About Me

Monday, January 02, 2006

welcome 2006..tata 2005..

heheh..at last, i found the title field..hehe..(pandai gak aku nie).. so, we are in d yr of 2006.. bestnyer... i wanna b with kasih day and night.. never wanna miss any single minute pon kalo boleh,, tp wattodo? keje...miss her noti face.. uuuhh..uuhh.. (only kasih knows)hehe..mama&papa were thinking of buying u a car seat.. tak yah mhl2, sbb ltk dlm kete jer.. luckily we found cousin kasih nyer in d store..slamat duit..heheh.. cuci2 dah mcm baru!! look at kasih with her 'new' car seat..my friend said, we've to train our baby ASAP to seat in d car seat..nanti dia tak nak, kita gak yg susah!!.. tgk paha kasih..Atuk starts calling her 'donut'..ala donut busyuk nie..

'mandi time' besh nyer..nenek mandi dlm besen jer..heheh.. kalo mama yg mandikan, sure mama sing 4 u kan?.. "mandi..mandi..mandi..syayang mama mandi".. this is a song or what??!! mama mmg mcm tu sayang.. hentam jer all d time.. kasih's fav. is naked... wah wah.. suka giler.. buka pampers lg suke, bila pakai nangis ye?.. iskk shame2 lah..

haaa.. how bout this? nice shoes right?.. dulu x muat.. now dah muat..so soft.. ada bunyi2 loceng lagi dlm kasut tu.. kasih alwiz buat weird face kalo dgr bunyik tu..hehe.. no big deal ler cayang as long as u like it.. mama bought a new cd for kasih (but using duit papa ler) hehe.. biaser lah tu.. ahaks.. dok menghapal lagu.. hehe kelako nyer kalo x reti nyanyi baby songs nie.. but at least i've initiative to learn..baba black sheep..lalala la la... london bridge is fallin down..fallin down..falling down.. bla bla.. my fair lady.. (itu pon kasih can laugh!) kira ok ler,, dia x tau mama dia tak hapal.. kuakakkaka... kasih kene tipu..

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