About Me

Tuesday, June 27, 2006


My Baby
same as ila and moon..i want him to take good care of my kasih.. kalo dah jodoh hubby ngan org lain wattodo.. redha jerlah..but I do believed kasih sayang mama baru nanti takkan sama..anak kita ngan anak dia.. uwaaa..siannyer anak kiter…same with moon, akan ku jadi PHSM… hehehe..hopefully radie’ll alwiz remind kasih how much I love her..

My Car
I’ll give my cute car to radie..(I know he’ll sell the car!!)..hahah..but it depends on him and I give him a power to do whatever he wants..

My House
Rumah he has to give it to our daughter kasih aleeya (if I only have one children lah) kalo ada anak ramai, hubby can sell the house and put the money in each of our children’s saving account… but he has to make sure the children use the money for good..
For the furniture hubby can take it as his asset.. hehhe lagipun mmg byk pakai duit hubby pon!!.. huahahah..

My Insurance / Saving
I don’t have insurance..kelakarnyerrr..but I’m thinking to get it.. my ASB account I’ll give it all to my children.. sorry pa….i don’t want u to use my money for your new wife and your children with her…cant even think bout that!!!.. and I want my children to use the money for their education.. (mcm byk jer?!..heheh)..

I don’t collect jewellerylah.. now I realised I don’t have much jewellery coz I don’t like wearing them.. I only wear my engagement ring, and a necklace given by hubby on our wedding day.. my jewellery should be kept till hubby feel I’ts the time to give my children.. if kasih is the only children I had, then give it to kasih..wear it or keep it as a rememberance…

Baju nikah/Rings
I don’t have any coz I rent them… only baju tunang…so tak yah ler simpan.. wat semak jerrrr…nak selit sikit nieee.. the platinum ring that I gave u on our wedding.. please wear it all the time.. leh ker?? Even if you remarry.. coz our rings are very special to me.. ada hubby’s name on my ring and ada my name on his ring.. Baju +etcbaju2 n all my stuff suka ati ler aper nak dibuat… kang buruk lak baju tu, so sedekah jerlah,, kalo kasih nak amik ler, kalo tak donate jer kat org2 susah..

To hubby, pls don’t place my photo in the store ok?!!!.. mana lah tau kot2 takut wife baru jealous… tu mmg nak kene lah tu... simpanlah elok2 utk kenang2an… and utk anak kita gak.. cewaaahhh.. dah pandai nak jiwang2 lak…huhuuu...

Im Tagging
Sheila, ayue, mama mia, saper2 lah.. org lain dah moon tag dulu dah!!!


  1. He he sonok gak baca kan . Kadang bila baca org nyer planning kiter pun leh add in dlm kiter nyer list . Kadang ada gak tertinggal kan . But semer org nak yang terbaik utk anak kan

  2. semua org nak yg the best utk anak kan..tapi ila memang tak leh imagine le kalau hubby kawin lain kalau ila dah takde nanti, rasanya nak join jadi PHSM gak kot kalau dia dera anak kita...

  3. huahahhaha.. silap2 kalo hubby kawin lain, even wife baru dia baik gile pon, kita jadi gak kot PHSM??!!....

  4. uish...betul2 jd PHSM kang baru tau korang ni..x sanggup aku..

  5. my wedding ring pun camtu gak... his name on my ring and my name on his ring... was thinking to do another ring with fenriz's name on it. so that i can wear it all the time... :)

  6. lerrrr...mama mia kena tag..
