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Thursday, August 07, 2008

P.S. I Love U....

Story book..
i just finished reading this love story book.. i've heard bout this book from my friend Mai..really wanna borrow from her..but u know.. it's hard for us to see each other.. bzzzzzz gilos memasing! haha.. so last sunday, me, Acih and radie went to alamanda and drop by at MPH.. and i saw this book.. so aper tunggu lagik..beli jek lah..hehehe.. (at least i've got something else to do at home..x ler ngangkang jek dpn tv!!)..heheh..
"P.S. I Love U"... i love the title gak.. biar ler aku yg citer dari aku tulis sinopsis citer kat sini yer..hahah.. it's all about a wife (Holly) who has lost her beloved husband (Gerry).. he dead because he had a brain tumor.. and before he left her forever.. he wrote a letter.. a message to be opened every month... from March till December... (huh sedih plak.. kalo kitalah kan..kita ada tak tepikir nak buat gitu???).. so there are 10 envelopes for Holly to open every month.. just imagine.. she has to be alone..in an empty house without kids? without her husband.. feel like dying kan? in the same house that she used to stay with her late husband.. erghh.. kalo aku..baik aku pindah umah jek!.. all his messages encouraged Holly to be stronger.. to be more independent.. to be brave... tp message dier sumer mcm treasure hunt ar sket..hahah.. mcm suh Holly attend Karaoke competition.. (sedangkan hubby dier tau Holly ni x leh nyanyi in public).. so mende2 mcm ni lah yg buat Holly become more stronger.. yg Holly plak.. has no choice kan.. aper pon dia mesti buat aper yg Gerry suruh kat dlm surat tu.. hehehehe..

Tp i dont really like the ending part!! menci tau.. eiii i hate Daniel... si Daniel ni kira nak try2 ler si Holly nie.. but Holly really love her late hubby kan.. so it's so hard for her to accept Daniel..she doesn't know if that is called love ker or just friends?.. she feel guilty to have someone else in her life coz she can still feel the existing of her Gerry... yg si bongok Daniel ni pon satu.. nak approach org tu sabo lah sket.. give up jek balik kampung gi sambung ngn ex-girlfriend.. bongok?!! huh.. menci aku.. if u're really in love with Holly tuuu.. u will wait for her.. ini baru baper hari si Holly ignore dia.. dah gi ngn ex... bangang tak?.. citer ni dah di filemkan heroinnyer Hillary Swank.. tp aku lom tgk plak movie ni..
This book is good because it tells us how important is your family... friends.. u might be strong to face anything by yourself but family and friends really help... and after u finish reading,, then u know, then u realized u take things for granted.. u never appreciate what u have till u miss them.. till the one u love gone.. by that time.. sorry! no regret!.. this story book.. it's not a sad one for me coz it didnt invite tears pon.. (aku keras ati kot?)..haha.. tp teach me lessons!! hoho..
Heheh.. tetiba aku tingat time aku muda2 dulu.. kalo aku tgk citer especially citer industan ler kan? konpem mak aku yg kene dengar citer aku..sbb aku akan citer balik dari A-Z.. kalo dia tetido time aku citer..konpem aku naik hangin!!! hahah (sama mcm Acih pangai aku..heheh).. mak aku suh pendekkan jer citer..lagik ar aku hangin..aku beriya2 nak citer..suh pendek2 plak..menci tau.... Dah tua2 ni x der lah aku buruk pangai suh dia dengar citer aku tuh...kang Pak Radie bebulu plak tgk pangai ngada aku tu..hahahah.. tp kadang2 aku nak mak aku suap lagik time mkn nasik.. tp aku jeling2 gak.. takot radie nampak!! dia tu kan mulut mcm tempayan!! jap gi ngutuk aku anak mak ar.. itu ar.. ini arr.. (dia x sedo dia tu anak mak? dah ler jantanzz..auww x kosa okeh!!!!)

Semalam aku buntu giler tatau what to cook.. so aku decide nak buat Hati Masak Kicap.. hehe.. aku kureng sket organ2 dalaman nie..tp hati okey lagik ar kan..jantung2 sumer aku buang..pastu goreng garing2 kalo tak geli aku nk mkn.. kang kembangggggg jerk tengkolok aku.. tengkolok ker nama dier?? hahahahah.. pastu buh cili padi byk2.. baru pedas sket..heheh..
Utk Acih, (eventhough i know she'll not eat).. aku ttp gak masak sbb aku pon nak mkn sayo gak..heheheheh.... aku masak sayo campur.. tp telebih empok.. nenek tua x der gigi pon leh mkn..heheh..ni Acih nyer pasal arr kan? time aku masak ler.. dia nak koko crunch.. dia nak yak.. nak cing.. nak amik tapis.. nak main beras.. nak suh keluarkan senduk2.. aiyohh.. cemana nak buat sumer?.. tp Acih loves brocoli..hehe.. ngn udang.. dia tak suker telor.. (aku rasa budak2 suker mkn telor?).. leceh tul ar acih ni..


  1. cam best je citer ni...eh citer ni aku lum baca la... ari tu aku baca citer apa ntah...ehheh... sib baik ko tak post kan citer ni smlm...kalau tak mau aku lagi meroyan smlm... hahhaha smlm kan hari romantic sedunia gitu... ko citer tak kat radie pasla novel tu?? apa komen radie? aku kalau apa2 mesti mintak komen laki aku, tu yg dia kengkadang fedap... tapi aku pun fedap gak sbb selalu nya komen dia cuma "ok la"...

    aku pun tak mkn organ2 dalam kecuali pelampung...pelampung ke nama nya? hentam je la...hati aku tak sukaa tapi ko masak tu cam dap je aku nengok...

  2. a'ah... cam best jerk aku baca ko nyer sinopsis nih. teruja plak aku nak beli sbb nak baca apa gerry tulis kat bini dia tu. hehehe... tp aku tgh konfius nak beli buku ke nak beli dvd movie jerk... ahaks! aku ni smenjak dua menjak ni mcm tak smpt jer nak membaca ni... per lagiks nak tgk dvd. bizi buat mender ntah aku pun konfius... huhuhu... tp nanti aku carik gak! ko pun mcm aku laaa... kalau citer mesti in details, siap A to Z, ada bunyik efek sgala bagaiii... hahaha siap paksa mak aku dgr! sebijik! kuakakakakakkaa...

    ermmm dapnyer ko masak! tp aku tak makan hati. aku tak mkn semua organ2 dalaman. too bad lah ek... telan air liur jer arrr jawabnyer! uhuks!

  3. Filla...eheh aku baca meleleh2 air mata...ehhe ko tak invite tears pon? huhuuuh..aku tebayang selalu bila laki kita ada kdg2 kita tak appreciate kan? bila dah xde baru tau betapa sunyi nya dunia..hhuhuu, tapi novel yg aku bagi ila pinjam tu lgk best kot, 'where rainbows end', citer pasal kwn baik...yg sebenarnya in love with each other...best! ko mintak kat ila ek?...

  4. ila: ha ko tgk tu..mai dah suh aku mintak kat ko dah buku tu..bak sini cpt!! heheh.. pelampung?? pelampun Acih kaler oren bawak gi swimming tu aku tau arr!
    sweet666:ko jgn mls leh tak? gi beli baca okeh.. ko nak senang jek terus tgk movie eh?? heheh
    mai:ko tau ler aku ni kan wire sensitip/sedih aku lambat sket tindakbalas dier..hahah..aku ni tebalik..citer sedih aku x nangis..citer yg biasa2 aku lak sedih..hahahha.. nanti aku nk pinjam from ila yer..

  5. sedap lak lauk2 yg awak masak tu... kita pun kurang makan yg dalaman ni... salam kenalan, ur daughter cute !

  6. filla, aku pun dah beli book tu.. tapi dah 5 bulan lepas lah.. meleleh jugak air mataku ini.. sob sob sob..
