About Me

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

after a long long break

malasnyer nk kerja..but hv 2..:(, went to hsbc and citibank this morning.. tensenn,, nak kena bayo my boss's card. miss kasih so much..just look at her noti face wif pink shirt..mcm ikan pon ada.. 30 dec aritu gi inject.. baik giloss.. mama dia yg emotional.. tgk2 kasih x nangis langsung.. kebal nyer.. tgk paha ler mama..hehe..

haa.. this is our new house in putrajaya.. me & hubby really love this chair.. tutup mata lerr.. beli jer.. it looks like retro concept.. bak kata my hubby yg poyo tu, "modern classic retro".. ada ker concept camtu? heheh.. tak leh letak gambo byk2 lagi, coz tak ada apa pon lagi barang.. slowlylah.. i'm thinking to move out from ampang in this coming feb.. tp sian kat my parents..papa gotta send kasih to wan's house first b4 gi opis.. sambung story mory tomorrow ler babe..

heyyoo.. this is my new pose yg plg 'gatai' ler mama..huahahah.. kan main lagi dierrr.. dah mcm pilot kapal tebang kecik zaman dolu2 tu..masa ni lepak putrajaya.. tu tgh tgk papa lah tu, sbb tu muka tu gatai jer.. kasih kasih...isk isk.. kasih is now 31/2 mths dah, dah start tunjuk ragam dia.. dont u ever touch/kiss her when she's not in d mood.. mmg nak kene jerit lah tu..hehhe..

hi it's me again.. last weekend kasih went to her nenek's house in shah alam, hbs ler dia kene cium, kene gigit.. mengamuk giler kasih.. dah ler penat.. kene gomol lagi..adushhh.. but good for her actually..mix around with cousins.. meet new faces.. papa n mama bought a new white dress for kasih, x sabo nk pakai masa ckr jambul yek.. but i dont think u look nice wearing all d girly2 things ni lah.. ni papa lah, brangan nak boy dulu..

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