About Me

Saturday, October 01, 2005

the arrival of kasih aleeya

these pics were taken after 2-3 hours after deliver my 'kenit'...:) weigh 3.4 kg..quite big for a baby girl huh!..pengsan mama dia...phewww.. but really2 worth it... Aleeya means 'yg tinggi', so Kasih Aleeya means kasih yang tinggi .. kononnyer lah...heheh.. panjang pun 54cm.. after 9 months carrying her here and there.. at last dpt tgk sendiri.. wahhh.. besshhh sgt...


  1. kak..xsangka masa 1st deliver akak cam tak kenal jerk..hehehe...tp maintain comell..heheh

  2. Kak time ni c-zer ker normal? Auuuwww baru nak bace cite lame-lame kak pilla.. hekhek. ;)
