About Me

Monday, May 15, 2006

Happy Mother's Day

it's so wonderful being a mother.. being a mother to Kasih Aleeya, bersyukur sangat.. Alhamdulilah Kasih sihat, jarang meragam, happy go lucky, kengkadang dtg gak time ngada2 merengek2 dia..hehe.. sayang sangat..sangat..sangat.. hopefully kasih will love me just like i do.. to my hubby, thank you for appreciating me..thank you for the 'kain'.. heheh.. kene pow lak papa... and to my mom, am so proud to be your daughter.. bought my mom a body shop lipstick..hehe,, tatau nak beli aper.. to my MIL, sayang kat mak jugak, seronok dah kawin ni, got 2 moms now.. heheh :)...
wish happy mother's day to all moms in the world...


  1. since ko dah ade anak kan aku nak wish u happy mother's day utk ko.... aku ntah tahun bile plak nak jadi mother..

  2. hi shiela, just viewing your blog..thank u..hehe.. InsyaAllah dimurahkan rezeki fuuuuhhhh dapatlah shiela baby..:)..hehe tu doa aku tu.. sabar ler.. usaha tangga kejayaan, aku doakan ko dikurniakan cahaya mata ok??...

  3. Selamat Hari Ibu, Mama Kasih....

  4. kat mai pun..bestkan first time celebrating it...
