About Me

Monday, January 23, 2006

do i look like 'mak aji'??!!

snow cap ngan scarf ni preparation lps kasih cukur jambul..hehhe, al maklumlah, masa tu dah kene tarah habis.. auww.. malu arhh botak!!.smlm tido putrajaya.. we enjoy our weekend very much.. i cooked (start kul 7.30pm siap kul 9.00pm) hehe,, hasilnyer, sambal telo, sayur goreng & ayam goreng rempah!!! kua kakakka.. punyer lah slow..ptg golek2 ngan kasih tgk hindustan movie.. layaaann.. kasih pon take part smpai tido lagi..

nyum2 i like to suck my fingers.. boley gitu?..love it when all my fingers become wet,if not enuff i'll suck my mama's fingers..a bit salty, but still yummy..lot of people call me 'mata stim'... aritu, nenek sedara said " apo kono mato eh sotimmm yo?! hahah.. muka tu muka sedih je, mama nak marah pon x sampai ati..kan kasih?thanks to ayue for sending suzy's wedding card..oo ko sempat cilok anak aku yer? hehe.. cant wait for my friends to have their babies this coming march & april..hehe..followed by mimie & shidot.. that means there r 5 babies to join kasih this year ..ayue's, mai's, mimie's and dot's..(shidot twins) wowww weee.. best... gud luck fwenss..push! push! huahakaka..

1 comment:

  1. Saya nak teka Kasih akan dapat adik laki2...
    Sebab peha dia cuma ada garis 1 je...kiri & kanan...
