About Me

Monday, February 06, 2006

majlis cukur jambul + akikah kasih aleeya

28 january 2006..habis rambut kasih kene gunting2..hehe.. menjerit2 dia... Alhamdulilah dah selamat dah buat cukur jambul + kekah kambing sekor.. so papa & mama dah lega now.. dont have to worry about d expenses of d kenduri.. atuk, nenek, wan, semua sponsor gak..hehe..papa n mama decided to botak me..is it nice for a baby GIRL like kasih wearing skirt or dress without hair?!it looks weird lah.. takpelah sayang.. kejap je, nanti tumbuh lah balik.. okay?!

kasih with mama's friends.. from left is aunty mai, middle aunty mimie and my beloved mama is wearing pink.. ouucchh.. hehe.. thanks to friends who came on kasih's big day.. kasih also wud like to thank aunty anny, aunty atta, aunty sue, aunty jeeja..

this is kasih's grandma.. i call my grandma 'wan'..heheh.. went shopping at alamanda putrajaya.

this is my mama..my mama is very the garang onelah.. if i refuse to drink my milk, mama will get angry and just let me cry and cry..never want to comfort me.. heheh.. padan muker kacih,, shaper suruh cry2???.. but whatever it is, i still want my mama to sing for me (eventhough i know she cannot sing at all!!), i want my mama to hold me tight till i sleep..feel like my mama has a magic to make me sleep.. but my papa can make me laugh sampai nk pecah perut.. hehe.. very d kelakar lah.. jeng jeng jeng.. this is d new me... Kasih Aleeya new version..hehe.. how bout this? kewl huh?.. at first mama was too scared when the 'mamak' wanna cut my hair (they use machine cutter),, zrass zrass,, dah botak dah.. kasih look noti with her new style.. finally mama can accept my new style.. but i must wear my scarf when i'm wearing my dress.. heheh.. aperlah mama ni,, tu pun nk malu..kasih x kisah pon?!..

uncle2 and aunty2 lagi... hehe.. mimi and mai both are so beautiful during their pregnancy... not like me lahhh.. me last time was so damn semak!!nak gi wedding jer make-up sikit, kang org kata comot!! heheh.. was so damn malas..malas in everything..just like my kasih now,, she's so damn lazy, but i'm not gonna blame her coz she seems to b just like her mama.. huahah.. besides she's 'big' so she cant afford to balance herself, become so lazy, but enjoy her food very much!!! just like mama.. yummy..yummy.. heavy butt!!oohh forgot to tell, kasih can eat now.. her fav food is gerber banana+rice flavor.. muah muahh..

1 comment:

  1. kasih walopun botak tetap comel..nanti tumbuhla balik rambut tu, maybe lagi lebat....ehehhe...
