About Me

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

my workplace..

yeah!!! i'm free today.. everybody in this office off to CIAST.. walaaaaa.. heheh.. well as a super-lazy-woman like me.. i'm not gonna involve in any *tuttt* that requires me to stayback, to prepare all the stuff to be carried to somewhere jauh2... to attend meeting and to discuss who should help this ** to cook, to bla2.. uihhhh malasnyer aku!! being part of them... preparing gifts for winners pertandingan itu...pertandingan ini...pertandingan memasak..gubah bunga.. menjahit..uwaaaaaaaaa... oh tidak!.. i rather go back and sleep at home.. (aku mmg terok!).. sampai pencen pon people will never notice my contribution.. bagus..baguss... thats why i never complain.. bagus aku ni..sbb sedar diri..heheheh..

so i would like to show u guys my workplace where i do my blogging-thing... where i update my fp.. where i chat with my friends.. (hope nobody from this office read this).. i have my own room but i've to share with this kakak (typist) because she has been working with my boss for so long kan.. siapalah aku?..hehehe.. so instead of having my very own room.. i've to share! and i dont like sharing... uwaaa.. tp aku ni baik hati... x perlah... redhooo jeklah..
this morning.. try nak masuk internet..tp nyer!!! adoiii bosan okeh!! so sementara network nak ok.. aku pon snap around sbb x der org kan ari nieh....heheheh...
yer this is the phone that i used to make private callss..hahah..matilah aku kene bunuh ngn boss!.. yer mmg agak bersepah ngn post-notes nie tepek sana sini... tp aku bahagia... yg ketas kuning beso itu is the list of staff nyer ext.. mak kan merangkap operator skali..menciiii tau!
terok kan aku? org lain tampal pasal keje2 opis.. aku? sbb dari lahir till now.. i cannot remember zodiac... except mine.. bulan lain aku tatau..so i need this to refer lah kan.. huhu...
ni lagi satu list... ni date of birth my friends... yg aku x leh luper..sbb kalo luper..mmg aku kene pancung!..hahah... korang.. dah bertahun2 ok list ni ada kat sebelah aku melekat..yg sebelah lagi nama tu is drivers kat office ni.. boss suh kol..laju ler aku kol..hehehe... for Mai, happy belated birthday sbb baru jek lepas 2 hari kan?..hehehe.. ni pintu masuk to my room..hahah.. i'm not the Director General ok.. sbb my boss kene lalu kat i dulu..baru masuk bilik dier..hahah..
ni ler PC kesayanganku kat opis.. belah kiri pc tu kan ada pintu? haa tu pintu nak masuk bilik my boss.. tp pintu tu will only be closed if he's not in.. dia x suker tutup2 pintu.. mesti nak bukak jer..so that he can see me kot? auwwwwwwww... x kosa.. i'll pretend like i'm bz doing my job..padahalnyer?? kuakakakka... nie tempat kakak tu... sebelah aku..tp belakang sket..so she knows what i did last summer lah kan..hahah.. lantak ar.. yes this is me... waiting for the network to be connected... aiyoh..bosan gilers... hehe ada vicks kat sebelah tu..td idong sumbat!

yes..this is my place.. where i spent my 5 days... 36 hours a week... fuh lama giler.. bocor gak kusi ni aku dok lama sgt..hahah.. sgt beselerak ker? well.. a workaholic like me kan what do u expect? kuakakkaka... tak ler... the real story is like this.. my boss yg cute tu.. mmg habbit dier... suker sepah2 kan my table..sbb he always wanted a clean-nice room for him.. he will check all letters on my desk.. i did suggested to bring all the letters in his room where he can check them while sitting and have a cup of coffee yg aku buat kan.. kan lagi comfortable? and what was his answer? no thanks! nanti sambil check surat saya tido...hahahahha... dlm ati aku 'oh ok then..sila...sila lah buat semak lagi atas meja aku'... but u know what? i'm so lucky working with him (Dato' Ir.. Wan....dot dot dot)..haha.. he's a nice man.. x kedekut=pemurah lah... everytime he work outstation he will never forget to buy a bottle of perfume for 'us'.. me, akak sebelah ni and his driver... just name it.. gucci, CD, DKNY, dan lain2.. sgt banyak collections aku.. Alhamdulilah..murah rezki my boss yg baik hati itu... that's why sampai skarang bajet utk beli perfume aku xyah kuar... Alhamdulilah lagik sekali..heheheh..

Yes that's my name... nama aku biasa2 jer.. mcm pompuan2 baik2 jer..auwww... ustaz2 salu pronounce nama aku as Fodhilahhhh.. erkkk.. sabdu sumer bagai kuar yer.. hahaha.. tp aku yg giler glams ni sajer lah tukar2 letak Filla.. gedikkkkk gilers okeh... dan ada yg call me Fill.. jgn fill in the blanks sudah yer.. aku suker org called me with so many names..variety gitus.. Buk Filla.. Filla, Fla, La..sumer adalah... eh lari topik..nak citer pasal Secretary sebenarnyer.. me amik course Secretaryships kat UITM shah alam bersama2 kwn2 seperjuangan Mimie, Mai, Ayue, Meen, Nurul... dan lain2... biler dah amik course mcm nie..harus lah gi class pakai kasut berinci2.. makeup 2-3 lapis.. kuku bercat2 (ikut baju yer kaler aper)..hahah.. sampai aku penah kene panggil dgn lecturer ni..dia ckp x cantek..mcm kuku berpenyakit..auwwww tu sindir ker?..hahahha... yer aku sgt enjoy amik course ni.. lagi2 dgn kwn2 aku.. bukan senang actually..org pikir amik course secretary cuma belajo cemana nak cantik2 make-up2... IDOKKKK... byk okeh subject yg kene amik.. kene pass.. typing, shorthand (aku menci), sbb biler amik dictation..yer2 jer aku buat.. biler lecturer suh baca.. x der aper aku nak baca!! aku x paham aper outline yg aku buat..hahahha.. amik economics, amik business, amik Law.. haaa..bukan senang.. sikit lagi belajo yg subject Law tu.. dah leh jadik lawyer ok! padahal amik secretary course..heran kan? perker jadah blajo Law tebal giler... poning mak! aper lagi 'toyol' arr... (mimie ko paling terror and slamber toyol kan..kita kan gang toyol)..huhahahah... kene time exam.. aku ngn mimie carik baju kurung yg kain tebal2 sket..sbb nak selit toyol kat pinggang kain..hahahah.. pastu lps abis exam bangun jek... beterabur atas lantai.. kelam klibut!! hahahah... nak pitam+muntah aku panik okeh.. padahal notes ko yg berterabur... hahah.. walopon cita2 aku besar..tp aku bersyukur dah keje yg ada skarang.. amin... dulu kobar nak further studies..tp x perlah yer... dgn pemaleh mcm aku ni.. lupakan sajerk..

*Acih x der (umah nenek)seminggu cuti sekolah..uwaaa... x der kawan nak gaduh!! bowink..biler kol dier.. dier just tanyer 'mama buat apa tu' ... pastu dia jerit2 x moh ckp ngn aku... sabo jek!!!


  1. hi fila
    u sama course ngan zana ler..
    u uitm mana ekr...coz' zana uitm shah alam...
    btw....betul ckp ko, org ingat amik course secretary nie senang..sebenarnyer susah kan...memcm kita kena belajar....plg pening bila amik paper law....boleh pengsan nak baca nota.....

    filla grade taun baper erk?

  2. zana: a'ah SS14 Shah Alam.. masuk badge 1997 rasanyer..grade lambat..FYI..aku ler first student paling lama kat faculty kiter time tu..bkn aper..syg sgt kat itm!! hahah (reason!!)..

  3. oopss silap..bukan badge yer..itu badge baju sekolah.. tp batch!! bodohnyer aku..hehehe

  4. kietr serupa lah sec .....

  5. filla, dulu keje sec, aku bosan plak...tapi aku miss lah privacy yg kita ada as a sec, PC yg kita ley chat n berFP bila free...berblog, kat sekolah mana smpt semua tuh, kang kalo cikgu2 lain tgk aku active buat benda2 tu sure kena report..huhuuu...betuah ko ada boss yg pemurah gitu, save duit nak beli perfume...ehhehe...

  6. opps filla, baguihlah ko tampal b'day kwn2 ko nih, mmg ko lah plg awal wish aku masa b'day aku aritu...thanks filla, i'm lucky to have you as one of my best friends...love u!

  7. haha filla aku tergelak ko ckp ko badge tu.haha nasib baik ada correction kekek.

    padanla xnampak kasih.kene export gi shah alam ek.

    tu la ko perasan tak, kalau diorg ni ada, kite ni mcm tensi2 jek.time takder, rindu2 jek kan kan?

  8. aryana:hehe..proud to be sec kan..kan..calittt..heheh
    happy2gether:mai.. xper..at least ko ler org plg byk experience..ko penah jadik sec and penah jadik cikgu.. :)..mai..u know me kan..aku ni makcik pelupa..kalo aku x tampal list tu..alamat aku x hengat ler bday kwn2..hehe.. we're lucky coz we r friends!! love u 2!!
    okinokiyo:yer..nsb ada correction! haha..a'ah aku xport acih..sombong dier siot..x moh ckp ngn aku pon kat phone!!

  9. Filla mentang la tak der org nko sesuka ati je kuarkan kamera snap snap sana sini tau hahahhahah sangat cargas .

    lawa la tempat nko pilla . tmpat aku semak samun nko yer la kije technical nak hias meja ngan cable2? tak koser tau ...kesimpulan nya meja aku je yg paling meriah sebab nya aku sorang je pompuan kat sini kije filing semer aku buat so ley consider aku nih sebagai secretary daks hahhahahahha

    bagus bos nko pila . lenkali nko pesan banyak2 ley jual kat org pastuh .

    mati kutu la nko sebab acih tak der ha nko main la guling2 ngan pak radie utk mengisi masa lapang

  10. tetiba aku teruja nak wat entry cenggini gak, aci tak? huhuhu... aku pun sekretari per... *wink*

    tapi, aku ni mcm takde masa jerk skrg nak update blog, nak update fp, nak visit blog & fp org, kengkadang rasa mcm arghhhhhhhhhhh!!!!~

    sori yer buk pilla... TERsessi lepas tensi plak kat sini!
