About Me

Friday, October 31, 2008

mix entry


kami attend wedding sedara belah Pak Radie.. kat Shah Alam..

uiiiii bawak mengucap yer Acih... sabo!! nak check lelangit dier sat..kot2 nyanyi sedap ker sora dier...heheheh....

jap jer..pastu Acih dah okey.. dia kan drama queen...

Mama ngan Acih...

Hover giler budak nieh...

lepak sbb prot dah kinyang....

pengantin.. tp kaler dier fening ler... kalo light sket ok kot?

Open House

dah lama beli baju nie..tp budak ni x moh pakai..sbb t-shirt kan?.. dia kan nak yg kembung2..ropol2..kedut2.. erghhhhh!!

it's me laaa.. Acih!

gedikss like always...

Fresh From Oven:

hehe gambo ni sgt fresh...sbb masa tgh update nie.. masih pakai baju yg sama.. baru jek balik dari SR ni pon! heheheh..

me..mai...moon and ila...

ila ngn moon

me and mai... mai dok bising tudung kemek kene tiup angin.. so fillanie tolong ler tegakkan tudung dia guna pisau tu.. baikkan aku?..hehehehe...

aritu korang kata baju aku mcm kain langsir... arini korang kata kain aku nie cantik wat tudung... besok2 korang nak kata baju aku wat aper lak? buat simut korang yer?..hahahah....

Grilled blackpeper chicken with fries..

nie moon aper nama dier? luper!

lamb stew aper tah... mai punyer

burger.... for ila...

Sekian dulu entry yg ala2 org pemalas nak update kan..hahahah... x perlah yer.. leh cuci2 jik mata tu tgk food.... hihihihii.... fara siler jangan jeles tgk kami yer..hahahhaha.. tp x best ar ko x der!! aku nak dgr citer ko migrain kene kuis2 tuh!!! kengkawan..jom gelakkkk...hahahahahah..


  1. mama & acih cute cam biasa...i like...have a great weekend & holiday dear...muahssss

  2. bestla korang nak bercuti..

    korang nieh mmg tetiap jumaat saje je kan.. buat org jauh2 cam aku ngan fara tension jeee...

  3. heheehlenny ko jgn le jeles ek..nanti bila opis aku dah pindah, aku dating ngan ko pulak lah ye ari jumaat...gi mkn2, gi sopping sopping ek...

    filla, moon n mai; aku kan siap kena sindir ngan boss aku, setiap ari jumaat mesti gi networking je...hahahha iye la..aku budget dia tak masuk opis, tu yg selamba kodok kul 3 baru masuk opis, tetiba dia ada lah pulak... sabor je aku... dulu ms mai jadi sec vp tu, takde plak boss aku nak sindir..heheh apa apa pun aku seronok sgt lepak ngan korang yang best ni...

    fara, sila jgn jeles ye...

  4. ko mmg cepat ek..secepat kilat, gambo ni mmg hot from oven, heheh best sgt dpt lepak ngan korang, release tension aku nak start keje bsk haaa...huhuuu bosan...dah lama lilek kat umah.

    comel la kasih pakai kemeja putih ni filla, pandai pose ala2 model lak...she's so cute...as always...

  5. :: syuke le nengok acih posing kat carpet tu
    :: dah mcm artis nak masuk show le..
    :: aii..
    :: bakat dari mama die ni..
    :: :p

    :: kak.. how holiday's?


  6. aritu i nak beli jugak t-shirt cam acih tu for my son tapi dah takde size.. sob sob..

  7. Anonymous4:47 PM

    How can i wipe windows xp from my laptop and reinstall windows Me -the laptops native software?
    I suffer with recently bought a used laptop that is old. The mortal physically I had bought it from had installed windows xp on it, orderly for all that it at came with windows Me. I be to oust the windows xp because it runs slows on the laptop because it takes up more honour than the windows Me would. Also I need to remove windows xp because it is an wrongful copy. So when I tried to run updates on it, windows would not initiate updates because the windows xp is not genuine. [URL=http://ozouyez.tripod.com]ackee tree[/URL]

    Answers :

    It's haler to leave [URL=http://nuszbaw.tripod.com/verseo-inner-cleanse.html]verseo inner cleanse[/URL] Windows XP and even-handed upgrade your laptop. It's much better. [URL=http://ulvhvpw.tripod.com/smiley-leilene.html]smiley leilene[/URL] Besides, Windows XP is way [URL=http://fgelyem.tripod.com/burns-depression-check-list.html]burns depression check list[/URL] healthier then Windows Me. Windows Me is obsolete and tons programs that can run with XP, can't [URL=http://acvegts.tripod.com/marginal-analysis-tutorial.html]marginal analysis tutorial[/URL] look over with Me.
    all you have to do is interject the windows me disk into the cd drive. then reboot your laptop, when the resentful [URL=http://ohqmgra.tripod.com/obama-speech-2-24-09.html]obama speech 2-24-09[/URL] shield with all the info comes up and when it asks u to boot from cd [URL=http://ejcwgcy.tripod.com/bruce-crandall.html]bruce crandall[/URL] hit any key when it tells you to then install from there !!! I RECOMEND SINCE ITS AN ILLEAGLE TWIN TO WIPE [URL=http://qkapaaa.tripod.com/gravenstein-apples.html]gravenstein apples[/URL] OUT OF THE CLOSET THE [URL=http://ftpzsee.tripod.com/smothers-brothers-theme-guitar-tab.html]smothers brothers theme guitar tab[/URL] THOROUGH TIRING PUSH WHEN IT ASKS YOU WHICH STIFF [URL=http://epgotuo.tripod.com/vervet-polio.html]vervet polio[/URL] PROD TO INSTALL IT ON. THEN ADD ALL THE UNENCUMBERED SPELL ON THE CLEAR [URL=http://epgotuo.tripod.com/vg30dett-stage-iii.html]vg30dett stage iii[/URL] FLINTY DRIVE ONTO A UP TO DATE FILE LOCATION, IT WILL-POWER LOOK LIKE C:/ Exposed or something like that

  8. Anonymous3:23 PM

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