About Me

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

hello bloggerss..

feel like i wanna start updating my blog again..dah kelua labah2 dah blog nie!!.. x tau kenapa hari ni rasa mcm syahdu jer.. sbb cuaca kot?? sejuk jer?.. i was thinking about my life.. in d past n in d future.. what am i gonna be in 10 yrs time?.. is my hubby still with me? how many children do i have? will i gain more n more weight?? arghh..
i am so lucky to live in this world, to share my life with radie and my kasih.. aku bersyukur sgt.. i know i'm not that 'good' to actually have them in my life..

'my radie'
*we never declare our love*we're bestfriends*dont know wheter he loves me more or i love him more(????)*imagine, we forgot our last year wedding anniversary!! i dont know who must be blamed.. coz we both forgot!!!oohhh??!!*he's a bad listener!!*a bit rough..*fussy*simple*mulut laser(i'm d only one yg could listen to him, pompuan lain confirm x thn)*very outspoken*adventurous*creative*the way he thinks definetely different from others(huhu..monster aper??)*he never show his love but i know he do care bout me(ada ke org x sayang bini?)..hehe*he knows what he wants, what he's doing and he dont care what people say bout him*

*i'm confused..alwiz n alwiz..*radie is not my first love, but he's d one who understands me better than any other guys in this whole world*i dont like complicated situation...will alwiz make things simple n easy...dont like to think.. (i'm a lazy mama)...*get bored easily*adventurous*giler*gambler*slalu kene tekanan prasaan..heheh*alhamdulilah jarang sgt gaduh ngan radie.. but when we fight.. it'll take only 5 to 30 minutes(x betegur)!! not more than that..(filla ni baik tau.. x suker gaduh lamer2 buang karennnn..x kuasa nak pujuk n kene pujuk)untung awak pa... heheh*there are certain things happened in my life that i cannot forget..trying very hard to forget but i just cant..*stubborn giler2 nyer*


  1. Assallamualaikum Filla...

    Suker baca entry nih... same goes to me...every single day i've been thinking bout life...bout me and my kids...Buatkan i rasa more confident utk menghadapi hari esok dan juga hari2 berikutnya... InsyaAllah...;)

  2. akhirnya filla update gak entry baru!!! rindu nak baca siot! hehe...

    hmmm... ni la yg filla ckp 'faham sgt perasaan zz' masa kat blog zz tu ek... no wonder la... situasi filla byk sama dgn zz la... actually perangai filla pun byk sama ngan zz... the inner side! mebi sbb befday kita selang sehari, and mebi sbb kita sama-sama scorpio kot...

    radie pun sama dgn sam. sempoi sgt sampai kengkadang kita rasa dia ni sayang ke tak kat aku ni... tapi dia sorang je la yg faham dan boleh deal dgn zz. mmg stubborn abis tak hingat punyerrr... tapi kitorg pun gaduh tak lama la... sama lagi... tu yg best geng dgn filla & radie tau! boleh masuk ngam ngam je! hehehe...

    definitely kasih is a combination of both of u! lovely! *muahz*

    focus more at the right direction filla, and u'll understand the real love of ur life! *hugs*

  3. hi filla, lama nak tunggu ko update dari army wannabe tu.hehe...emm I think I know you in & out, after what we've gone through I think I know u better...filla stubborn?eeheh yup agreed with that statement...cuma radie sorang bole deal ngan ko...dia sayang ko tu, tp tak tunjuk...filla ni nampak jek brutal tp hati 'kentel' gak kan?

    so sorry if I was part of yr hardship sometime ago...that makes me know u much better '...kengkadang ko blur tp hati ko baik, never meant to hurt anyone...itu yg aku ley simpulkan. U're one of my bestfriends and u'll always be...

    U're lucky to have Kasih & Radie...and they're lucky too for having u as Wife/Mama...hugs...

  4. tau tak pe...jenuh tau aku dok click blog ko ni. dah bukan bersawang dah...dah jadik tukun haaa.

    ermm citer pasal love kan, aku maleh le nk igt previous love life aku. aku skang hepi sangat dengan laki aku ni ha.

    apa-apa skang ko, aku dan lelain kawan kita dah bahagia dah..anak memasing pun paling kurang dah ada satu (rata-rata ada satu pun kan.. bila lagi kedua :P)

  5. hahah filla..
    lamanye ko tak update blog ko yek..asal aku bukak je nampak gamba kasih yg bj askar dia..

    aku rasa kite ni dpt laki yg sepesen stylenye..rambut sama panjang tinggal lagi laki ko kurus laki aku beso..hhehe..bab romantik tu mmg payah sikitlah..nak tunggu dia kasi aku bunga..ya allah amatlah payah dan sukarnya..anyway syukurlah kite ni dpt laki yg bertanggungjawab..dibuatnya dpt jenis yg ntah hapa2 ntah..lagi naya
