy like me.. we can talk about anything.. we can maki2 each other... (no heart feelings kan jujue?)..hehe.. DIA SGT GILE..

12. how about no. 4?]
my fren whom i know from blogging world..she has a cute son!!

13. who is no. 2?
my buddy... who send her daughter in the same nursery as Acih.. and mamas bz chatting..kan mai?hehe


  1. :: wahh!!
    :: tmapk sungguh menjadi "lakonan" itu..
    :: haha
    :: xdela.. memain je..
    :: :P
    :: dah gaya iklan dah..
    :: ape kate akak try g anto acih masuk audition talent kat memane..
    :: hehe
    :: mane tau acih lebih dr berbakat yg disangka..
    :: :P
    :: she's tooo cute lorr..


  2. hoiiii!!! patut lahhh macam ada magnet menarik menarik aku untuk masuk sini!! hoiiii lagi!! sebab ko kata aku gila? gila kah aku ini? (ermmm boleh jadikk..logikkk...)
    org gila mana leh jawab tag!!..

    wehhh... aku tetiba jer lapar nak makan tempoyak!!

  3. ko lenkali..x cukup nama nak tag..
    silalah masukkan nama aku..
    aku offer diri nih hahhah..

    ni kes xde idea kengkadang nak buat n3

  4. bagus..cargas gitu...aku gak lum buat tag ko ...

  5. Anonymous2:01 PM

    hi..bole tau camne nak wat potrait gambo tu tak?catik la yg kat dinding umah u tu...ada ym tak?i add

  6. butterfly:hehe..dah gi aritu..tp x der panggil pon..huhu..
    jujue:nasib ko sedar ko tu giler!!hehe
    sheila:yer buley2..ko buat jer yer..heheh
    ila:aper aku tag ko yeh?
    anonymous:cemana nak buat potrait?amik gambo kat dinding jer..neway this is my email add: akufillanie@yahoo.com

  7. comeinya acih.. tp ni gambo lama kan..
