About Me

Monday, June 02, 2008


lama tak borak2..feel free to write (to type) actually!heheh.. i was thinking of what Dato' Dr. Fazilah told me about my character.. he did mentioned about me when he looked at my handwriting.. he said, i'm a bit choosy..especially when it comes to choosing friend.. he asked me.. if i have many friends.. i said yeah.. ada lah 2,3 org yg close kat office.. heheh (ramai ke tu?).. wehhh..wait till u join me.. i'm talkative..friendly.. hehehehkkk..
why i dont have many friends.. especially in my office.. well, i figured out this prob in my workplace.. they love to talk behind.. (aku pon!!) tp tak ler terok sgt okeh.. hahahah.. that's why i dont really mix around with my officemates.. i dont mind if they labeled me 'tak campur org or whatsoever'... lantak lah... being me.. i just focused on my job... i go to pantry everyday and had my breakfast with my bestbuddy.. then go to my place and layan internet!! hahaha.. (after i settled my work)..
here, they like to talk bad about new staff..hey?! pls dont judge a book by its cover.. x penah ke dgr statement tu?.. as for me.. huhh.. i know they talked bad things about me when i first moved here.. kata aku sombong belagak..mcm bagus... arghhhh..lantak ler!! sbb mende2 mcm ni confirm jadik kat new staff.. kadang feel pity for them.. pantang budak baru masuk..daring sikit..melawa sikit..konpem kene kata!!! hishhhh... pls stop the tradition la weiiii.... lantak ler dia nak melawa ker... nak pakai aper ker... dia kacau korang ker?.. bukan ler nak backing coz aku bagus.. no... tp tebalikkan jer.. if u dont like ppl to talk bad about u..then..stop talking bad about others lah kan?
stop being 'makcik2 type' lah.. ngueng2... mcm langau ok!!! like what happened last few months.. ada laa 'A' ni dpt 'cemerlang'.. ramai plak tak puas hati.. these langau2 leh gi jumpa our admin manager gitew.. cakap apersal si A ni dpt cemerlang.. patutnyer dorang2 ni yg dapat...Ya Ampun!! ada ker org mcm nie?? yessss... cant u just admit that itu rezki 'A'.. i dont think it's good for these langauuuuuss gi jumpa boss sbb tak puas hati.. kelakarrr ok..buat malu! melayu ni mmg salu ada sifat dengki.. i'm not trying to say that melayu ni pendengki.. sbb aku pon melayu!! tp cubalah kasi bersih sikit hati tu... how u want ppl to respect u, when u dont respect them? cuba lah..amalkan prinsip..'aku tak kacau ko..ko jgn kacau aku'.. tp nanti org kata sombong plak kan? tak lah..cuba lah.. wish congrats ker kat A tu... ini tak... lagi satu kalo selected kene attend course.. boleh hamuk satu opis sbb not selected to attend course... kesian kan org2 mcm ni??? aku sian sgt... pastu ngok ngek ngok ngek sbb org tu dpt pegi..dia tak dapat.. (dengki lah tu).. biler kata langau ni sekolah tak tinggi marah!!! (pakai akal lah wei).. aku naik rimas dok sekeliling ngn langau!!
hidup kalo nak senang... jgn ada DENGKI... tu jerrr... biler dengki..idup tu tak tenang..hati sakit... tgk org lebih hati sakit... what for??.. so nasihat ku pada para langau2..tak kira dimana jua dorang ni berada...pls changed 4 ur own good jugak kan!!...


  1. shuhh.. shuhh... kat tempat aku pon banyak langauuu..

    tapi.. biasa la filla...
    idup takder langau tak meriah kot?

    aku malas amik pot sangat... nak cakap... cakap la.. nak ngata... ngatala... biarla dier berbahagia...

  2. tu sbb dulu aku takde kawan pompuan. letey nak layan mender cenggini. cemana la otak nak berkembang. huhuhu... sungguh busuk langau itu! ahaks!

  3. hai.. sume dlm gomen ade langau tuo nih.. tp kat sini ramai langau yg mudo tp belagak tuo

  4. wei bukan opis ko je ada langau...opis kau pun ada langau...tp aku wat derk je tu sbb aku kat opis ni aku mkn dgn org yg sama je...
