About Me

Monday, July 10, 2006

mommies & babies FP gathering at Anna's place...

9 July 2006 - is our 1st FP gathering for mommies & babies & daddies.. so happening.. just imagine anna's house turns to nursery!!! huahha.. so many toys for kasih to play with..(i've planned to buy one..hehe.. comey lah fisher-price anna yg kasih main tu..)..that green turtle tu.. sabar yer kasihhh...heheh..

Thank you very much to our organizer (Anna & family).. who were very nice n humble.. nice place Anna!!!.. and we're neighbours now..heheh (dan dan jerrrkk).. varieties of food, thanks to mommies who bought the delicious food for us...heheh.. nyesal x mkn byk..sbb excited sgt tgk babies ramai..heheh..

Thanks to our photographer too.. Aji yer?..nice pic bro!!!..not to forget, hubby Ila, Zaimi, and others who contribute their pic in their FP... can i call it contribute?? hahaha.. thanks alot..

To zizie, anna, anne, moon, ila, azie and mommies yg filla x sempat nak tgr that time, nice meeting you!!!! eh, tp ramai yg kiter baru bekenalan lps balik dari gathering..heheheh.. mcm Mommy Rae...(jejak kasih gak tu...) my ex-schoolmate dulu ghopernyer...hehe..

Eh.. dah mcm dpt award plak??!!heheh.. overall.. the gathering mmg best!!!!


pa and kasih

anak dara mama

-fenriz with zizie- kasih wif mama-



  1. wah sekali update, 3 entries terus...bestkan pi gathering ni, tak rugi mai ajak filla join, memula ingatkan ko x suka benda2 camni, alih2 radie pun sporting abih, mai plak kalo x ila n munirah yg bersemangat mungkin termiss event yg best ni...overall semua best, foodnya, tuan umahnya...n kengkawan yg dtgs...timer kasih semua...nanti sesaper buat la lagik ek? kat umah mai kecik sgt tak buley buat aaa..eehhehe..

  2. hehehe..time rajin ler nieee...ada masa filla ok jerk.. sekali sekala apa salahnyer kita involve dlm benda2 mcm nie.. bersosial sikit..make new friends.. hehe..umah filla pon kecik..hihi..x ley ler buat gak..heieheh..

  3. sweet la gmbar kt ats skali tuw...
    3 beranak epi jer...
