About Me

Thursday, April 27, 2006

workshop for secretaries in Langkawi

just went back from Langkawi.. quiet tired but enjoy the trip.. the 4 days course seems interesting with a good speaker Pn. Yasmin(very kelakar)...and FYI this is the first time i didnt sleep with my kasih.. uwaaa.. rindu gilerr.. tp maintain lagi.. when i miss her, will call my mom and can hear her voice jerit2.. and during the course, my dear friend maizatul gave birth to her 3.1 kg baby girl!!!.. congratulations mama mai and papa zaimi.. as she didnt reply my sms i know that she must be struggling to deliver her baby...will visit u soon... maybe this saturday kot?.. ok, go back to my langkawi story.. bought some chocolates and minyak gamat. we went to makam mahsuri, and so surprised the place is totally chaged.. last time i came to langkawi was 13 yrs ago.. when i was 14yrs old..

landing time

view from our room

me-azza-kak liza



  1. Syiok nyer jadi secretary nih..bleh pegi dinner tgk artis ..(tgk Mai muahahah) pastuh pegi seminar semer...satu satunyer perkerjaan yg di celebrate ...secretary week..(week tuhhhhhhhhhhhhh lama..) satu lagi hari guru pun 1 hari je

    mesti rindu tahap max kat si kenit tuh kan

  2. a'ah rindu giler..pastu trs x nak breastfeeding lagi..cehh!! tp mmg dah slow pon b4 gi langkawi.. blk tu dia tak heran langsung!!..ada try nk bagi, dia gigit!! sakit giler.. gigi kasih dah 4btg..2 bwh, atas 1 dah keluar, satu baru nak keluar.. hehe
