About Me

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

me and anny @ sabah..

Monday 7th July 2008... i followed anny to sabah.. (sajer sibuk)..haha.. coz it was just a 1 nite stay.. so why not.. gi pon..anny takot dok bilik hotel sengsorang..boley?.. me asked radie if he can consider if i follow anny for just a 1 nite stay.. memula dia x kasi..pastu kasi plak..hehehe.. Anny has a job there at Tenom which is located so so far away from the city of Sabah, Kota Kinabalu.. FYI i was born at sabah coz my dad was a former police.. i've grown up there.. till form one.. so speaking their language is no big deal for me.. huhu...TELEBEY SUDAHHH!!.. hahah..

The flight was early in the morning.. as we reached KK, we first checked-in at Promenade Hotel located at the center of KK..then the taxi that they charted bring us straight to Tenom.. woww weee... what a nice view.. i likee it so much.. sejuk mcm gi Cameron/Genting plak..heheh.. i didn't miss the opportunity to snap the scenery.. sungguh mengagumkan!.. then the taxi driver tell us a nightmare story..hehe yo yo ahhh jek.. dak ler..dia tunjuk kat satu kawasan jalan tu.. turun bukit..tp biler dia free gear.. cemana taxi dia leh reverse ke belakang? bukan sepatutnyer ke depan ker?.. the driver said everybody knows about that location yg pelik tu.. only on your way to Tenom jer leh jumpa jalan tu.. heheheh...

After we reached the site we had lunch.. and me try ler mihun tomyam kat Tenom tu.. Tp tu gambo soto Anny..pelik..mihun dier beso.. erkkk.. tp lapo..telan jer.. heheh.. then we went back to the site.. punyer lah panas gilos.. tp aku kan assistant Anny.. pegi ler ala2 dari Press mana tah..hahahah.. kelaka giler..pakai boots.. dah penat tu..Anny pon dah siap buat keje dia ngn Abang Wi.. kami pon balik ke KK.. huh..penat!!..

kat atas (left pic)nie anny yg snap.. poyo jek mak acih nei..auwwww... hahah..

ni gambo bawah ni plak gambo me yang 'kepoyoan' nak masuk site..hahahah.. dah dua kali anny tejebakkan aku pakai gini!! aritu gi teman dia gi kilang fastfood..kene pakai shower cap..aku ingat kene buh kat kaki!! haha..pelik apersal beso sgt nak bungkus kaki..ghopernyer buh kat atas kepala!! bengong....hahaha...

sungguh ler menggoda mata kan view kat sini? cantek giler...sejuk plak tuh...tp paling tak tahan masa kat site tu..panas berasap2 aku rasa...dgn bedebu2 nyer.. arghhhh...

gambo bawah ni is the best pic..sbb terserlah kepoyoon nyer..hahahha..

gambo atas tu b4 kua gi dinner pastu terus gi lantak siput tu..heheh

seafood restaurant tu serve no pork yer puan2.. kat belah sini ler ada coffeebean seaview
We reached Promenade KK at 7.00 p.m. then life begin..huhuuu.. dah siap mandi.. we went for

dinner plak..mcm biasa, Abg Wi lah yg blanjer..hehe..next to the hotel ada Seafood Restaurant.. first time arrr aku mkn siput aper tah? tp bukan siput babi yerrr..hehe.. udang ada..ikan ada.. ketam pon ada.. tingat kat pak radie.. coz that is his job actually..tlong kopek isik ketam.. aku x kosa nak kopek!! x reti and malas..heheh.. dah penat..nak blk tido...auwwww.. kami bukan 'les' okeh..hahahaha

Morning, lps pekena coffee tawar sbb sugar dah tinggal setengah.. kami walked to Philipines market.. belikan rantai kayu utk Radie and sikit2 ikan bilis/udang kering utk family.. dah tu bz snap2 gambo.. hahah..byk tul gambo..tp buh yg ini jeklah.. heheh.. pastu left Abg Wi at the market we walked to Starbucks opposite the Coffee Bean.. lepaking dgn rushing nyer..sbb kul 12 dah kene check-out.. Anny sempat grab something at Quicksilver.. me ingat nak bli kan pak radie selipar yg sebijik mcm Acih tu..tp x der size.. huhu... balik tu.. packing terus and blah ke airport...

the next day.. di tepi market..

yang nie aku x sure anak saper telepas kandang..

gambo atas ni aku tau anak saper... aku tau mak saper..hahah

jom ler lepak coffee bean..

but we decided to lepak at Starbucks plak..heheh

paparazi keep chasing me..auwwww...mcm artis..

Pas dinner we went jalan2 kaki around KK... singgah laa kat Coffee Bean sea view.. sgt menariks okeh.. lepaks2.. dah tu jalan kaki balik hotel... dah sampai hotel, Anny gediks ni ngantuk plak!! Abg Wi dok call dia dah ada kat club hotel.. tgk pompuan jogets2.. ceh!!! hampeh tul... tp aku nak gak tgk..heheheh.. wake Anny up.. asik jawapan dier '5 minit'.. ok arr bagi chance.. pastu kami pon turun gi bawah..usha..heheh ada lah minah ala2 beyonce kononnyer..erghhhhh terror lagik anny jadik shakira kat karaoke arituh kan anny..hehehhe.. dah ngantuks.. kami pon naik bilik.. then sambung tgk movie kat tv.. Thick Madam.. arghh x sanggup okeh.. gelpren x lawa langsung..moks gilos.. boipren dier encem gilos.. negro ler..heheh.. pastu nak jeles2 kat boipren..plg x leh tahan tgk dia kissing.. huhhhhh...

me nak belikan pak radie sliper itam tu lah..x der size..tp radie can smile..dah bli kat alamanda..hehe

Sekian sajer lawatan sambil belajar..sambil becuti... sambil mcm2 lagiklah.. next time gi jalan..will bring pak radie and acih sekalik...sowiiiiiiii arituh 'terpegi' Sabah solo..hahah..


  1. alamak aaaii....aku kepingin ke sabah nih...huhuu ngan condition aku sbg mak buyung, aku dah x ley ke mana2 huhuuu cediy nyer...best giler aku tgk korang ala2 solo/all girls holiday gitu...rasa kdg2 mmg nak lah begumbira camni kan...suker aku tgk view sabah tu semua...sejuk mata memandang...korang ala2 tourist gitu..ahaks..

  2. bestnyer pegi sabah.. aku tak penah jejak kaki kat belah2 sana.. sabah ke.. sarawak ke... ahhaha.. kejis kan aku... ehhehe

    bestnyer dapat jalan2.. and makan2... tapi.. cian acih ngan pak radie kene tinggal.. next time bleh bawak derang la kann...

  3. sakannnnnn ko yer poms! mcm anak dara plak aku tgk entry ko nih... mcm takde laki, takde anak gitu, auwww!!! *wink* patut ler 2 hari ko takde ber'ym' dgn diriku, rupanyer menghilang ke sabah... aku pun tak pernah gi sabah dowh... ada sesapa nak outstation bawak aku tak ek... ahaks! teringinnn sgt nak gi...

    korang berdua nih mmg kepala gegiler ek... aku takley imagine pasni anny plak kawin ada anak bagaiii... sure mcm ko gak! hot mama malatops gitu... konpom!

    cian acih kena tinggal lagik... huhuhu... *muahz to acih*
