About Me

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Cheer-Up Acih!!!

suddenly fillanie mood x baper baik nk citer yang indah2 jer..heheh.. ni nak citer bab serious plak.. bukan aper..kadang2 kita ni telepas pandang gak benda2 yg kecik2 ni....benda yg kecik tu contohnyer hati dan prasaan anak kita yang umo baru 2thn setengah!!! hahahah..suspen jek bunyiknyer..hihihi...

peristiwa ni berlaku masa we went to genting past few weeks.. 'peristiwa' gitew!! haha.. mmg Acih really enjoy lah masa kat genting tu.. mak ngn bapak dia lagiklah enjoy..hehhe.. dah suka2 kat outdoor park tu..kami masuk ke indoor park plak.. fyi, Acih still free lagi..sbb dia kemetot..kira lepas lah line ketinggian yg masuk kene bayar tu.. lega makk.. then sambung citer balik... kat indoor park tu punyalah teruja Acih tgk byk giler menan2 horse lah car lah... so memula tu naiklah horse pusing2 tu.. (selingan jap)..ni bukan point citer nie..tp takper.. citer jer dulu..pastu masa naik horse tu..dukung lah acih..dia pon dok kat horse tu.. aku pon lek jer cari horse yg kosong sebelah acih..aku panjat gi duduk ala2 comel sebelah kasih..siap buat 'peace sign' kat pak radie suh amik gambo..sekali tetiba dorang stop kan menatang horse tu.. aku pelik arr..rupanya mak budak x leh naik horse tu yer...harap maklum!! kuakakkak..tebal tak muker aku? leh tahan arrr.. kuakakak..bodoh tul..buat ler muker x mengerti terus turun.. diri sebelah acih...hahahhah..mak maluuuuuuuuu...

(tgh menten...malu giler dow!)

Pastu nak naik car yg comel2 giler nie.. Acih pon lari2 lah excited nak naik car nie.. sbb masa kat kaunter ticket tu dia kat walaupon acih x der tiket..tp dia leh masuk allpark.. so oklah.. pastu masa Acih ngn friends nak naik.. org tu ckp ngn aku.. "cik, dia ni x leh masuk sbb dia tak der gelang tu"..aku pon ckp lah.."tp kat kaunter tiket kata boleh masuk allpark eventhough dia takder gelang..sbb dia still free lagi..x payah bayar!"..pastu org tu ngn muker blagak/letih.. ckp lagi.. "tak boleh..bukan sumer ride dlm indoorpark ni leh masuk..ada yg free ada yg u've to buy ticket"..Acih diri jer tegak..kawan2 dia sumer dah masuk dlm car.. pastu aku sound lah pak radie.. "pa, awak gi beli ticket utk naik car nie" ... so radie pon pegilah beli..8 hengget utk tu jer..x perlah tukan.. pastu dah beli..ok dia kasi lah masuk..tp aku x leh masuk kawasan pagar tu.. dia yg bawak acih masuk dlm car tu.. Acih senyap jer.. pastu org tu nak dukung dia lembik2 badan tak nak org tu dukung.. aku bajet Acih takut nie... lepas org tu dukung acih duduk sebelah Ieky..menatang tu pon jalan ler..comel sgt car tu.. tp Acih yg tak comel time nie! aku puaslah suruh dia buat peace..aku gelak2 kat luar tu..Acih diam jer.. car tu comel..laju plak tu..siap ada track mcm daki bukit tu..aku seram jek..buatnyer acih jatuh!..aku bajet mmg Acih takot ler..sbb tu dia senyap...

(nampak tak Acih was so sad time nie? tunduk jer..tgn pon letak kat mulut..huhu sedih aku!)

Dah habis naik tu..turun... aku pon tanyelah "best tak acih?" ... acih cakap 'tak best'.. pastu dia diam jer..moncong... alahai..sedihnyer aku time nie.. baru aku realised.. naper dia x enjoy.. mesti Acih malu... kawan2 dia happy2 jer naik car..dia mesti rasa tersisih..mesti dia fikir dlm ati..nape dia sorang jer x leh naik..pastu org tu argue lak ngn aku... merajuk ler Acih... padahal orang bukan marah dia... mesti dia maluuuu... lain lah mcm aku..kene halau turun dari kuda pon leh buat muker sadin..huahhahah..

(Acih diam jer.. x senyum langsung... dia pandang jer..pastu dia tak nak org yg jaga car ni dukung dia nak turun dari car tu)

so pengajaran dari citer nie... budak kecik lagi mudah tersentuh..they really have feelings..bukan kita jer orang tua yg leh terasa.. budak lagi faham.. jadi be careful when u're dealing with kids.. make sure jangan sampai anak kita malu depan org ramai.. tp that doesn't mean kita kene bagi muker sampai dia naik lemak!..

Monday, April 21, 2008

karaoke session..

i know it's not right to take EL just because u wanna have some fun with ur friends..*gulp*.. and sending your child at the nursery..pretending that 'mama has to go to work lah sayang'.. ya ampun!!! u dont know what i feel inside.. guilty ok!!.. but helllooo?! what's wrong with that.. gimme a break..i really need a break... plus i got greenlight from radie..so i did nothing wrong kan... ni sumer pasal budak 2 ekor ni lah!! the nite before, we went for futsal..pastu time lepak minum tu.. ada ler sekor yg tetiba bagi idea 'jom karaoke sok'.. 'fadilla, ko amik EL'.. ewahhhh... aku terus jer jawab...'eishhhhh..ko jangannnnn... ko jangannnnn'... last2.. 'ok aku set jer'...kuakakka..kalo tanduk waa sudah kua..abis arrr!!

tp it was fun.. well..as all of u know.. i'm so so so bad in singing kan?..hahah.. but.. hey.. this is not a competition.. i just wanna have fun with my friends.. hahaha.. best giler... anny nyanyi melekat2 kat dinding.. pastu they called me 'gangster cina'.. sbb nyanyi kaki naik atas..huahhaha.. aku malu sebenarnya!! hak tuiiii..pastu biler dah tak malu siap bangun nyanyi..mampus arr sedap ke tak ker... nyanyi lagu Ungu... walaweiiiii hantam sajerk... heheh..

aper nie wei? nyanyi ker bagi speech?

natra.... yo yo aahh jer ko yer..

me with natrame with anny..

atta pilih lagu.. tekan kuat sikit..kalo x leh ko baling jek remote tu kat dinding

pas dah abis time... lepak lak kat starbucks the curve..borak2 b4 baliks.. me came with atta.. and anny dok 'menipu para client'.. kunun2 ko ada kat maner? kepong? sentul?..hahah.. pastu ujan lak..kelam kelibut balik amik Acih..heheh.. sowi acih..i was late.. tinggal acih sowang kat nursery..pastu lek jerk dia tanyer aku.. 'mama pegi mana?'..(dia tgk mama pakai baju biasa)..hehe.. mama??? mama ada work sikit tadi..sowiii..huhu!!!!..

Friday, April 18, 2008

The lecturer that i hate!!!

jahat jer statement aku this time.. suddenly tingat kat my lecturer masa i was studying kat uitm shah alam dulu... the whole faculty of science secretaryship kenal saper dia..hahah... saper lagi kalo bukan Pn. Norma.. ya ampun..kalo ler dia terview my blog..boleh mati aku!!
she is the lecturer of economics subject.. and we have to take this subject in semester 4 (if i m not mistaken).. dgn rambut dia yg ala2 kembang mengerbang..fuh saper tak gerun? U tell me!.. i dont know why she really hate me..usually she will combind 2 classes so it will be about 60 students every lecture.. and everyone in the class knows that she doesnt like me.. i dont give a damn! Dah ko x suker aku nak wat camno? Aku plak bukan reti nak amik2 hati..
still remember one day, we have class at 11.00 till 12.00..it's a one hour class.. being me..i'm so lazy to attend the class..but if it's Pn. Norma's class..no excuses ok!.. so this one day.. aku semangat sgt nak attend her class.. me and my friend Che Are.. siap2 ler nak gi class.. (i never had a correct time-table fyi)..hehe.. just ask and follow my friends.. ok lah kan? So, i reached there 5 minutes before 11.00..(good student huh?).. heheh.. dgn slamber badak aku pon knocked the door.. and entered the class..but what surprised me.. Pn. Norma was already there.. and all the students pon ada.. dlm hati tu pelik gak? Eh? Budak2 ni lagi awal dari aku?.. bagi salam terus slamber duduk.. sumer diam.. tp aku pelik naper white board tu dah penuh ngn tulisan dia nieh?.. diam jerklah.. sekalinyer.. Pn. Norma yg terkenal ngn muker sinis nie.. terus ckp.. “u both see me after this..in my room!”.. aku dah tesenyap.. sekali tu baru aku tau..rupanyer kelas tu nak abis lagik 5minit..hahahha..pandai kan aku?
Pastu gi ler bilik pompuan hangin nie.. dia pon tanyer.. “tell me what's wrong with you” aku telan liur jer..hehhe..what she expected me to say? Aku pon jawabler tekemut2 tu..i'm sorry puan..i tot the class starts at 11.00.. pompuan hangin ni gelak sinisssss sungguh ok.. kecut2 prot aku ngadap pompuan nie...pastu dia tanyer lagi “what do you get in spm”..aku pon jawab ngn merendah dirinyer..'pangkat 1 puan...'.. dia cebik jer..(kuang hajaq nyer pompuan).. pastu dia tanyer “agregade?”.. aku pon ckp ler 'ngam2 jer 24'.. lagik ler dia cebik.. (cinabeng!).. pastu habis dia korek tanyer subject2 aku dpt aper.. aku pon ckp ler 'i'm very bad in reading subject and culcalation..that's why i'm not so good in economics'.. pastu dia tanyer lagik... 'do you have any discipline case in school?'.. aku geram arr!! aku jawab 'no!!.. i was a prefect in school and one of the AJK's!'...dia kenakan aku lagik.. 'i dont think so.. u create so many problems here..i think u have attitude problem'.. haaaa yg ni aku dah tak jawab.. aku diam jer.. ikut ati nk jer aku penampo pompuan nie..suker ati jer kan? Dahhhh habis satu kes...
second case
masa nie weekend ktorang ada ko-kurikulum mengemas kelas... so aku pon datang... ngn kobar2 nak membersih kelas nieh!.. pas mengemas mengemop bagai..aku pon keluar ler ngn mop nak simpan balik dlm dewan kuliah kat tingkat bawah.. mop tu basah.. so aku drag jerlah mop tu sepanjang jalan.. sekali pompuan meroyan nie nampak.. biar lah kan..aku bukan buat salah... sekali dia panggil aku lagik!..'fadilla, u come to my room after this'.. boley??????????.. aper lagik?.. aku angguk jer.. cinabeng tul..ada lagik nak carik pasal.. then aku pon gi lah.. ngn sopan tunduk jer..'yes puan?'.. dia jawab..'ok seat down'..aku pon dok.. dia tanyer 'u tell me.. what did u do just now?' aku jawab.. i clean the class-room.. dia tanyer “then why did u drag the wet mop”... aku mcm 'hahhh?'.. tekedu siott.. “the mop is wet, can't u just carry the mop? Why u drag it?”.. bodoh kan pompuan ni? Bukan nyer basah sampai leh banjir jalan tu..kang kene panas kering ler dol!! bukannyer cat..air jer...ya ampun!!.. nampak sangat dia tak suker aku kan? And i end up failed her subject.. me ok!! the only one!!! dalam 60 org tu aku sorang jer yg failed?..syabas mera beteh tul.. malu dow!! dah ler aku mmg bengap subject tu..tambah plak dia tak suker aku...
Sambung citer.. the next semester i pray to Allah..jangan ler dia lagik lecturer utk subject yg aku kene repeat tu.. sekali tgk..yerrrrrrrrr si pompuan meroyan ni lagik!! first day aku masuk class ni as repeater dia dah sengih sinis tu.. dia pon ckp “u, stand up and introduce yourself to the class..dont forget to tell them why u failed my subject”.. cilakak tak? Dah ler sumer tu junior jer.. malu makkk.. pastu aku pon bangun “i'm fadilla, the only repeater in this class.. i failed this subject because i didnt pay much attention when pn. Norma is teaching, and i really hope this semester i will pass this subject, tq”.. wahhhh..pompuan singa ni tepok tangan ok!! nak jer aku ckp i failed because u dont like me!!dalam ati aku menyumpah bekoyan2.. dia nyer benci kat aku nie.. sampai biler dia nak edar kertas ker aper ker..biler dia sampai kat meja aku..dia akan skip..boley? Dia tak bagi aku paper tu..sampai ler aku sendiri yg kene gi ngadap dia..mintak sendiri.. dia sakit jiwa lah aku rasa!..
sib baik 2nd time aku amik aku pass.. aku dah ampunkan dah pon pompuan nie..hahahhaha... kalo ler dia tebaca blog nie..awal2 aku mintak maap..tp aku mmg tak suker koooooo pompuan!!! huhuuuuu..sekian dulu...

Thursday, April 17, 2008

what is my kasih's latest achievement?

very good...mcm ni lah anak mama!!!buat lagi yer..aku swing gak kang!!

hohoooo... best kan?.. i'm so proud of u lah acih... so creative lah u... i like... i'm speechless lepas Acih buat nice drawing kat cermin kete tu.. i was talking on the phone time tu.. letak jer phone tgk aiyoh?!!!! nganga jeklah mulut aku.. Acih dok smile2.. ya ampun!!!! aper aku nak jawab kat pak radie nieh?... siap pakai crayon okeh?..sib baik boleh hilang sental ngn kain buh air sabun..tu pon pak radie bebel..kata mama acih ni x alert lah..cuai ler.. bla bla bla.....(aku gak yg kene!! cesss!!)
this is the smileeee...(after what she did!!!!!!) well.. what can i say?

Monday, April 14, 2008

digital camera...

Akhirnyer ada pon rezeki sikit nak pakai digital camera... dulu tu mama punyer so dah return balik kat dia.. pastu tak best! hahah jahat tak? sejak dah pakai dslr nie... leceh sikit..sbb berat and beso nak usung sana sini..so rasa2 mcm sgtlah penting ada digital camera yg comel mcm nie..so biler nak gi course or nak gi jalan2 sajer2 jer..x perlu lah nak usung nikon tu.. heheheh.. gipon mebi nak gi course 27hb nie.. pakcik radie ni x kasi bwk nikon tu..(aku pon x hingin nak angkut beso gedabaks tu)..
i love it so much... thank you pa sbb belikan camera nie..huhu..ingatkan nak share.. tp member mcm murah hati jek..aku diam jeklah..huhu... so lepas nie..x der lah gaduh2 aku suh dia angkut nikon tu..heheh..(kalau tak kene betekak dulu ok).. skrang ni lantaklah..dia tak moh bawak sudah...aku dah ada yg comel nie... disamping kelebihan camera nie.. dia anti shaking.. pastu ada lebih kurang 1 hour video utk record.. hehe... sonoknyer...
so fillanie dah boleh tido lena tanpa mengganggu pak radie lagik....hahahha

Wednesday, April 02, 2008

When Best Buddies Meet-up....

28 Mac 2008

Hehehhe..really looking forward to hang-out like this... i miss my old days with my great buddies.. Natra and Anny!!! i used to know Natra (middle) when i was in form 2.. lama dah..15years back... we were in same class untill form 3 if im not mistaken.. pastu naik form 4 we were seperated.. she took accountancy kot? me amik sastera.. tp still together..sbb we went for the same tuition class outside..hehe.. (tp melencong jek mkn cendol kat mamak!!)..

hehe..love this shot too.. walopon Natra ni blur..but sometimes dia 'geliga'..haha.. i know u well lah!huhu..
Yeah i admit that after i get married..we've no more time to hang around like we always do.. and now with Acih around..it's getting harder right? but no big deal..we still find time to meet up..and my Acih is so sporting kan? she knows auntie Anny coz auntie Anny bought her M&M's dulu..sampai muntah anak aku mkn coklat ok!! hahah... but i dont know why Acih is so sombong kat Natra..jarang jumpa mebi?.. hehhe..
the two of these monsters are still single..but Anny is no longer available..hahahha!!! Anny is a friend of mine yg rajin main futsal ngn fillanie..eventhough she only turns up 15 minutes before the game ends.. yerlah...owang bz ler katakan..huhuuu...
tgk muker monster sekor tu.. dia ingat dia cun ar buat mcm tu?.. tp ok ler..cun lagik.. apa lagi..carik lah boipren cpt.. This is Anny..i first met her at StarHill..She's a friend of Natra..Natra introduced me to Anny.. that time Anny was wearing shorts with scars kat betis..panjang giler..sbb jatuh motor ngn Natra..so x leh pakai jeans!! heheh... That was 11years back.. heheh... i still remember..

That's the story of us...it's great to have both of you in my life.. sbb everytime i need them..they'll alwiz there for me... thanks monsters!!!

Tuesday, April 01, 2008

what we had for dinner?

cendawan goreng tepung

1 packet of mushroom

1 egg (dipukul)

garam sikit jer

tepung ayam goreng adabi

(celup mushroom kat telur pastu golek2 kat tepung tu..and goreng sampai garing)

broccoli + fishball + carrot soup***Acih's choice...

(tumis bwng merah+putih..masukkan suku kiub ikan bilis...pastu buh air..dah mendidih..masukkan carrot..dah empuk....masukler segala2 sayur lain tu)

fried prawn
(gaul ngn garam + kunyit... goreng ngn minyak byk sikit**ni kalo tak reti leh ler pegi bunuh diri yer?)

these are the food that i cooked last nite for our simple dinner...tp kurengg sikit..sbb no sambal..huhu i cannot live without sambal.. (hahah..kuat pedas ok)..tp nak buat mcmana.. i've to consider tekak laki and tekak anak jugak..heheh..but this is my first time buat cendawan tu... nasib baik jadi..and the taste is ok..not bad... (sedap gak!!) hahah..malu nak puji diri sendiri..tp taste like chicken!! kalo rajin..leh ler bubuh aper2 lagi..herbs ker.. baru lagik sedap kot? tp mak malas..tak kosa..nak tgk citer Bella lagik!!..hahahah...

i love cooking.. tp ikut mood jugak.. kalo rajin..mmg rajin sgt..tp kalo malas..mintak ampun yer... jalan kaki gi food court lagik senang..hahahah.. lagi satu..kalo bulan puasa..huhuuuu..this is the time that i'll be 24hours in the kitchen..preparing as much lauk as i can... (yerlah..lapar kan? haruslah nak mencekik memacam!!)dari tengahari dah plan nak masak apa..hahaha... ok arr..penat membebel mcm mak nenek kat sini..blah....