About Me

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

i'm promoting my friend... click the link below!!!

Siler lah beramai2 kengkawan ku yg tersayang utk visit and purchase kat link tersebut di bawah ini... saya sebagai unpaid assistant tu miss Atta yg tersayang nie sgt2 bekobar2 utk mempromote beliau dan product2 beliau yg sangat stylo and very up-to-date.... FYI.. model product2 tersebut ialah kawan saya sendiri iaitu Cik Natra yg stylo..huaahahha.. (atta..jgn maki fillanie yer syg)..hahahahhaha... upload lebih sket leh?? we want more...we want more!!!!!! heheheh... aku mcm bekenan2 gak sumer nieh.. aku bli dpt discount tak? aku gi collect sendiri..hahahhaha... siler war2kan link kawan saya ni kat serata pelusuk donia yer... barang2 yg kawan saya jual ni very suitable for stylo2 people... yg mementingkan style dan gaya.. gaya itu keunggulan.. (hover ker aku promote?).. tp betul babe.. sgt cantek dan worth buying...



Kismas? wat per?.. haaa aku dah set my mind the day b4 kismas lagik..nak gi club cyber tu nak gi gym ker.. nak gi swimming ker.. yg penting ngn budak kecik tu arrr... leh plak Pak Radie gi klinik...mintak ubat fening fala... pastu dia allergy ngn ubat tuh... udah ler bengkak jik mata dier.. bukan bengkak sikit2... bengkak giler!!!!! dia siap mms gambo..tekejut mak!..hahahha...

pastu kan... Pak Radie balik umah aku kat dapo time tu... tetiba Acih leh tanyer papa dier... "tu saper tu?"... hahahahhaah..weihhh!! tu apak ko ler Acih...leh tanyer lagik!!! iyer lahhh..dah mata bengkak mcm tu...anak pon x kenal dah..hihihihi....

soknyer ngn mater yg bengkak lagi sket tuh..kami gi gak bawak acih gi swimming..heheheh.. sgt syiokkkkk....
kami main kat playground tepi swimming pool dulu sbb dia baru jek letak klorin.. dol tul..dah tau tu..awal2 pagi letak ler klorin..ni time ni baru nak buh!!!
Pak Radie sentiasa meng'cover' bijik mata dier... siler cover..sbb aku pon takot nak tgk..heheh..mcm biasa lahh... Acih akan dipaksa utk menyenap gambo mak ngn apak dier..heheheh..bravo!!
setelah begadoh2 ngn Acih kat umah... dia gak yg menang... sbb dia nak gak pakai swimming suit yg dah ketat giler nieh!! dah mcm sarung nangka okeh!
wowww weeeeee..fiwwwitttttt.... kua kakakkakakakakaka.... catwalk gitus..
waaa..happy gilers budak nie..sampai takmoh balik....
Acih lepas dah swim... saya sgt suker baju Acih tew...

hhohohohooo...Acih nyer 'tabung' lagi beso dari mak dier okeh!!!! pastu kami gi makan selepas kelaparan berendam kan.... rambut Acih tu mak dier baru jek trim..hehehehe... ok ok..nak mkn aper? cik Acih biasa amik2 order nie.... anak saya yg kekadang buat saya happy..kadang buat saya rasa mcm nak bunuh diri!!!len kali tolong jgn order icekim kalo takat kutip kacang jek dlm tuh!! order kacang jer ok Acih?balik tu kami round2 nak usha KRISTA tuh kat presint 9..ini kah?? OMG.. ini ker krista dier? i imagined mcm kat Subang nyer Krista... sgt gah.. ngn kaler purple lagik.. ni kalo x pasan mmg x nampak.. and u know what.. i did called this Krista this morning.. and the girl said the registration fees around rm1,300.. ha? my friend said kat Puchong dalam rm750.. sajer.. pastu the monthly fees will be around rm420... (full day incl. day care).. my friend yg kat Kembangan tu around rm350 sajer... ish ishhh... mak fening.. tp x per... i'm gonna take leave tomorrow and go to this krista for more details... erghhh erghhhh... then suddenly this budak kecik crying... aik? me and Pak Radie mcm pelik.. terus tanyer..'why Acih? naper?".. budak ni ckp "papa cakap school nie buruk!!!!!!!!! mana ada buruk.....".. hahahahha.. padan muker ko Pak Radie... dah tau anak jenis sensitip emo lebey... kutuk2 lagi... sbb dah ckp Acih nak masuk school nie... anak aku x leh terima hakikat org ckp dia buruk... atau aper2 yg berkaitan dia tu buruk..kuakakkakaka... dia ckp bedosa ckp buruk okeh!!!! pastu balik umah... salin baju.. gi teman Auntie Anny ada wedding kat P.16.. kami pegi betiga sajer... pas burp kat kenduri kawin... terus balik umah...

Wednesday, December 24, 2008


Hehehhe... ni very d fresh from oven pics.. hahah.. lunch time tadi me gi cyber coz my boss left his phone kat sini.. so he wanted me to send his phone kat cyber.. (our opis bukak satu kat sana).. waaa.. aku pon laju jek... drive gi saner.. then terus balik umah coz monsters wanna lepak2 at my house.. monster Atta coti panjang sbb got new offer kat Shah Alam and will start on 5th Jan.. byk ler masa dia melepaksss... monster Anny tgh attend client kat OldTown cyber.. cun gak tuh... while waiting for these monsters to come.. me pegi membuang aper yg patut dlm toilet.. pastu Atta call dah sampei... x sempat mak nak ckp mak dlm toilet... dia dah letak.. pastu memekak2 kat grill umah!!..
ingat nak plan coti jumaat nie.. (pa nanti ma gitau plan tu yer)..heheh matilah Pak Radie hangin.. ingat nak kuar membelai diri ngn budak dua ekor ni.. tp Atta nak gi singapore.. aku x kira.. ko tlg cancel plan singapore ko!!!! lama giler tak kuar together-gether.... bestnyer....

Lepak2.. then my 2nd monster dtg.. Anny ni x yah ckp ler... mmg dari azali kalo datang mcm nak pecah grill umah aku... bodo!... uihhhhhh cpt nyer masa berlalu.... baru jek borak dah kene masuk opis.. tp me got a reason to come late... (gi cyber)..huahhahahha... then i've to send Cik Atta ni gi Alamanda... Anny blah gi Shah Alam...

Huhuhuuu.. really miss the day when there were no time limit.. borak sampai pagi.. hu ha sana sini.. if u guys read this.. (emo sket).. aku windu arrr.. tp being us... mana leh tunjuk jiwang2 kan kan?.. hahahha... been together dari zaman kanak2 ribena... dari muker bodoh giler... dari gigi jongang dah jadik canteks giler...(hahahha)... dari zaman aku itam mcm dayang senandung.. sampai dah cerah sket arr..kuakkaka.. cerah ker?.. tp x leh lawan korang nyer putih ler..kata albino!!! mcm biasa dorang kalo dtg umah.. air gi amik sendiwi..nasib ada vitagen anak aku.. (atta's fav).. yg putih sajer... hahahha..
Anny, ko delete gambo ko yg aku snap eh??? cilakak tul... ko nak yg cun jek yer???? x per ko siap nanti... aku nk curik2 amik gambo ko.. nk tepek sini utk tatapan visitors aku..huahhaha.. owh... cik Atta nie ada online biz... tp aku luper dianyer link... jual baju.. konpem meletops! aku nak discount okeh!!! nanti leh laaa fillanie tepek link dier kat sini... tolonggg lahhh kawan saya ni nak jual baju... tolong beli okeh?...

Monster Natra a.k.a Atta..

dah select2 yg paling cun okeh.. hahahah.. cun ker?

naper letak tangan situ????? DON'T ASKKKKK!!!!!!

Sib baik kusi tu tutup dagu aku yg labuh itew...

lakonan perfect cik Atta tgh gayut tepon.. ces!!! dia ni lah yg psycho aku kata aku gemok pas banak dulu... biler tgk badan dia yg sekepeng.. terus bekobar2 nak kurus... (tp perut ttp glebeh..ces!)

anny tolong snap...

a'ah aku tau.. rambut aku mcm pompuan giler... (tlg bagi laluan)...


ooopsss sowiiii atta... ko tekepit..tp nampak muker kecik sket kan kalo tekepit??? hahaha..
yer yerr... aku tau.. dah cukup tegedik2 dah nie... dahhh jom blah..aku nk masuk opis....

Kasih & Mama went jogging...

Story 1
al-kisah..mak Acih tetiba rasa kegemukan yg melampau giler... hahah.. telah menjadi sgt lazy 2 d max... rasa mcm nak angkat kaki bejalan pon berat and slow jer mcm siput.. tp cuba kalo suh mak acih ni makan... leh gak ler dipertimbangkan nak masuk prog. 'believe it or not'.. aritu aku masak mihun goreng... 1 mangkuk beso utk 3 org makan tuh.. dgn slamber giler aku habiskan okeh.. Pak Radie makan 3 suap jek kot (noodles not in his fav. list..).. hahaaa.. aku kan sumer mender becanggah ngn Pak Radie.. aper aku suker.. sumer dia x suker..maka sbagai bini yg rajin memasak..haruslah aku masak ikut selera aku!! huahahah..kengkadang biler rasa insap jap..baru aku ikut tekak dier.. heheheheh.. org laki ni..kalo tanyer.. 'nak makan aper?'.. jawapan dia mesti.. 'ntah.. apa2lah'.. rasa nak sungkup jek ngn tudung piuk... susahnyer laaa nak gitau mkn aper.. cuba kalo aku.. perghhhh..konpem mcm2 aku order...
so demi mengamalkan gaya idop sihat... aku rela angkut Acih sekali gi jog.. hahahah.. Acih sgt excited.. gi store amik kasut dier.. siap amikkan kasut mak dier... heheheh.. ingat nak gi jog kat2 ngn dewan kat area umah tu... sbb situ ada tempat leh jogging pusing2.. so leh nampak Acih biler aku nak lari nanti... dah semangat waja nih... sekali tgk... ada budak2 laki peno men bola lak situ. aik??? sejak biler lak nieh?? so aku round2 ler dlm dewan serbaguna tuh.. waaa dorang tgh pasang barang kat gym... ok.. then aku gi tanyer kaunter.. mebi gym aku bukak bulan jan 2009.. harus aku gi situ bawak acih ptg2.hehhehe... jom layan gambo dulu....
giler tuh anak aku gi jog pakai skirt okeh!! hahah.. ni baju balik from nursery.. mls nak tukar..
sebelum besenam kene abiskan kopok dulu... pastu sebok nak tgk aeroplane...pastu sedikit bingit biler mama nak amik gambo dier.. waaa.. Acih dah leh arap snap gambo using phone..

waaaa..... sgt boleh harap lah... motip pala aku x der????? ok ok... nasib pandai plak lepas tu..hehehe...

jadinyer...smlm x der lah berjogging ker aper.. jogging2 manjer ngn acih jek kat sini...

Acih tetap mcm mak dier.. lari nyer sket jek..haus lebih!! hahah.. lari 5 langkah carik air..
pastu tonggang kopok dia bg habis... heheh... pastu aku ckp "cpt acih lari lagi.. kita gemok kan..nanti leh kurus".. hahahha.. dan2 tu dia pegang prot dia.. "Kacih kurus....".. huh??!!! kurusssss konon!!
muker eksyen x suker owang amik gambo.. eh smlm acih singkap baju Pak Radie.. pastu dia sound ngn muker tekejut "uihhhhhh.. ni perot ke apa? besa nye?"... hahahah.. suker2 ati dier jerk.... prot Pak Radie dia kata beso?.. abis prot aku ni aper???? tak pon ayat dier "uihhh.. ni pusat ke apa? besanyer"... huahahah...
ni kejadian 2 hari lepas time balik dari nursery... Acih jerit.. "mama.. tgk kete tu..ada Doraemon..cutenye".. then aku terus toleh.. waaa sempat snap gambo.... aku pon ckp "a'ah laa..comelnyer... Kasih nak ke kete kasih gambo ultraman mcm tu..cantik ke?"... kasih diam jek.. then aku tanyer lagi.. skali dia jawab.."mama.... tengok betul2.. tu bukan otomennnn..tu doraemon"... erghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.... asik nak kenekan aku jek sumer org dlm donia nieh!!!! ces.....

Story 2

ni gi alamanda ari ahad arituh... heheh.. budak ni.. memacam.. nak tu nak ni.... nak cing.. nak yak.. sumer arr.. tensi aku.. tp syok arr alamanda skang ni... big apple baru jek bukak next to starbucks tuh.. lagi nak aper? sumer ada okeh... (belagak giler aku nih).. hahahha..

uihhhh ni orang ker aper nieh???nachos adalah kegemaran saya jugak..lagik2 yg cheeze.. arghhh.. sgt sedap kat The Coast..tp sian aku tgk coast ni..mcm nak bankrupt jek.. meja yg aku dok pon dah senget..dah patah actually tapak bawah tu.. bengong!.. pastu x der org pon diri kat luar kedai.. ada ler 2 org jek staff dok dlm dok kat kaunter... bubuh ler loceng ker.. so biler ada customer nak tambah order ker.. kita 'tinggggg' jek dari luar.. abis takkan nak jerit???
masa Pak Radie bawak acih gi cing... lalu kat starbucks..dorang bagi ayaq free..sgt comel cup dier tuh..hahha.ngn straw pendek mcm kene kerat tuh.. auww.. one for me.. one for you... (jgn tanyer naper segala bag.. segala kain dok kat perot mcm tu...heheh..mak kan business kek lapis skang nih) sedap2 minum mcm tu... pastu si clumsy-filla ni telah menumpahkan ayaq tu kat bag..nasib x masuk dlm bag... hishhhhhh "aper pegang sumer jatuh"... ayat yg salu digunakan utk marah Acih... kini sesuai direfer kepada aku plak... yer yer...cukup ar dulu citer utk arini...

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Kepada Puan Jujue Lopez...

Thank you CPM sebab menge'tag' diriku... walopon memula ingatkan dirimu telah dengan selamber memaki-hamun diri ku di blog kamu..huahahhaha..ces!!! aku tekono...

Dear CPM,

I don't really know how to tell you this, but you're a pervert. I think I realized it when your dog ran amok in your closet and I saw you sit on my best friend. I'm sure you're middle-class enough to understand that Extreme Home Makeover sucks. I'm returning your ring to you, but I'll keep your neighbour Martin as a memory. You should also know that I always have felt dirty before a new life as a clone.Good luck on your short-term leave from jail,


Just fill in the blanks on top based on the answers you are gonna choose below:

1. What's the color of your shirt?

Blue - Our romance is overRed - Our affair is over

White - I'll join the monasteryBlack - I dislike you

Green - Our horoscope doesn't match

Grey - You're a pervert

Yellow - I'm selling myself

Pink - Your nostrils are insulting

Brown - The mafia wants you

No shirt - You're a loser

Other - I'm in love with your sister

2. Which is your birth month?

January - That night

February - Last year

March - When your dwarf bit me

April - When I tripped on sesame seeds

May - First of May

June - When you put cuffs on me

July - When I threw up

August - When I saw the shrunken head

September - When we skinny dipped

October - When I quoted Santa

November - When your dog ran amok

December - When I changed tennis shoes

3. Which food do you prefer?

Tacos - In your apartment

Pizza - In your camping car

Pasta - Outside of Chicago

Hamburgers - Under the bus

Salad - As you ate enchilada

Chicken - In your closet

Kebab - With Paris Hilton

Fish - In women's clothing

Sandwiches - At the Hare Krishna graduation

Lasagna - At the mental hospital

Hot dog - Under a state of trance

None of the above - With George Bush and his wife

4. What's the color of your socks?

Yellow - Hit onRed - Insult

Black - Ignore

Blue - Knock out

Purple - Pour syrup on

White - Carve your initials into

Grey - Pull the clothes off

Brown - Put leeches on

Orange - Castrate

Pink - Pull the toupee off

Barefoot - Sit on

Other - Drive out

5. What's the color of your underwear?

Black - My best friend

White - My father

Grey - Bill Clinton

Brown - My fart balloon

Purple - My mustard soufflé

Red - Donald Duck

Blue - My avocado plant

Yellow - My penpal in Ghana

Orange - My Kid Rock-collection

Pink - Manchester United's goalkeeper

None - My John F. Kennedy-statue

Other - The crazy monk

6. What do you prefer to watch on TV?

Scrubs - Man

O.C. - Emotional

One Tree Hill - Open

Heroes - Frostbitten

Lost - High

House - Scared

Simpsons - Cowardly

The news - Mongolic

Idol - Masochistic

Family Guy - Senile

Top Model - Middle-class

None of the above - Ashamed

7. Your mood right now?

Happy - How awful I've felt

Sad - How boring you are

Bored - That Santa doesn't exist

Angry - That your pimples are at the last stage

Depressed - That we're cousins

Excited - That there is no solution to this

Nervous - The middle-east

Worried - That your Honda sucks

Apathetic - That I did a sex-change

Ashamed - That I'm allergic to your hamster

Cuddly - That I get turned on by garbage men

Overjoyous - That I'm openOther - That Extreme Home Makeover sucks

8. What's the color of your walls in your bedroom?

White - Your ring

Yellow - Your love letters

Red - Your Darth Vader-poster

Black - Your tame stone

Blue - The couch cushions

Green - The pictures from LA

Orange - Your false teeth

Brown - Your contact book

Grey - Our matching snoopy-bibs

Purple - Your old lottery coupons

Pink - How awful I've felt

Other - Your memories from the military service

9. The first letter of your first name?

A/B - Your photo

C/D - The oil stocks

E/F - Your neighbour Martin

G/H - My virginity

I/J - The results of your blood-sample

K/L - Your left ear

M/N - Your suicide note

O/P - My common sense

Q/R - Your mom

S/T - Your collection of butterflies

U/V - Your criminal record

W/X - David's tricot outfits

Y/Z - Your grades from college

10. The last letter in your last name?

A/B - Hate your guts

C/D - Never will forget

E/F - Always wanted to break

G/H - Never openly mocked

I/J - Always have felt dirty before

K/L - Will tell the authorities about

M/N - Told in my confession today about

O/P - Was interviewed by the Times about

Q/R - Told my psychiatrist about

S/T - Get sick when I think of

U/V - Always will try to forget

W/X - Am better off without

Y/Z - Never liked

11. What do you prefer to drink?

Water- Our friendship

Beer - Senility

Soft drink - A new life as a clone

Soda - The incarnation as an eskimo

Milk - The apartment building

Wine - Cocaine abuse

Cider - A passionate interest for mice

Juice - Oprah Winfrey imitations

Mineral water - Embarrassing rash

Hot chocolate - Eggplant-fetishism

Whisky - To ruin the second world war

Other - To hate the Boston Celtics

12. To which country would you prefer to go on a vacation?

Thailand - Warm regards

USA - Best regards

England - Good luck on your short-term leave from jail

Spain - Go and drown yourself

China - Disgusting regards

Germany - With ease

Japan - Go burn

Greece - Your everlasting enemy

Australia - Greetings to your frog Leonard

Egypt - Fuck off now

France - In pain

and now... i'm tagging....jeng jeng jengg...





5.Lenny (walopon ko bepantang.. hahaha)

6.Ila (walopon x der internet kat ward)

6.Shila..(ko suker kan)..heheh

6. dan lain2 yg suker

Kejadian ngeri tapi comel...

  1. Tempat kejadian:Baby Gap KLCC
  2. Masa kejadian:Petang hari
  3. Tarikh kejadian:20 Disember 2008
  4. Mood Kasih:Excited giler
  5. Makan:Foodcourt KLCC (sizzling noodle for filla & lamb kebab for Pak Radie... (Acih ate her mom's noodle)
  6. Berjaya beli:MAC eyeshadow yg diidamkan oleh mak Acih tu... erm..... singlet gap utk acih (make sure yg ada less 40% okehhh)..hahaha.. topshop checked shirt & yellow top for mak acih lagi.... sekian... duit lebih tu utk membazir di esok hari...
  7. Kempunan:sangat kempunan nak makan kat Ampang Hometown Yong Tow Foo (setelah hampir 10 kali round kat area Ampang Point yg mcm bangang jer parking space dier.. )
  8. Tragedi:mak acih hampir tejatuh kat foodcourt klcc masa nak bli food.. lantai licin.. tp buat-buat kewl sambil mulut membebel marah sbb lantai tu basah!
  9. Niat:nak bli kan MIL kebab..tp she called and said she already prepare kari daging korban... so niat automatically cancel...
  10. Dahaga:before balik haus nak giler... so bli ice blended & lolipop for Acih..
  11. Kesihatan:lepas jek minum mocha tuh... prot sakit giler.. terus bawak Acih.. masuk toilet paling mencekik darah.. sbb harga dia RM2 per entry...
  12. Tragedi no. 2:masuk toilet ngan Acih.. it was my turn.. and asked Acih to turn back.. ok.. then Acih asked me.. 'mama.. busuk... ada org berak'....... hahahha.. 'ooo..mama berak eh?'.. shhhhhhhhhhhhhh... 'bukan mama.... org sebelah.. shhh.. ckp slow2 nanti org tu dengar'..
  13. Tragedi no.3:toilet mahal giler.. so byk product bodyshop kat toilet tu utk kita guna.. me usha2.. nampak face mist + vit E kot... waaahh.. i was so excited.. and read the instruction.. then just spray my face without closing my eyes... so damn stupid kan? tp sebelah ada org..so buat2 kewl.. pastu pedih giler mata..then i read again.. 'close your eyes and spray'... damn!!!
Gap Shoes.. so cute kan?? especially yg green and red itu.. model dier Kasih Aleeya...

wei ni kasut ker kapal layar.... beso..hahaha... Acih wanted to try all of them.. go ahead Acih!!
ni sgt comel...tp velvet material kan..so mcm susah nak jaga.... Acih try sajer.. x boleh beli okey!

Monday, December 22, 2008

bz weekend...

mmg sgt busy dan buat2 bz.. (itu biasa!!)..heheheh.. on saturday..pepagi dah cuci kain..dah sidai kain... pastu tgk tv jap... citer aper? tgk Mawi & Ekin akad nikah arrr.. per lagi?..heheh..
gitu... lek jer aku snap..mcm ada kat tempat kejadian plak.. auww.. me idok le fanatik sgt..biasa2 jek.. cuma biler tgk mawi time ni mcm suker plak..patut ler ramai org suker mawi.. sbb dia sgt confident.. sgt 'lelaki'.. doakan dorang bahagia selalu.. amin..
korang kenal saper si cantik manis nie? ni le noryn aziz..dia ni dak sekolah Pak Radie..tp nyer naper dia sgt cantek???? penah tgk dia in person gitew kat umah our friend.. rasa mcm nak tanyer eye liner aper dia pakai?.. sgt cantek.. dia sgt baik..x belagak giler!.. borak mcm kawan jer.. comel okeh.. baby face gitew... yer.. ni ler gambo sebenar..hahaha... kwn Pak Radie order mintak Pak Radie buatkan sbb dia nak bagi belated birthday present kat Noryn nie ha... yer siler bagi laluan utk cik Acih kiter nie..heheh... ni sumer tnjuk ajo dari apak dier... Pak Radie ckp nak korek idung kene tutup mcm nie..nanti malu org tgk.. so skarang..dpn mak ngn apak dier pon dia akan tutup mcm ni.. pastu sambil tanyer.. 'mama nampak tak?'.. heheheh.. sgt pemalu dan sopan anak dara aku..hehehehhe.. then kami pon kuar dari umah... gambo ni Acih tolong snap kan... tiap2 minggu kami akan angkut bag2 balik kampung... sbb family dkt2 sumer.. jadi kang nak elakkan prasaan mrajuk kenelah adil dan saksama... kejap blk sana..kejap balik sini... tp sblm balik kami ada hal... kami gi melawat ila dulu.... ila dah lama warded dah seminggu lebih kot.. tp byk sgt hal aku ni kan..sowii ila lambat visit ko... sbb ila kene warded plak..sbb dah ada contraction..tp doc tak bagi baby keluar dulu sbb lom cukup weeks utk baby keluar.. (pepandai jek aku ckp kalah doc...heheh).. ila.... aku x bagi tau org yg ko asyik pakai baju pink tu jer... ko risau eh sbb masa kengkawan dtg aritu ko pakai baju tu gak? x per... aku janji x bagi tau sesaper!!!!!! waaa... mesreeee nampak....auwwww.. mestilah mesre... nasib ada Pak Radie..kalo aku dtg sorang..konpem kita dok gossip sampai malam kan kan kan...
ila ni nak wat aper nie..ceh!!!

hehe..mcm berjanji lak pakai baju ijo2 nie..hehehe.. tgk syahmie...bambam mcm acih!!! heheh.. Acih awal2 dah ilang gi main kat playroom kat sepital ni ngn en. Poek..hehehe.. kami doakan ila selamat melahirkan baby yg sihat yer!!! syahmie jgn noti2 yer..nanti tolong mummy ok?..

kedian saya masuk topshop dan menerai baju tersebut di atas.. kata checked shirt nie so in-trend skang ni kan? so sajer lah tegedik2...
saya telah menerai yg ini jugak... dan telah tanpa byk soal memilih salah satu checked shirt tersebut.... hehehehe.. skang ni..mana jek fitting room x der acih? dia mesti nak ikut sibuk..pastu membebel2 kat dlm tu..eh..mama x malu.. nampak *tuttt* .. nampak niee.. nampak tu.. heee tensi okeh! pastu otw balik SA nampak kete kelisa nie...uwaaaaaaaaa aku emo... aku sensitip...aku rindu sgt.... sama x der apa yg berubah.... walopon dah 3rd hand dah... ni ler kete aku masa bujang dulu.... eh..lps kawin pon aku msh pakai lagik.... now dah jual dah owner ke3 dah... aku still salu nampak sbb org ni dok Shah Alam...owang bujang... so kadang tenampak gak!..