About Me

Friday, February 29, 2008

4 u to know mama..

It’s not a mother’s day or any special days..just feel like writing about my mom.. I love her.. love her very much..and it’s not my style of telling her how much I love her.. but deep in my heart I really love u..
We had so much argument..since I completed my SPM. To be frank, I’m more close to my ayah..u know lah kan.. pompuan..always be papa’s girl.. but when it comes to financial matters, love, health..u always run to your mother..
Knowing my mom..she’s quite sensitive.. and very bad that she has me as her daughter..haha.. I don’t know how to pamper her.. and I don’t know how to say sorry in proper way.. well that’s me.. an egoistic person.. not like my brothers.. who can fight with my mom so so badly..and in a few minutes will say sorry and hug her with tears..it’s totally not me..heheh.. so bad huh?
I had a bad history with my mom.. long ago.. and believe it or not..it’s about a guy..what a fu*k?? who is he anyway?? Because of him i don’t talk to my mom for a year.. can u imagine?? A year!!! We only talk about serious matter.. like ‘ma, makan’.. nak story mory no way.. my mom really like him..which I don’t.. luckily everything get back to normal.. (my mom pon malas dah kot nak layan anak yg stubborn giler)..hehe..
I’m the only girl in the family.. I don’t know if I’m lucky or unlucky? When u’re the only daughter in the family I bet all the attention will definitely go to you.. but the worse thing is.. my mom become so sensitive.. I think because she can only share her prob with me.. being me, I’ve to play smart..but I’m not smart enough..huhu… she’ll become sensitive when I regularly spend my time with friends.. bis tu?? Mom is always mom.. and friend is friend… pls don’t compare.. aiyoh… I never blame her because I really understand her situation.. my mom is adopted by a malay family.. her parents are Chinese and she never had a chance to find her parents. So she only have her own family and one and only stubborn daughter.. I realized that it’s my responsibilities to pay more attention to her.. I know after I’m married she has to let me go.. it’s tough kan? But what to do? I’m trying my best to satisfy her.. it’s difficult because I’m not a type yg lemah lembut…. Uwaaaaa..sorry ma.. ssh nyer.. sometimes when I try to be lemah lembut as she expected.. rasa mcm keras mcm kayu plak.. hehehhe.. so funny right? Filla, don’t blame others if one day your daughter react the same way..huhu.. ok ok.. I will try not to be so sensitive.. hehehe..
My mom is a bestfriend of mine..kadang we spent so much time lepaking at mamak.. dulu2 lah.. go shopping.. confirm she miss all those moments kan?.. huhhuhuu..me too.. I miss that moment.. but I’ve spent my time with her on her birthday last year.. went shopping at klcc..eating cake..laughing..talking… till I forgot to pick my Acih at nursery.. kelam kelibut sent my mom home and went back to putrajaya to fetch Acih..
I know that u’ll never read this.. but I just want u to know that I love you very much.. only u know me well.. coz I’m still your baby.. I still want u to feed me..heheh..dap ler mama suap..huahhaha.. please don’t get angry easily, I never meant to hurt you.. I love u, I love u.. when u love someone u don’t have to say it kan?? (haa kan aku dah jiwang balik nieh!!!)..

Thursday, February 21, 2008

conversation between mama and acih..

mama: sapa nama awak??...what's your name???
Acih : Kasihhhhh...
mama: Kasih aper?
Acih : Acih Aiyaaaaa..
mama: Acih nie comel ker?
Acih : Comelllll
mama: Tak lahhh..tak comellll..
Acih : Comel lahhhh!!
mama: Sayang mama tak?
Acih : Cayanggg..
mama: Sayang banyak ke sikit?
Acih : Cayang sikit..
mama: Ha??! sikit??
Acih : heheh.. sikittt jeee..
mama: Sayang mama ke sayang papa?
Acih : Sayang cemuaaaa..
mama: Kasih suka pegi school tak?
Acih : Suka..
mama: Makan apa kat school?
Acih : Makan cikgu..
mama: Ha??!! makan cikgu???
Acih : heheheh..makan nacik, makan biskut...makan kuehhhh..
mama: oooohh.. makan ngan sape?
Acih : makan ngn umi...
mama: Acih, baca doa makan..mama nak dengar.
Acih : Bimilahimaniohimm..Allauma..aik ana..ima ook ana..wa ina aaabanaa..amin...
mama: pandainyeeee...malam ni Acih tido dalam bilik ngn mama ok?
Acih : Alaa...tak nak...
mama: mana boleh tido kat luar... tido dalam bilik ok?
Acih : tak nak..situ ada antu....
mama: ??!!
Acih : tido lua..nak tgk tv..cicak man.. mama cini arrrrr...
mama: ah..malas... bye gud nite..muah!!

(Acih pandang jee.. terus sambung tgk tv ngn muker x der prasaan)....

Tuesday, February 19, 2008


Heheh..sheila aku copy idea ko nie.. sbb mcm best jer nak recall balik edisi2 kantoi nie..hehe..

Kantoi 1
masa nie aku kecik lagi... dalam darjah 3 kot... bapak aku ada lah beli pisau mahal yg lipat tu.. ala2 rambo utk dia nak buat sembelih ayam ngn itik dier..kakkahh.. pastu dia pesan lah kat aku petang tu..pisau ni jangan main..jgn pegang... aku pon cakap ler ok... sekali tu dia tak de aku gi lah belek pisau tu.. sekali aku tekan 'pup' tekeluar ler pisau tu... aku dah panik..sbb konpem aku kantoi.. aku dok panik cemana nak tutup balik pisau tu... pisau tu ala2 ada spring.. bile dah takut tu..aku gi amik pisau rambo tu..aku gi cucuk kat atas tilam.. supaya dia leh tetutup balik..biler aku tolak jer.. meletop pisau tu kat jari aku yg comel nie.. amik kau... ada lagik lah parut tu sampai arinie.. menyembur2 darah..uwaaaaaa..nak ngadu kat mak ngn bapak takut kene marah..so diam jek..biler dorang tanyer..aku ckp jari aku tesangkut kat pagar sekolah..boley? huahahahha... (tak ler kantoi... )..hehe ni edisi tak brapa nak tekantoi ler ni..heheh..

kantoi 2
becinta zaman2 sekolah menengah ngn sorang mamat nie.. sekali tu aku gi dating kat ujung shoplots kat area umah... petang2 lah nie.. sekali boleh mak aku lalu naik kete kat situ.. mak haih gelabah nak mati..tp aku belakon ala2 lekkk jer.. mak aku tanyer saper.. aku ckp budak st. john..budak tu scorer.. jadi nak pinjam ketas soklan sekolah dier.. nasib aku awal2 dah bawak ketas soklan peksa...kuakakka.. last2 couple lah ngn mamat nie.. mak aku leh suker gile plak kat mamat nie.. dah 2,3 taun aku naik bosan dah.. mintak break..mengamuk plak mak aku..boley?? darah muda..hati panas..aku leh jawab ngn mak aku 'mama nak sangat, mama jerlah kawin ngn dia'..kuakakka... nasib tak kene pelempang...

kantoi 3
masa kat uitm shah alam... mcm2 yang aku kantoi..al-maklum arr.. aku kan JAHAT giler dulu..huahha..skrg pon jahat gak.. tp dah slow down sikit..heheh..ni kantoi ngn mak aku lagik..mak aku tu kalo anto gi belajo jadik spy ker detective ker..konpem ngalahkan CSI forensik tu..kuakakak..pelik aku!! malam tu kua ngn scandal aku yg x hensem langsung..menggelabah plak tu budak sains sukan.. tp dah x der owang nak kua..kua jeklah..kakakah.. pastu sok tu aku ada driving test kat jpj.. takat tak tido tu..aku dah biasa..haha..pastu kualah.. balik kol 5 pagi..budak tu nak anto aku balik..sampai simpang..aku nampak keta mak aku parking baikkkk nyer kat dpn umah sewa kat section2.. amikko.. nak tekencing ler aku.. terus patah balik... dok pening giler.. last2 aku suh budak tu balik.aku menapak kul 6 pagi balik umah..buat2 tekejut mak aku ada situ.. 6 pagi?!! hahah.. mak aku sound arr mana aku gi..aku ckp tido umah kakak ogiey.. kat puchong.. sorry arr mak aku nk caya.. hahah.. mak aku dtg tu niat murni.. nak ingatkan aku kunci jam loceng..sbb sok nak gi driving test.. last2 kantoi..terus dia suh aku pack kain baju x yah dok umah sewa..dok ampang..kebetulan aku pass plak driving test tu.. aper lagi.. kene drive ler ampang - shah alam!!..

kantoi 4
ni kantoi paling dasyat dlm idup nie.. ngn 2 org sekali boipren aku.. tp boipren bukan favourite arr..(hehe..kuang hajak).. mlm tu kua ngn boipren A nie.. (siap2 kua supaya nanti leh kua ngn owang lain).. dah tu.. dia dah siap blanja aku mkn malam..terus anto aku balik.. dah bye2 dah ckp aku nak masuk tido..x kua dah.... boipren B aku datang.. aku pon kua ler..tp aku hangkut member aku ogiey ngan Ad sekali.. sonok2 kua.. boipren B nak hanto aku balik.. sekali aku nmpak kete boipren A kat situ..masakkkk aku!! boipren B ni sporting sikit.. dah tu aku menggigil nak kua dari kete.. dah betekak giler kat situ ngn boipren A... dorang nak settle..tp tetiba ramai giler member2 boipren A tu datang naik motor bagai ngn kayu sumer... mak nak kes gaduh beso nie.. sekali polis ronda2 situ..dorang blah.. terus bawak aku, ogiey ngn Ad gi section 3 nak gi settle..dok ler aku mcm owang bodow ngn dua org sekali boipren aku.. dua2 nak tinggalkan aku..aku pon ala2 sedih lah.. admit salah aku.. pastu dua2 blah ngn kete dorang.. bongok giler.. bepeluh ketiak aku balik umah jalan kaki ngn member2 aku... bodohhh nak mati..tp sepanjang jalan ketawa mcm nak pecah perot.. huahaha...

kantoi 5
haha yang ni edisi kantoi ngn radie..heheh.. masa tu tengah kawan2..ktorang kan tak bercinta..ktorang bestfriend jer dulu.. pastu aku plan nak kua ngn mamat sorang nie.. my best buddy gak mamat nie.. tp dia tu kawan radie gak.. sekali radie tanya aku..aku kat mana? padahal aku dah kat shell batu 3 tu.. aku ckp aku kat seven 11 nak beli tepung buat cekodok..kuakakk..kul 11 malam kot masa tu.. pastu dia ckp gi lah siap cpt..nak kelua gi uptown nie.. aku lek jer jawab ok.. pastu aku suwuh ler member aku tu patah balik cepat.. kwn aku tu pon patah ler balik.. anto aku ikut blok belakang.. radie rupanyer kat blok dpn.. dah ler dia nmpak aku tgh tekan button lif nak naik atas tukar baju.. kuaakkaka.. pastu naik je kete radie.. (radie ngn kwn dier dlm kete).. aku diam jer..kuakak..

kantoi 6
masa nie aku kawan ngn radie.. tp aku kawan gak ngn sowang mamat nie.. mamat nie mmg suker giler kat aku..siap bagi aku pakai handphone dia..haha..zaman tu mmg ler saper pakai phone nampak mcm best2 jer.. nokia banana.. haha.. aku ckp kat radie phone tu aku nyer..lek jer aku kan?..kuakakak..sekali aku kua lah ngn radie gi lepak kedai mamak..sblm tu dah bg tau kat mamat yg bagi phone tu aku tak kua..kat umah jer.. tgh aku sembang2.. phone bunyik..budak tu call..tp aku x jawab.. (nak cover line dpn radie) baru nak gatai2 ngn radie.. sekali tgh lek2 tu aku pusing belakang..mamat tu minum ngn member2 dia kat blakang aku... masakkkk!! aku terus bangun gi toilet.. dalam toilet aku lompat2 mcm siamang..kakakakhhh.. kes panik... pastu ckp kat radie aku nk balik.. dah balik tu mamat tu jumpa aku.. begaduh bagai nak giler..aku pulang balik tepon pisang dier tuh..huahahha.. tu maknanyer aku dah bosan ngn ko!!!! (ya ampun..nsb aku tak kene santau!!)..heheh

kantoi 7
ni kes dasyat gak..aku kantoi ngn mak boipren aku yg hampeh.. aku slalu kua ngn mamat nie.. x der arr suker sgt..tp boley arr.. pastu aku tatau yg mamat ni punya lah poyo..menipu aku.. nak nampak mcm kaya.. nak belagak dpn aku nie.. bagi aku pakai kete satria make-up tak hengat.. kata keje best2.. x kisah arr kan..janji time aku blaja aku dah slamber pakai kete dipinjamkan khas utk aku ngn kengkawan..kuakakka.. rupa2 nya dia tu menipu.. aku x kisah la dia tipu..bkn aku kecewa pon..sbb bkn aku suker sgt..hahah..sekali tu aku kantoi.. cemana tah..mak dia nak jumpa aku.. aku pon lupa mak aku ada sekali kot..mak aku pon dah tau kes nie kot..sekali tu masa jumpa mak dia menangis2 ckp kat aku..jangan laaa kacau anak dia..(eh biler masa plak aku kaco anak dier??) pastu merayu2 kat aku..dia kata mata dia dah naik selaput dah nangis pasal anak jantan dia yg bodow tu..huahahah.. aku gentel jek tissue kat tgn aku sampai hancur..rasa nak tetido pon ada!! kakakahh..kwn aku yg ogiey ngn ad tu pon ada..kakkah.. dia kata anak dia berabis utk aku.. adoiiii ni yg aku x suker..aku x mintak pon.. dia yg menipu aku nak blagak?..mana aku tau.. dia tak kasi aku kawan dah ngn anak dier.. ok ler makcik.. x usik dah anak jantan makcik tu...huahahahhahah.. (tp sian makcik tu kan?)..kakkahhh

kantoi 8
ngn ex aku sowang nie.. dia budak bola.. abg angkat aku ni pon main bola.. abg angkat aku dah sound aku .. jgn dekat ngn ex aku tu.. tp aku degil gak..(eh suker ati aku ler..ko abg angkat jer) tp ada hati kat aku.. tp aku kene ikut ckp abg angkat aku tu sbb respect arr kat dier.. pastu dia x kasi aku jumpa dah ex aku tu.. aku ok jerlah..tp pegi gak jumpa..sekali dorang ada bola mlm tu kat padang uitm.. petang tu aku lepak ngn abg angkat aku..dia tanyer aku gi tgk ker dia main bola mlm kang.. aku dlm otak asik dok teringat kat ex aku.. sekali aku jawab 'a'ah **** filla pegi.. aku leh sebut nama budak yg dia anti tu.. kuakakka..kantoi aku.. tp aku buat muker x mengerti salah aku gi sebut nama tu..hahah..mlm tu gi tgk bola.. abg angkat vs. ex aku.. biler ex aku score goal jek aku sorak..huahahah..sadin jek aku tesasul sorak!!!

*itu ler serba sedikit kes2 kantoi aku dulu..huahahha..byk lagi..tp biarlah rahsia...

Friday, February 15, 2008

Valentine's Day

I believed that everything in life is fated.. maybe I’m fated to be like what I be right now.. but no regret at all.. love is universal.. everybody describes it in their own words.. and I really know what love is.. love doesn’t mean that u have to be together.. u know u love somebody when u cannot hate him eventhough he hurts u. u’ll try your very best to hate.. but still u love. The more u hate the more u love.. and at the end of the day u’ll get bored and u’ll get tired. U’ll know that u’re just lying to yourself.. pretending that u didn’t love.. the truth is u cannot even help yourself to forget every single thing about him.10 years? 20 years? That is just a number.. the memories remain the same. Love.. is when u get hurt u still pray the best for him. And to see him happy will cheer you up.. he doesn’t have to know that u’re happy for him..just keep it in your heart.. sometimes u’ll feel like an idiot. But go to hell with it.. who cares anyway? Is love important? Nope..not really..u can still live without love right? It’s responsibility that counts.. it’s a bonus to live with love.. but if u’re fated to live without love..just carry on..
I know what is love.. love is when everybody around u said that u’re stupid and blind.. and u keep smiling.. telling them back that u agreed with them..u agreed when people said that u’re stupid..but nothing much u can do.. just ignore..hehe.. love is like..whenever you listen to a song..will try to relate it with u.. u and him.. it doesn’t matter if the song didn’t match..huhuu.. when u love somebody so deeply.. u’ll pay 100% attention to what he’s doing.. so that u will not miss anything.. the way he walks..the way he talks.. the way he eat..the way he cough.. the way he touch .. the way he kiss.. yes everything. And when u really love somebody.. whatever happen to him you can still accept him.. with no legs maybe? U still want him? With no hands maybe..still u want? Of course.. u’re not in love with their legs and hands right?
I’ve found so many kind of loves.. that makes me understand what is true love.. it’s so sweet to think of..and at the same time can make u suffer.. sometimes it's scary when u get up from sleep u’ll forget everything…that is what I think of love.. and my true love now is only one..Kasih Aleeya..she is everything that I have..she is my love..my true love….

Thursday, February 14, 2008


today i received sms from someone who is working with the production house yg organized program x-rel tuh... mmg hangin satu badan when he asked me why did i called rtm and told rtm that they didnt give us the prizes yet.. hello i called rtm just to know when the program will be on-aired thats all..when rtm asked me why did i wanted to know..then i told rtm the organizer will only release the prizes when rtm kuakan kat tv...is it 'buat kecoh?'..
he said i better ask them rather then kecoh2 asking the rtm.. helloooo??! the prob is..when we asked u guys...u alwiz make promises... kata before raya.. mana??? then promised again.. end of december 2007... mana???? then promised lagik .. again and again... letih dow..
i'm not that desperate pon kat prizes2 tu suma.. aku masih makan lagik...just a small matter...saper yg kecoh? dia ingat aku ni jalan pakai baju lawa2 pegi buat catwalk ker kat lrt tu??? dia ingat opis ni bapak aku yg punyer nak amik cuti sbb nak gi beracing??? dia ingat aku ni x der prasaan anto anak gi dok ngn MIL bebulan2?? dia ingat tulang2 aku ni x der rasa nak tetanggal buat benda2 tu??? dia tau tak aku tak leh bangun lepas race tu??? dia tau tak aku sambung lagik cuti sbb nak angkat kaki pon tak boleh lps race tu???? dia tau tak cemana aku taknak bagi partner aku regret... dia tau tak aku mcm nak menangis training turun naik tangga tingkat 13? if u dont know our effort just zip ur mouth.. takat aku kuis sikit call rtm tanya date nak kata aku kecoh...u're right when u said sooner or later the prize is ours..mmglah..
adoi makkk menyirap tul aku... i dont care... i'm not afraid at all... saper lagi nak dtg marah2 aku.. meh lah sini.. aku x kisah.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

when chicken pox attacked my Acih...

huhu... sian my lil ones nie.. x sangka plak dia kene chicken pox nie.. dulu kecik2 dah kene..tp dulu tu campak halus kot?.. nie kene lagi..tp mmg confirm yg nie chick pox.. tp Alhamdulilah Acih tak demam.. pastu dia okay jer.. x der meragam langsung.. cuma tangan tu leh tahan ler kuis sana sini... heheh... budak kecik biasalah..biler ckp jangan dia buat derk jer..

so tepaksalah mama anto acih kat umah nenek Shah Alam sampai ler recover sok.. kat sana pon dia happy sbb ramai cousin2 dia.. everyday i'll call her to check her condition..nenek ckp dia ok.. tp biler gang2 dah balik umah memasing..tetiba dia sound nenek..'nenek acih nak balik putrajayalah'...boley??..heheh..nenek diam buat derk jer..huahahahha..

eiishh aper muker mcm tu? nie kat umah wan ampang... nasib dia x ngamuk2.. we miss u acih..get well soon.. i love u!!!